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This episode of OC was more watchable since we didn't have such a huge focus on Shannon. If she weren't on the show I think this season would gel much more, but I'm thankful she's here so Kelly could've given her those epic smackdowns. Now after being ostracized for most of the season it was interesting that we'd have an episode centered around Vicki's birthday. I expected it to be Kelly, Vicki and Brianna and was shocked when Meagan and Tamra showed up. At this point Tamra is still riding the fence so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by her being there. Speaking of Tamra, what the hell is up with her this year? She is stirring up so much drama and letting Kelly get a beating and won't say a word! At the dinner with Heather I was floored that she played dumb as Kelly sat there crying over Heather's comment, yet Tamra let Heather deny it and didn't back her up. 

Heather is just grasping for screentime this year. You know she wasn't offended by Kelly, she just needs the screentime. She has nothing going on except the usual bickering with Terry which we know is just for the show. Meagan is another one grasping for a storyline, but she at least seems to realize that and is trying to play nice. I need something big to happen with Heather in order to justify her still being on the show. She needs a strong relationship among the cast whether it be positive or negative. They need to stop giving her a pass because they want an uber rich friend. Somebody needs to hold her accountable for her own actions. Probably not going to happen, but I am hoping and praying this episode is a turnaround for Kelly and she becomes at least a little more accepted by the wives. Hopefully Shannon is still with David and can't make it to Eddie's party next week so we can have another episode without hearing about damn Brooks.

I'll also say although she can often annoy me, Brianna is a better housewife than Meagan and I wouldn't mind her having an orange. She's entertaining and mixes well with all the girls and not just her mother. I actually enjoyed her last night. I'd be open to her being added full time. Perhaps Kara and Brianna for next season? That's probably the only way Meagan could become viable by having people closer in age to her in the cast.

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RHOAKL E3 (click here)


Julia is a messy bitch. Point. Blank. Period. If they have a reunion, I see her getting dragged more than Angela does. She just causes trouble throughout. 


Did Julia seriously not think that Louise and Anne were not gonna dig into her ass? I was glad that they were giving her hell when she was getting that vampire treatment done. All that work done and Julia's neck was still wrinkly. She even wore a damn scarf at the charity event. So much for that....


Louise should've kept her mouth shut last week. I think she learned a valuable lesson in not giving a crazy person a loaded gun. Glad that she and Gilda came to some reconciliation. 


Anne's party was so damn awkward. Did she really need to put the ashes of the cats out there where people were gonna converse, drink, and eat? I found that to be so odd. I did enjoy the scenes with her and Michelle though. I am totally like Michelle where I cannot stand cats. Anne should've also taken Michelle's advice in not wearing a mink coat to the party. It defeated the purpose, and I am sure that fans are giving her hell now. I think she buckled under pressure of seeing the other women at her party looking fabulous in their mink coats. 


Again, Michelle has to stop throwing out the weight digs at Angela. I don't care for Angela but it does not look cute when Michelle does that. I agree with Julia though that Michelle could've modeled that coat better. I would've channeled Naomi [Campbell] and showed out! The bid would've been higher than $1500 once I got done. 


Angela is a nut. Seriously. For one, I think that her 'personal assistant,' Lea, is more like a slave. Their relationship is so awkward. It reminds me of Lydia's relationship with her maid on RHOMelbourne. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl was sold to Angela [via human trafficking] and promised a good life but isn't. The auction scene was so awkward. And why was Julia bidding for Angela's style 'services' when she was right along with the other women in dogging Angela? She's so damn fake and extra. 


Gilda should've totally uppercut Angela during that exchange. Angela should've never gotten in Gilda's personal space. I thought it was odd too that Angela had the nerve to declare that Michelle wasn't a 'true New Zealander.' I found that to be so suspect. Angela rambling on that she was the 'big runt' and Gilda is the runt is ridiculous. Does Angela not know that statement was oxymoronic? If she was big then she wouldn't be declared a runt. Angela is so f-cking stupid. 


That aside, this episode was stellar! RHOAKL delivered yet again, and I think they will next week too with Julia v. Louise. These women are a mess. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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IA with this all. The only thing I want to add si that Michelle is absolutely stunning. She is truly beautiful



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One more thing. Loved Michelle telling the Messy Giant to get the f--k out of Gilda's face

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This NJ episode was boring AF.  This season is surprisingly a bust so far.


So funny they brought Rino back and not even the twins.  We didn't even get a twin update!  haha


ETA:  Oh nevermind, the twins are back next week.  Nicole looks great.  The previews actually look good, thankfully.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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Julia is such a bitch. I thought taking Michelle around Anne's house was so rude and awful. That was such a gross invasion of her privacy. Julia was right that Michelle did a poor job modelling. An aside on the Vampire treatment Julia had: it takes months for results to show. It enhances the quality of the skin which, for the neck, is a good investment. 


Michelle is 3/3 episodes with making nasty body shaming comments. It's a bad look on her. She also seems to enjoy injecting herself into drama. Also not a good look. 


Louise is a smooth operator. She dug herself out of her hole with Gilda by carefully recounting exactly what happened. So she told the truth. Good for her. 


Anne is just like Jody Clamant from RHOV, except not evil (yet!)...I couldn't give a flying fig about her love of cats, can't stand them myself. 


Gilda is humourless. I still don't enjoy her one little bit.


Angela is truly delusional. It was so pathetic to watch her assistant drive up the bidding. I would not compare them to Melbourne's Lydia and her house keeper Joanna...Lydia is truly heinous to Joanna. 



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Briana did not look happy to see her husband. This look says it all. Those were not tears of joy that followed. She realized she had to fake it for the cameras. I was touched by her sons though in their joy at being reunited with their father



Tamra's new talking head looks amazing. This is the best she's looked in ages. How did she not know it was Briana's birthday? She's only known her for like 8 years. She was being super messy with her mouth, throwing fuel on the Kelly/Heather fire and I hope she gets called out at the reunion


LMAO at Vicki saying she feels sorry for David after the affair, not Crazy Lady


Im with Kelly. Heather had no right to throw her out when it wasnt her house and it wasnt her event. She was out of line and owed Kelly an apology as well. Like who the hell do you think you are?


Im glad Meagan's scenes were kept to a minimum but still too much of her

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NYC reunion is everything.  This season is probably my second favorite behind season 3.  Just cut Jules and we'll be fine next season.  Carole didn't have much to say either this week, but I'm interested in hearing how she responds to Dorinda's accusations that she would only hang out with Bethenny and no one else.


Melbourne is literally EVERYTHING this season.  By far their best season.  Just cut Susie and I could literally watch this group of girls forever.  I'm even loving to hate Lydia and Petti this season, as crazy as that sounds. Their Dubai trip is already better and more entertaining than the Beverly Hills Dubai trip.

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