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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I heard about Peter getting arrested! Even on the offseason, Alexia's family is delivering. 


I find it unfortunate about everything involving Peter. I think a lot of this stuff stems from pent up anger from his father, who was a big drug dealer in Miami to Frankie's accident. He needs extensive therapy. That man is damaged. 

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Yes, he is damaged, and angry. And he has issues with women (like Ben Affleck, he seems to blame them when things go wrong in his life). And he is clearly self-medicating, majorly. A bad combination.  He also low-key resents Alexia for having 'imposed' the task of looking after Frankie on the both of them. He never came to terms with the fact that Frankie needs constant supervision and day to day planning of his activities.  As Todd pointed out, Frankie needs to be out playing basketball and maximising his potential with a trusted group of people, not glued to his i-phone all day. Easier said than done, perhaps. It's easy to criticize Alexia, but I deeply admire her for wanting to take care of Frankie and have him live with her full time. She really loves him. I see Todd's point too, though. They need help, support, and therapy. He honestly wants what is best for the three of them. Even Peter. And even if it means coming down hard on Alexia.

Honestly, Alexia showing all this, warts and all, is really impressive. She's not hiding mistakes or trying to paint a sanitized picture of her life. I can't rave about this show enough: organic drama that treats the audience like adults and allows them to make up their own minds.


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Well quite a few Housewives are erratic, can form sentences that make no sense, have been known to be ignorant, and sadly can be racist. AND...?


But seriously...in regards to Mary...and why I myself like her...well for one, she has not changed from her First Season. Which is a plus right there in a season where everyone has been about alliances something I have brought up since this season begin @Gray Bunnyrather than the friend group they appeared to be in Season 1. Mary has always been kooky for the most part, but still showed enough common sense to stir the pot like in Season 1 with her feud with Jen...all done while she was safely in her closet BTW. And the real shocker was at the reunion where she came, she saw, she gave great observations, and she shaded as needed. A more coherent Mary, but at the same time she still put it all out there...for best or for worse. And even in Season 2...outside of her forgetting she said things...she has STILL be telling the truth about things she said...like the woman who had the car accident...THAT was true and not just her being kooky. You can find the post from it waaaaaay back in the thread.

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 She is an oddity, but she rarely says something that is not true. And even at the Pho dinner, she was doing and saying what WE ALL wanted to do or say about Jen and her arrest and spitting nothing, but truth in her confessional. 

But that again brings us back to her ability to not be able to articulate. Again, this is something I have also noticed. For the most part it has been fun since Season 1 how she does it. And I still laugh when I think of the phrase 'I smell hospital.' But that is something I do like about her. She has always reminded me of ShebySheree in her delusion about fashion and how good (or not) she is, but her ability to put foot in mouth has also been hilarious to watch. And she even brought a full grown feud to her with Jen due to her ability to not articulate. How can one not laugh because that is the definition of a petty feud...which HW shows used to be built upon. Now has it gotten her into hot water this season? Yes. Has she apologized for that comment? Yes...and as can be noted...moreso than OTHERS in her group who have done the same aka goose...gander. And as I've said before...I was happy Mary used a confessional to explain herself with the cartel comment which is what she was clealry trying to say. So I don't see why anyone can be upset when there is a reality show called CARTEL CREW on tv showing that very thing that she was trying to articulate about. Or are we picking and choosing when we as a 'verse' are going to be mad at someone making a mistake?


Which brings me to the racist comment. Well, it's been a long time since I watched the Season 1 finale. I remember Mary putting her foot in her mouth over the 7 11 comment, but not being so much racist as classist. If I am wrong, early apologies. Just like in the case of LeeAnne over on RHOD, I have a different perspective on this as well. So just like LeeAnne, I just see her as ignorant. While I would have preferred Jeannie had a one on one with Mary explaining her feelings on the 'slanted eyes' comment, it does not take away from the fact she did tell Mary about her feelings and Mary clearly did not get it...at first. But she did see she had offended someone so Mary did what a normal human being would do when they see they made someone upset and did not know it...Mary APOLOGIZED. The fact that people are treating her like she is Frankenstein and waving cyberpitchforks at her as if they did not watch this scene or her confessionals explaining the Mexican thug comment quite honestly is telling to me...moreso when said people do not even keep that same energy for HWs who have done worse...and are still on their shows. 


