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This was clearly the filler episode of the 4 part reunion, but it had its strong and insightful moments.


One moment that struck a cord with me was how the women showed compassion for Sheree's abuse, which would not've came to light had she not faked this attempted reunion with Bob, but showed none to Kenya. Abuse is abuse. Either pity both or pity neither. Both women were using Bob & Matt, who are both scum, for stories. It just weirded me out how these women felt pity for only Sheree. Just shows how inconsistent this group can be. 


Other than that, the rest of the reunion was pretty boring. It was hilarious though when Kenya finally called Phaedra out about her rehearsed, tired reads. I've never thought that Phaedra was a read queen. Nene? Hell yes. Claudia? Hell yes. Sheree? At times, yes. Kenya? At times, yes. Marlo? At times, yes. Phaedra? Nope. At least not in recent seasons. The last time I'd give Phaedra props for reading was back in s5 when she & Kenya were hilariously taking shots at each other at the reunion. Ever since then, nope. 


Here's two sneak peeks from next week:

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Give Shamea a peach if she's gonna keep coming for Phelony!




God, Gizelle is a hater. Let it go, sis. Monique is young, pretty, and has a man with money; however, if Gizelle knew the hell that Monique is getting from her mother-in-law, she'd see her life isn't so glamorous. 


Ashley is messy as hell. Bringing up seeing Eddie was not that serious. Ashley was acting like she saw Jesus. 


Also, is Dr. Jeff on Bravo's payroll now? Where will he land next? New Jersey? New York? Beverly Hills? 


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I actually think Rinna has a point. Kim can lie and say she didn't want to be on the show that day but we all know that's nonsense. We also all know that Kim is sick and a mean person. Rinna is a whack job, but she doesn't have the basic mean streak that Kim does.


Where Rinna faulted is not admitting it's a symbiotic relationship - they need each other (and Eileen needs them) to stay on the show. 


I love the look LVP had when Kyle said she and Kim were the first two on the show. Andy himself has said LVP was the first cast and the reason it got greenlit. 

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Im a Rinna fan but she's completely turned me off in terms of this nonexistant feud. She's made me side with Kim, which I dont like to do. Rinna's problem is that she's written a script in her head which Kim isnt acting out but instead of readjusting and rewriting the plot, she continues with failed storyline just like all hack writers from cancelled soap operas  in recent history.  Kyle said it best in that she's done nothing but only make herself look stupid. 

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That won't happen. She swore tonight on the reunion that she'd never bring Kim up again. I doubt it. Once her story runs dry early in the season next her, she and Eileen will be back to bringing up Kim again. 


Speaking of the reunion, I found Eileen/Erika/Rinna just repulsing. I grew tired of Erika trying to equate her funky a** not wearing panties to Rinna declaring that Dorit did drugs. You not wearing panties is not gonna ruin your career. I'm so over that broad. 


I'm glad that Kim shot down Eileen too. Eileen does act like she's on a damn soap set when she says sh-t. And Eileen (Erika & Rinna too) is full of sh-t when she said she doesn't make excuses for Rinna. She stays doing that. 


I am disgusted too that Rinna never apologized to Dorit for the cocaine comment. That was low. Glad that Dorit was vindicated tonight too b/c she never said Rinna was on something (even though I believe she is). Eden said that sh-t. 

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The BH reunion ended on a light note, but this season was another missed opportunity for me. Last season was so mean and toxic, and this season that meanness was just under the surface of all the forced jollity. People have said that LVP and Erika are jostling for the 'throne' of BH, Game of Thrones-style, using the other cast members as their proxies and pawns. If only that were the case! It would make for a more interesting show than pantygate, cocainegate and bunnygate.


I am so over the bunny thing. Kim looked spiteful, Rinna milked the whole thing and then she came back 're-energized' 

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 and was just as mean as before. @Nothin'ButAttitude, @DaytimeFan , Rinna wasn't wrong about Kim needing Rinna to get back on the show, but she is just as toxic as that drug-addled delulu. Both need each other to stay 'relevant' on the show. Neither are a side I would ever willingly choose.


The hard and fast rule of these shows seems to be "get the newbies to trip up, then blame them for it." I'm disappointed that Rinna did not get held to account for her own actions (lying in Mexico, cocainegate). She tried to turn it on Dorit numerous times. If you are confused about whether it was Dorit or Eden who implied that Rinna slips Xanax in her smoothie, the answer is: neither. Rinna bragged about it on camera, and when Dorit repeated it, she tried to smack her over the head with it. Rinna has probably trademarked #Xanax in a Smoothie by now so that she can hawk some statement T shirts on QVC. 


I am disappointed in the entire left couch. They are humorless and hypocrites. They have not changed from last season when they were Yolanda's very own Spanish Inquisition, interrogating and pointing the finger of blame at everybody. They bitch about everyone and when they get caught, they belittle the other person ("Bye! Buh-bye!") and tell them to get over it. Woe betide if anybody says anything about them, because like a rottweiler with a child's leg, they can never let it go. I am disappointed that her ride-or-die defence of Rinna is tarnishing Eileen Davidson for me. I am especially disappointed that the left couch is making me root for a couch with Vyle and Kim on it. BH has not been truly enjoyable in a couple of years. I don't think Andy realizes this, but BH needs an overall, even bigger than the one NY had after S4.

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