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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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OC housewives hit over 2 million viewers this week - highest of the season.  NJ, which aired immediately afterwards on Monday, hit 1.599 viewers.  


Did BH ever hit over 2 million last season?  I think it's safe to say that OC has firmly landed as the #2 rated housewives series, under Atlanta.  Amazing for the longest-running housewives series that has churned over the most housewives.

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I think BH did hit 2 million last season. All of the shows seem to be rebounding and doing well, with the exception of Dallas and New Jersey of course. It'll be interesting to see what Potomac brings to the table in season two. I'm not worried about the next season of Beverly Hills, they seem to have a formula that works.

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I thought OC was boring. The only thing of relevance was that crash towards the end but I did not think it was a good episode.


Im torn on Megan. I wouldnt want to go to the hospital of someone im not friends with bc that person likely doesnt want to see me but at the same time Vicki was alone and probably would have appreciated a familiar face even if its someone she isnt cool with. Meagan did look awful and i think since the cameras were on her, she should have just went with it. I did think Heather was kind of out of place to force that on her and then judge her. She is so pretentious



I need you to comment on Cheshire. I cant beleive i got to it first!

Edited by Cheap21
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Meagan not going to the hospital is the first interesting thing she's ever done. I was DYING the entire time!! Her face and her voice knowing the camera was on her and not wanting to seem heartless to Heather killed me. I was ROLLING! I'm so glad she finally gave me something I can enjoy. I cannot wait for the fallout and to see her and Shannon's tired asses on defense again. It's getting so old seeing everything be Everybody vs Vicki/Kelly. I'm glad we're getting a fresh dynamic. I hope it continues at least for a few episodes. I'm TIRED of this Vicki mess. These ladies need to learn to stand on their own and have their own storylines and relationships, especially if they want her off the show. Why would Bravo fire her when yall offer absolutely nothing that doesn't involve her?! They need to be smart and realize the Vicki is the Queen and they all her subjects.

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RHOCheshire S4E1 (click here):


Eww. Misse can't model for sh-t. That walk was dreadful. Other than that, Misse is trash and is pointless. She's just another one of Dawn's stupid ass puppets.


Lapdog finally moved into her house. Took her damn long enough. Kenya finished a house in under a year. This heffa took four seasons to get it done. Chillllleeee....<_< Furthermore, she needs to mind her f-cking business. Everything Tanya is getting from Ampika is deserved. Tanya stays up in other people's battles. With the fine ass husband she has, she should put her attention towards him. I know I would.


Dawn ... sigh. First off, her tagline is full of sh-t. Dawn gives a f-ck about EVERYTHING everyone says about her. Secondly, Dawn using her daughter for story is so stupid. No one cares. At least I don't. I just cannot stand this fraud ass bitch. I FF through all her scenes unless she's interacting with the other women. I swear I've seen him somewhere before. Wait a second--wasn't he Stephanie Davis' (of Hollyoaks/CBBUK) ex? Mmmhmm.... Knew I recognized his ass. Famewhores and thirst all around. I smell a damn ploy. 


I still can't believe that Lauren and Paul are divorcing. So odd. I hope she contributes more to this season. 


Tanya just wants to fight with someone b/c she has NOTHING going on that would keep her on this show. 


Stacey does not bother me b/c she has the balls to be one of the few (besides Magali, Lauren, and Ampika) to truly call Dawn out on her sh-t and not cower to her. 


I'm starting to see it now that a lot of these women can go. As of now, the only women I can see stick around at this point is Ampika, Dawn, Lauren, Stacey, and Leanne. Misse, Seema, and Tanya can go at this point. Magali is desperately needed at this point. 



Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I'm not coming for you when I say you're mistaken.


