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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If Jen Shah hadn't been nearly arrested at Beauty Lab, what would this season have given us? Lisa and her catchphrases? Meredith having a meltdown over Brooks/her marriage?

Without Mary to point out just how ridiculous Little Girl is, this episode would have been a bust. The racist one ran around looking for her moment of relevancy and threw a damn glass, and now I understand why Mary didn't deign to show up at reunion. That was some bullshit. 

And we all saw Heather point at Jennie and encourage her to make a scene, right? Then Heather and Little Girl stepped back and put on their best Kyle Richards faces of fake shock.

It reminded me of BH riding Puppygate to death while purposely avoiding talking about Mo, Tom and Dorit getting sued. How Jen Shah ducked that one all season, we will probably never know.

And to top it all off, we got to see two bulls covered in mud rutting. My eyes! This made Tamra & Eddie's infamous love scene look tasteful. 

That was a long season. My weave is exhausted. 

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Unfortunately exactly what we got. Jen being arrested should have had a bigger dynamic shift in the group but they barely focused on it. Mary was supposed to be the target going into the season and they kept to that script till the bitter end. Jen getting arrested was a big moment but it was barely a storyline. I think the BH wives did a better job at holding Erika accountable bc they asked questions and whether she wanted to answer it or not, she did and it wasnt brushed aside as if it wasnt currently happening

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I don't know if I can stand this SLC reunion. Like @Catsaid, this season has been long and exhausting. I'm ready to be done with SLC for a LONG time! Throw in the pictures of them on a five girl cast trip with no newbie, I just am not interested in what they have coming. They should've made episode 20 the finale. It had lots of fun bits and the final episode felt more like a Lost Footage episode. The ending with Jennie attacking Mary and everybody ignoring it was disturbing to watch. Then to see Lisa and Jennie still cheering about it on the after show made me feel even worse. I need Beverly Hills and Atlanta to return.

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IA! BH last season did a much better job of trying to hold Erika to account. Even though some of the cast tried to shield her and turn it against those asking the questions, it was clear that the news rocked the group to the core! Andy had no choice but to spend an entire reunion episode grilling Erika about the whole thing.

With SLC, it was like they thought Jen Shah is the center of the show and must be protected at all costs. IA with you that the plan was to get Mary since episode 1. They underestimated her popularity with a lot of the audience and how it looks to gang up against the lone black woman in order to deflect from someone else.

@Chris B Agreed. Time for a break. Last week would have been finr for a finale, but the producers were desperate to show the Jennie incident now that everyone knows Mary didn't show at reunion. And it was unedifying. Jennie was all hyped up in her VTs, she thought she was being really boss. Congrats on watching the after show, too - I couldn't!

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Oh, THAT was ALL STARS. lol.


Since I assume that Peacock being the primary person over Bravo, my tv system does not save the episode so I had to watch it live...or at least as live as I could get it. 


I...liked it.


The episode was Episode 3. And I liked the candor with which all (yes, even Ramona) talked. It was so refreshing different from their normal shows where there would be something edited out, or edited to be a certain way. It felt like girls chit-chatting the gossip...except this time the gossip was the fact there was no longer any fourth wall so you got to hear about EVERYTHING. 


Outside of interaction, I would say the most interesting drama was the rift growing between Cynthia and Kenya. I guess it shouldn't be surprising since Cynthia has always had issues with friendships, but I saw both points of views. That said...Kenya was just being Kenya. I feel like Cynthia...dare I say it...was looking for a moment. I mean...look at Melissa and Tre.


Speaking of them...Melissa and Teresa getting along? Did Hades freeze over? 


That was something else I loved about this show. Besides the mixing up of cast from other shows, I liked that people I could not stand on their respective shows...actually seem interesting and again dare I say...enjoyable. Melissa. Kyle. Okay, Ramona was still Ramona...for better or for worse. lol. But as usual she had her funny moments.


Lu stays being Lu.

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  And her flirting with that married man (and him flirting back)...scandalous!!!


Not sure if I'm be at the house when the next episode comes on, but totally watching. 





You know I saw Hills Have Eyes push that Racist onto Mary.   So distasteful. 

Yes, same. 


I hate to even give them credit since I tapped out after Part 1 of their last reunion, but even BH held EriFake accountable more than the girls did in SLC. It was sad cuz during the arrest, it looked like they would do more than the BH girls. And then...they just dropped it after the Pho lunch where Mary did what they ALL should have been doing...being honest and asking Jen the hard questions. On camera. 


Same. Outside of the clip online of Andy's letting the girls know Mary ain't coming and Meredith's honest reaction, I'm not sure if I want to sit through the reunion outside of part 1. Especially since a lot of the loglines sound like they will just talk about Mary for an episode and a half. 



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For those having connectivity issues this morning like moi.

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Good or bad, come reunion time Adriana will give you a show.  




Nice trailer. 

But he always looks that way.   And look at his tired a$$ yelling again. RME. 


I was shocked he got messy with the Queen of Mess aka Alexia. He usually treated her better on past reunions. 

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