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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Found the article -- RealityTea by way of PEOPLE magazine, from Brandi's own mouth!




The PEOPLE vid:  http://people.com/videos/why-lisa-vanderpump-turned-down-em-rhobh-em-costar-brandi-glanville-on-a-business-deal-20901404/


"Lisa’s reason, according to Brandi: “She just wants to keep business business and pleasure pleasure.” " 

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Season 4, as you know, was when LVP was building PUMP, and that's when Brandi got upset about Scheana. But I always thought it was more than Scheana that prompted Brandi to go mad-dog on the Vanderpump-Todds. 


Btw I stand by my statement that LVP probably realised Brandi did not have mega $$$$$ to invest and prob wanted freebee drinks every night for her and her posse. 




So, was OC any good tonight? 


I have to give it to LeeAnne. She will do WHATEVER IT EFFING TAKES to get this show off the ground! Even if it means hot dog costumes for her and her poor, tortured pet.


All the women have the most plucked eyebrows of any RH franchise. It is very noticeable on Stephanie, Brandi, LeeAnne and Cary.


I kind of don't care about this Brandi-Stephanie fallout because it is unclear exactly why Brandi  has fallen out with her BFF. Having said that, I am starting to see the fakery in Stephanie. I never did before.


I know she's despised but I really enjoy Cary. She has a dry sense of humor and, even though Mark is clearly in denial about his true calling in life, they both seem happy with each other so who cares? Her daughter is adorable. I also appreciate that Cary hasn't given up her job as surgical nurse for this show. I do think shady Cary made that comment about LeeAnne to Stephanie, though.


Kameron -- I'm over the pink dog food.


Tammy Faye Bakker is BACK! But as someone who works in a family business, I 100% understand where D'Andra is coming from. The product may need some updating, and the way to advertise and distribute DEFINITELY needs an overhaul. Web business is so important, especially for supplements.

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Brooks' cancer scam continues to hang over this season of the OC and the women's relationships. Do any of you now believe that Vicki was in on the scam? Maybe even from the beginning? Or do you think she was blindsided and unfairly blamed by Tamra/Shannon?

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I think over time she found out...felt humiliated and didn't want to admit she was wrong.


I think the show is veering into Lake Bass territory And the only resolution will be to clean house for season 13...and I think it's time Vicki needs to take a break.  



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I've always felt Vicki found out midway, panicked, and had to keep playing along b/c she didn't wanna be made a villain or fool. Instead of coming clean instantly that Brooks made a fool out of her, which would've made her a victim even more, she continued the lie b/c she hates to be alone. Vicki is a co-dependent personality. Her greatest fear is dying alone. Until Vicki conquers that fear, she is gonna continue to be a mess. I don't think that relationship with Steve is gonna be any better either. It's cute right now, but it is gonna spiral into a mess too. 


I agree too that unless they clean house with this show, we're gonna hear cancer-gate to the very end of time. IMO, I think that removing Vicki AND Tamra will be the solution to the problem. MegaNeck can go too. While Shannon is deeply involved too, we need someone to be the new center of the show and as crazy as it sounds, Shannon might need to be it.


Keep Shannon and Kelly and dump the rest. I'd suggest bringing back Jeana too to soften the blow over the loss of Vicki. Make her the new heart of the show. I'd bring back Lizzie for the simple fact that she was the total pack of what this show needed: a cute, classy, bubbly, intelligent woman with a handsome, rich husband and adorable kids. Also, Lizzie was not scared of confrontation. Bravo then needs to seek out 3-4 new women (preferably a group of friends) and blend the 2 together.

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Tamra and Vicki are the stars of the shows and its anchors. I dont think it can work if you get rid of both of them at once. Its too bad Vicki spread that rumor that Eddie was gay bc that was unforgiveable and really not something you can come back from. She completely changed the dynamic of their relationship and the show with that and it cant be repaired. There's no coming back from it

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@Soaplovers @Nothin'ButAttitude Interesting that you both thought Vicki found out in the middle of the season and basically tried to pull a Nixonian cover-up job. When I originally watched S10, I was convinced that Vicki believed Brooks had cancer right until the end and her "nailed on the cross like Jesus was" speech. It was only when Reunion started that I thought "She knows now." But today in hindsight, it is obvious that when she presented those fake medical documents to Tamra, it was a messy clean-up job. The fact that she didn't kick that gross turd out of her life as soon as she found out is stupefying.


100% agree that Vicki's inability to be alone is a major flaw. She constantly admits to her own neediness, but I wish she would do more to deal with it in therapy. It has left her personal life, her business and her family in tatters.


Wow, you advocate cleaning house, huh. Actually, I wish they would. The rot definitely has set in. However, RHoNY S5 frightened Bravo producers forever with regards to major purges (I don't understand why. Were ratings really that bad?). I would guess that Vicki will be gone after this season but Tamra will remain for S13 because she has allied herself with Shannon and made up with Kelly.