Based on comparing Potomac Season 1 to the latest/current (and in the case of DC and Miami last) season of each American franchise, here is how they all averaged:


Atlanta: 2.852 (million)

OC: 1.798

Beverly Hills: 1.760

Potomac: 1.621

New York: 1.506

New Jersey: 1.455

DC: 1.403

Miami: 1.02

Dallas: 892,364


Potomac is by no means a failure, it's exactly the middle - but it did not outperform OC and Beverly Hills and was nowhere near clinching #2 most watched. Troublingly, Potomac started really strong (over 2 million viewers) but by the time it ended it had really faded (1.39 million). The colossal failure is Dallas as it only cracked a million viewers for its premiere episode and fell afterwards. 

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Potomac did well enough, but I wonder what would happen if it didn't air after Atlanta. Married To Medicine had a similar issue when ATL's season would end and it would continue. Now they have so many of the "black people" shows on deck, I'm not sure how they will fit them all on Sunday. You have Thicker Than Water (I'm assuming it'll be back), Married To Medicine, Potomac AND Married To Medicine: Houston which all depend on that ATL lead-in so I'm not sure how it will work. Plus, Married to Medicine has been off the air so long that there's no telling how it's new season will be received. Houston is just collecting dust having been filmed for well over a year. I can't wait to see what Bravo does with all these series. Maybe they'll open up a second night and realize all black programming doesn't need to air together on sunday.

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I see it very clearly with Meghan. To me there is a real difference between Housewife Life and Real Life. Vicki tried to get along and build bridges with Meghan and Meghan rolled into the Merv Griffin estate to sit by the pool and enjoy drunk Vicki - they're not even enemies by this point. That's Housewife Life. Real Life is what happened with Vicki going to the hospital without any next of kin. It is despicable that Meghan couldn't bring herself to drive 45 minutes to the hospital just so Vicki had a familiar face there who wasn't crew. I would do that for someone I didn't like because that's a Real Life emergency. Meghan's tone on the telephone said it all - she's a stupid, selfish, immature little bitch who couldn't admit that Vicki is a human being and that, in a moment of crisis, she should have stepped up and been there. 


I hope Heather gets as sanctimonious as she can and brings down the hammer on Meghan and Shannon. Despite all the crap these women throw at each other, they are also members of an exclusive Housewives club and they should realize that when the chips are down they should be there for each other, based on simple human decency. 

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Thanks for posting the overall numbers for the show. At least Potomac outperformed NJ & NY. I hope they can keep that up come season 2. 


Seeing the numbers for Dallas piss me off b/c they are most likely gonna get a 2nd season when Miami should still be on and they had a solid million. Miami could've easily bounced back with a retool after their last season. IMO, Andy should've never shaken up the cast after s2. He should've just added Alexia back to the lineup and went from there. 


Sad to see DC outperformed Dallas in their first season and was never given another shot. 

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Oh my, I totally forgot about Potomac this morning when I posted that!  I'm guessing they'll air Potomac and Atlanta around the same time?  


What about Blood, Sweat and Heels?  I know that fight and lawsuit led to no reunion episodes, but I thought their ratings were still higher.  I know with Daisy's passing, it may be hard, but I'd like to see what the girls are up to now.  


I think Thicker Than Water's ratings were pretty low this past season, if I remember correctly.  

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The show got officially cancelled a few months ago. Bravo didn't wanna go ahead with the show with Daisy's passing as she was the heart and soul of the show. I think the lawsuit played a pivotal role in the show ending too. 


However, there are too many characters on that show that Bravo should not leave off the air. Preferably Chantelle and Mica. Those two are too much of reality TV gold to not put them on another show.


Chanty should be implanted on RHONY as she did have a tryst with Mario (Ramona's ex) allegedly. Her vs. Ramona could be very funny. Plus, with Jules out now, the show needs another diverse character on the canvas. Bethenny has said for years the show needs an Black woman on the show and has tried get a few cast on the show. 


IMO, Bravo should pay Mica whatever to pick up shop and move to Potomac. She'd fit in perfectly on that show. 

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