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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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PREACH. And she's so powerful BTS and so abrasive and Cujo-like that this isn't a 'fun rivalry' for the show, it becomes an absolute show killer. Like watching a bull terrier maul a chihuahua to death.




lol at the end of S1, do you remember they invited all the HWs and kids together for dinner? Silex's little angels, Johan and François, terrorised Ramona and the adults with their screams, I suspect every NY HW now has a clause in their contract about this.

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Much as there was a lack of defined storylines (aside from Luann) I really enjoyed this season of NYC - it was light and fun and had some decent dramatic moments based on actual conflict between the women, not dreamt up shade. 


It's clear that Bethenny is not letting this show actually know what's going on in her life. She is giving a sanitized version of things and doing damage control after last season. In some respects I think she succeeded. 


Luann and Dorinda were the MVPs this season. I can't imagine the show without them. Dorinda just adds some kind of credibility to this franchise and she throws down with the best of them. 


I also agree that this was Carole's best season in a long time - not trashing Luann did wonders for her. 


Sonja had a mixed season when it comes to Tinsley. I think Tinsley is annoying, immature and a storyline dud, so I can appreciate Sonja's disdain for her. At the same time, Sonja came off bitter and jealous and that's not a good look for her. But Sonja can be very amusing and great comic relief. I really think a gripping storyline for Sonja would be about ridding herself of that townhouse, selling it and buying a new cute apartment. And going to therapy and generally cleaning up her life. I feel there is such potential with Sonja but she needs an Iyanla Fix My Life style intervention. 


Ramona is the one who had the least going on. She won't show her dating life on TV, it doesn't seem like she works anymore, so all she had was a chemical peel and several breakdowns while putting her foot in her mouth. I'm not saying she shouldn't return, but she needs to get a life. 


Next season I need to see all the fallout from Luann's divorce - but what I really need to see is Luann get her groove back. 


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ITA. This was a great season for NYC. I felt there were plenty of different situations that brought the drama. Fortunately, no single event swallowed up the show (i.e. Brooks' fake cancer, PantyGate).


I feel sorry for Bethenny. She doesn't have any friends AT ALL (not even fake friends). I really enjoy when she interacts with Ramona and LuAnne because they've known her since Day 1, before the big money, and don't really need or buy the big act. Kinda like how your childhood friends will always be your childhood friends even if they go on to be the President. 


I'm rambling...but she should have a Gayle to her Oprah. O has said many times Gayle keeps her grounded and isn't fazed or starstruck by the whole OPRAH!! persona.

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Not shocked at all. 


It always came off that Adam was more into Carole than she was into him. I still think she got with him to f-ck with Luann a bit. 


They are on 2 different wavelengths of life though. As Carole always pointed out, Adam is young and wants kids & marriage. Carole, on the other hand, is past all of that and just wants life w/o restrictions. 



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Tamra is one sneaky broad. It is apparent that she is only playing nice with Kelly b/c she wants to weaponize her later against Vicki. Nice that Vicki already sees this and called it out tonight. Hopefully, Kelly is privy and savvy enough to not allow Tamra to play her. 


Moving on, I am over MegaNeck. She flip flops too much for me. One second, she is nice to Vicki, and the next she is dogging her behind her back. Meghan is the worst; her obsession with Vicki is stupid, old, & tired. So what if Vicki was in cahoots with Brooks? Who are you to judge? I find it odd too that she can judge Vicki, BUT does she call Shannon or Tamra out about their shenanigans? Why is she friends with them? Shannon tried to get Kelly to drink last season against her wishes. Tamra tried pushing her skeevy son on poor Gretchen without her consent while trying getting Gretchen drunk... None of these three women (Vicki/Shannon/TamRat) are saints. 


Lastly, Tamra talking about Vicki being a disgusting human being for bringing up folks families is hilarious.


Ain't this the same b-tch that tried bringing Slade's ex on the show? 

Ain't this the same b-tch that brought up Slade's child support on the show?

Ain't this the same b-tch that brought up Alexis' child almost falling in the pool in a stroller?

Ain't this the same b-tch that brought up Lizzie's son, who was mere child having a tantrum, punching her?


It is OK for Tamra to bring up folks families, but when someone does it to her, they are gross. Tamra is full of crap. 




Good premiere. A nice nod to old school housewives where we had a nice blend of drama and meeting/reacquainting ourselves with their families. 


I love Leanne. She might be nutty as squirrel sh-t, but she owns who she is. For that, I can't hate her. I do think that my two gripe with her tonight were: 1. Repeating what Brandi told her in confidence after Brandi asked her not too, and 2. acting like a guard dog for Brandi. It wasn't necessary. Brandi is a big girl with tons of mouth. 