Agreed that they wouldn't fire both at once. Not sure the Eddie is gay rumor is that big a deal as Tamra herself has acknowledged that it has been around since the dawn of time and she doesn't care. It was more an excuse for Tamra to let her anger explode re: Vicki pretending cancergate never happened. Tamra despised (and was right about) Crooks, and never forgave that Vicki chose him over her (unlike Tamra, who chose Vicki and the show over Simon).


I agree that there is no coming back from S10 and S11, and the show is hurting as a result.

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The issue so much the rumor but that Vicki spread it and put it out there on tv. I cant see Eddie ever being cool with Vicki after that. Hetero (and closeted gay men) who aren't as confident with their masculinity take that very personal and view it as an attack. Tamra is going to stand by her husband, as she should and if he doesnt want anything to do with Vicki than that means she and Tamra are done. Thats just how it has to be. Its going to affect her marriage if she goes back to being friends with Vicki. Likewise, its why Vicki and Shannon are done. The only way any of these friendships could be repaired is if the women divorce their men

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Someone posted on a different board that Andy Cohen kept Vicki on the show after season 10 to redeem her and see if she could win back favors with the others.  I could see his reasoning but after she again blew it in season 11...he should have cut ties with Vicki.  If he and the show fired Gretchen for making up the proposal and not owning her part in things then certainly Vicki should be fired (im not even a fan of Gretchen, but I can see the double standard at work).

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Personally, I don't think Eddie is gay, and he is pretty confident in his masculinity but, as you say, it was intended as an attack on Tamra and that's prob why he wouldn't want anything to do with her. Tbh, Eddie was already done with Vicki around S8. By S9 he was showing her the finger at dinner parties and urging Tamra to stay away from her.


Yeah, the Shannon friendship will never be repaired. Even though it was a matter of public record! David hates Vicki.



Kind of like LVP should never acknowledge the crown, so Vicki should never have told Shannon to "Get off MY show!" It was hilarious at the time because Shannon was such a self-righteous whiner during reunion, but in hindsight it highlighted how precarious Vicki's situation is, rather than the opposite.


Yeah, Gretchen was fired for less, though at the time I was ready for her and her fake Slade SLs to go. Technically, Andy and Bravo should have fired Vicki after the solo interviews where Brooks admitted to the scam and Vicki couldn't give a straight answer on when she found out. At the time I felt she was badly treated by Brooks and the three witches and that's why I wanted her to return but now... I'm not so sure it was a good idea. She spent S11 sweeping everything under the carpet.

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Vicki didn't start the "Eddie is gay rumors" though. Fans on Twitter have been saying that since he popped up back in s7. A story about him being adopted as a grown by some old grown man and taking his last name (if I am right) is the reason why people drew conclusions that Eddie could be gay. I do think that Eddie prefers the company of men (i.e. David for one) over Tamra. I do believe that he and TamRat are a marriage of convenience--just a business deal. Every scene of Eddie/TamRat consists of him being passive-aggressive towards him and slyly insulting her. When he tries to be loving, it is forced. I feel like the only time we see David be his true self and light up is when he is with David. Eddie is just like Brooks--a con man and a user. He's just slicker than Brooks was. 


I don't see Andy ever firing Vicki. If she goes, it'll be on her own terms.


I think that Bravo needs to get over their worries about getting rid of TamRat and Vicki. What happened to NYC was one instance, and looking back at it, it was the right choice. Had the show kept the cast from s4, it would've been a toxic mess like NJ is now. Now NYC is creme de la creme of the housewives. We lost NeNe as the anchor on RHOA for 2 seasons, and the show did fine. The only reason those seasons fell flat was b/c of casting choices and the need of new blood. If the OC alleviates us of Tamra and Vicki, and finds a plethora of new housewives with chaotic lives, the show will be fine. I feel the same about BH now too. If this season doesn't blow me away, then I feel that LVP and Kyle need to go too. I've been saying that LVP needs to stick to Vanderpump Rules and doing other cute spinoffs with her businesses; she doesn't need Beverly Hills housewives anymore. 


I think most fans would be content with dropping both Vicki and Tamra as people are tired of the toxic relationship between them. Tamra bring nothing to the show, but stirs drama. Vicki is too much of a mess now that it is unbearable to watch. Both of them need to go. 

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Vicki didn't make it up but she put it on tv and made it a storyline when she used Kelly to attack Tamra's marriage. As long as Tamra is married to Eddie, she can never be friends with Vicki. It doesn't matter that Vicki wasn't the one that made the rumor up. She was spreading it which is still bad in and of itself. It's not like NJ where they are still family so have a reason go get along. Tamra can easily drop Vicki and not look back 

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