And then her backstory...which is full of oddities and questions. I honestly wished one of these girls would go and find Mary's mother to give us the tea. I just cannot believe that in the pursuit of taking Mary down due to the fact that for someone who is not all there she can gather them...a black woman...in Utah. I guess I could see by location why they would be pressed. Gives air of the South where I was raised. But like I said, I do come from a different perspective as a person, so I see Mary differently. 


And that was me speaking on Mary as a person. Now as a viewer watching Mary...well, outside of Jen...she has been giving all season. And even from her closet last season she was giving. She has been a typical Housewife. Mixing it up. Or not. She has shown her background. She has not been boring...the kiss of death...even in family scenes. Last season her rivalry with Jen was the best part of the show outside of the drama with Meredith. And this season...we have a whole arrest with actual evidence out there, and Mary's name is STILL on everybody's lips with only gossip keeping it going. Heck, we have papers with Erika Jayne's writing on it. And we might get Jen's writing on Season 3. But Mary...not a thing. Not to say it is not out there...but it would have been nice to see that unfold or a smoking gun of some sort rather than 'he said this' and he could be discredited as a disgruntled ex-member of a church. And lest we forget Mary...can and WILL read you like a sculpture. She stayed entertaining. and created so many gifs and memes.


But that's just my perspective on why I like Mary. I cannot speak for other people. I just hold that like for someone does not cause people here to think less of me for my like. In the land of Housewives, people's minds change so much so for all I know something will come out and I will be like 'naaah. can't like.' lol. But...time will tell. 


Oh speaking of... @Gray Bunny give me Ashley Darby over Little Girl any day.  Still love hearing your thoughts all the same even if we see things different. 

lol. That Seth is.

With Mary probably not coming back next season, I could see Little Girl being the next target.


lol. Very true. I don't even mind Emily and Gina stirring the pot. I do wonder if it will come back to bite them though.

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She is all those things. I don't necessarily have warm, fuzzy feelings for Mary, because she is not that kind of RH. She is grumpy, and she's not a ride-or-die for me like, say, Karen Huger is. Yes  she is inarticulate and problematic. 

Nevertheless, she is a unique character. As a slightly-crazed, hoarding, imperious church (cult?) leader, she is a throwback to those HWs we watched, like "What were they thinking coming on this show?" Why would she open herself up to the crazy scrutiny of Bravo?

And then there is her unpredictability. In a world where HWs assess audience reaction and try to win mould their performance to try and win us over, Mary has few sh!ts to give. Even with her problematic attitude (I'm not sure she actually means to be racist at times, but ignorance is no excuse), you never are quite sure how she will react next. I really enjoy this aspect as a viewer, and it keeps the other women on their toes.

Just when you think she can barely articulate for herself, we get a S1 Reunion episode where she lays out with clarity her feelings and the problems she has with others. Even in this last episode. she told Lisa Barlow she was untrustworthy and a liar, and TBH No Lies Detected there.

She can see clearly what is going on, including the machinations of Baby-Voice Whitney and Second Cousin Once Removed Heather, who decided to pin on Mary the totally baseless speculation that she called the Feds on Jen Shah. And if she did, who cares? Jen Shah is a crook who just took her mom's retirement money to 'pay the lawyers.' Mary knows a gang-up when she sees it, and Meredith not having her back on Twitter last Sunday must have confirmed that there are no fixed alliances, and she can trust nobody. I was looking forward to her epically raging on all the women at Reunion.

I am disappointed she chickened out of Reunion, because Mary could have taken them all on. IMO Grandpappy told her not to go, to protect Faith Temple which is already under scrutiny. Maybe the rumor that she had an affair with Cameron also stayed her hand.