Moving on to Cary, I think she's sneaky and projecting her own flaws on Leanne. The meddling that she accused Leanne of doing is something that she is doing herself. Cary, much like Leanne, is wedged between Stephanie and Brandi. I also think that she is looking for anything (like Stephanie) to discredit and take Leanne down. 


Stephanie... her pristine facade is gonna be shattered this year. I can see it coming. I've never bought her innocence, but I think the general audience is gonna grow to see it too. I believe everything that Brandi said about Stephanie and can see her doing it. Stephanie does have this air about her where she does feel superiority to everyone. 


Brandi is OK, thus far. I am on her side, but I do feel like it is obvious she is using Leanne to fill the void of Stephanie until otherwise. I hope I am wrong and that she genuinely has grown to like Leanne. I think if she doesn't, she is gonna break Leanne's heart, as Leanne is obviously one that loves hard. 


Kameron and D'Andra are good additions. They totally bring wealth to the show, and elevate it a lot. With Kameron though, I am gonna need her to drop the Elle Woods shtick. It was cute tonight. Come episode 4, I am gonna be over it. D'Andra, on the other hand, give me a Scarlett O'Hara, southern belle/socialite aura that I am here for. I think she is gonna be the most interesting one of the two rookies. I like (too) that she is the one with money and not her husband. It is somewhat refreshing. I also like that she wants to work to maintain her fortune, and that her mom keeps her grounded. I hope more of that dynamic is explored more throughout the season. 


I do miss Tiffany though. Her presence is missed. I know she is gonna pop up during the season, but I hope she returns full-time next season. I enjoyed her fiery friendship and undying loyalty to Leanne. 


This might pan out to be a good 2nd season for Dallas like Potomac and Miami had. Hopefully, if the show gets a 3rd season, Bravo doesn't dismantle the show by retooling the show too much. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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@Nothin'ButAttitude OK, you are making me want to watch Dallas more than OC!


OC is a chore. All the good stuff appears to be happening off camera (like Tamra's fight with Sidney, or that BJ allegation). The problem is also Vicki and Shannon/Tamra's refusal to film with one another. This leaves anyone not called "Shannon," "Tamra" or "Victoria" running between the two sides like minions. In fact, that is Kelly Dodd's actual job description this year. I'm not that keen on Vicki either at the moment. And of course Tamra is trash, but all she has to do is bring up her Chrishun Pasture and her chirrun, and she will have a certain segment of the audience eating out of her hand. Religion + motherhood = the great white-washer!


I have no clue what Lydia and Peggy are supposed to be doing in all this. I've seen rocks act more excitingly. Not to agree with Shannon, but I sort of wish Heather was back instead of those two.


Speaking of Shannon




when you spoke about 'Meganeck,' for one awful second, I thought you were talking about Batgirl (above) !


I am over Meghan who has reverted back to her S10 "Scrappy Doo lectures everybody about charity and family and cancer" persona. She stays trying to bait and is hopelessly arrogant -- hopelessly because what has she got to be arrogant about? Yes, her baby is adorable, but Jimmy clearly cannot stand her flat ass. 

Edited by Cat
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I disagree! I still love OC. It's a slow build but more organic than the others. I like that they aren't all always filming together. I don't need forced fake dinners in every episode for drama. I much prefer it this way however unpopular it may be. I also love Lydia and Peggy as well. Their family scenes work for me and their interactions as well. It's a shame Peggy probably won't stick around because I LOVE her. She's funny and different and I love how she is so quick to shut down their petty nonsense, which is clearly why they hate her. I can't wait til the drama really starts with her. 

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I can't either! 

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It's not that I enjoy the fake, toxic stuff where they are thrown together all the time. IMO that was a problem with NYC this season.  I do enjoy the organic stuff where they do their own thing. In fact, RHOC under Scott Dunlop's production excelled at this in the first six seasons of the show. We saw all the ladies dealing with work and families, and these were running stories through the season. Tamra and Simon Barney even screamed "DIVORCE!" on camera in the back of a limo!


By contrast, this and the last episode felt like strictly filler for me. Vicki moving office is hardly scintillating. Is this the way it is going to be all the way through to episode 16 when they are finally forced together on a cast trip? Isolated and yet unable to do anything organically except incessantly b!tch about each other? Peggy, bless her, looks so confused because she barely knows these women and they barely care about getting to know her. It is all about V vs S/T.

Edited by Cat
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