But Teresa Giudice, weeks away from prison, still showed up at hers and has never missed one -- even when there were four other women going after her like pitballs. Even Erika showed up for her overwrought Grand Performance  I feel like not showing up at reunion is as good as an admittance of guilt (or in Jacqueline Laurita's case, a misplaced, narcissistic, melodramatic attempt at overshadowing the show, which completely failed). 

And just like Jacqueline Laurita, Mary could still be back next season on SLC, if she uses the Covid excuse or something like that.


@Gray Bunny LOL AUNT LYDIA!!

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Full disclosure: couldn't make it past S1 of this show, because it give me such agita (as OC Gina would say). But I do remember being electrified by the actress who played Aunt Lydia every time she appeared on screen!

(In the case of Lisa Barlow, I called her Utah Lydia, because she reminded me of Lydia on RHOMelbourne, Housewives' most airhead villainess).

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Porsha pulled a similar stunt during last season's Bolo episode where she refused to do a VT or talk about the night.

This is what happens when you coddle someone, tell them you are going to make them your face of the network, rehabilitate their shaky image, etc. Next thing, the 'star' begins believing their own hype. They don't actually change their behavior, they just expect more people to cover it up.

I imagine Porsha refusing to return to RHOA hardened Bravo's attitude towards her. It doesn't sound like members of Porsha's own family were buying what she was selling, either.

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Once again, Kenya has been vindicated.

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She told everyone about Porsha for the longest and no one listened. For years, Porsha has been known to try to control the narrative and would spiral out of control when she didn't. From divorcing Kordell to lesbian-gate to Bolo-gate... I do love that Porsha's family (preferably Liz, Londie, and Lauren) call her out on her sh-t. And last night's episode further demolished Porsha's image with the RHOA fandom. Bravo built the monster and now they are destroying her. When production popped up on screen and called Porsha out, I knew it was over. That Bravo protection is LONG gone. 


Moving on to SLC, I continue to stand firm on Jen's side. I don't get Meredith's dislike for Jen. Never have. Brooks, her GROWN son, waged war with Jen and couldn't follow through. Jen apologized and they moved on. If Jen committed heinous crimes then that is on JEN. That has nothing to do with Meredith. And I do feel like Meredith/Mary had something to do with the FBI, but in turn, it is coming back to bite them. They overplayed their hand and it is coming back to bite them. For the most part, Jen has been under the radar with the audience. Those two did everything to attempt to ice Jen out and failed. Now look how the tides have turned--Mary walked (as the tides were turning on her instead), and Meredith is left holding everything. 


I also find Meredith/Seth weird. That marriage was hitting the skids last year and now they are all in love? Bullsh-t. It is just forced. And Seth salivating over Whitney's cleavage is gross and disrespectful. And Justin not saying anything is weird to me. 

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Exactly this -- Bravo created a monster. The hype went to her head. And you are so right about a pattern of behavior with Porsha where, unable to deal with anyone deviating from her narrative, she completely loses her sh!t.

As soon as Porsha landed a big-name agent and left her job at Dish Nation, I knew she was going to dump RHOA and try and transition to 'bigger and better things.' And maybe she is. Or was. I wonder how her book is doing.

Bravo must have been pissed that its investment in Porsha was not happening on the network's terms and that she was refusing to do OG RHOA. I imagine a season 2 of Porsha's Family Matters is now equally unlikely from Porsha's perspective.

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Porsha speaks 

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 (and then deleted)

So she wishes the cameras had captured more? More of her grabbing Bravo tech equipment and trying to throw it at people? More of her hitting a production assistant in the face? More of Simon trying to physically restrain her?

"...physical violence is never okay, especially when a man is causing physical harm to women. That is something we are too desensitized as a society." 

She wanted to silence her family "to protect Dennis." 

Shading Dennis's mom as an 'elder.' LOL. OK.

And she ends with some Classic Kyle Richards about moving forwards and let's never mention this again.

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