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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL...Michelle is THAT bitch. Unapologetic at that. I did not expect tht bc she came across quiet and sweet at first. I think I like her



Gilda is my other favorite.


Angela needs to get over herself. Pissed that Gilda didnt stand up to greet her? Oh shut up. I cant with the crying. She was being way too dramatic


The spiritual dagger extraction....WTF?!? She crazy


Im not feeling Ann. She comes across as a low budget Lea Black. She is really feeling herself with all jokes she keeps cracking


Angela.....super damn messy bringing up that golddigger gossip up. She isnt even good at manipulating with the lame way she tried to get the ladies to do her dirty work.


Gilda: "You know what Ive heard about you? Not a f--king thing!"

Image result for mic drop gif

That line worked so much better knowing what built up to that moment

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Agreed. Stick a fork in NJ, it's done. I would be very surprised if Danielle Staub would return, tbh. She was meant to be in Season 3 (aka the season that the Gorgas ate) because she was the one who in Season 2 Reunion threatened Teresa with info about her family -- info given to Danielle by Melissa. But she turned it down, and Bravo reached out to her a couple of times to return later which she also turned down. Apparently she wanted to go low-profile for her kids' sake as they had suffered in school while she was on the show. I can't really blame her for putting her daughters and their chances at an education first.






Finally watched this sh*tshow of a product placement infomercial. RHoNY broke the fourth wall with this episode. The women were barely hiding that what we are seeing is instigated only for the cameras and that this show is their JOB. I absolutely believe Dorinda when she said Tom called her up in order to set up a scene where the 'waiters reveal that it was all a big mistake.' That kind of scripted BS makes me lose a bit of empathy for LuAnn -- and I *LOVE* the Countess. But she is wedded (pun intended) to the idea of getting married to this jerk (who ain't all that in the looks department) and getting a Wedding By Bravo. I wish she had cut her losses and just said Tom and her are working through things but the wedding is off for now. Instead she just looks desperate to be married -- at any cost.


Lord, Ramona looked so bad with her awful hair extensions and that hair turd on the top of her head. I wish I could find a gif of it but I can't.


IA with some of you who say Carole needs to stay. Her SL is a bore (I had forgotten she was still with that whey-faced kid), but she stirs the pot and pits people against each other so they can fight her battles for her. She is a bigger pot-stirrer than Dorinda. She is mean and spiteful, but there are moments when she is almost human. The only problem is that Andy loves her and Bethenny and won't have a bad word or a bad-edit done against them. It is depressing watching a show where two toxic people will always be protected. The other women have the deck unfairly stacked against them. Bravo should just let the audience decide who they like and let the chips fall where they may.




Bethenny. Sigh. Obviously she did this 'reveal' for ratings and because she cannot stand that Luann was the STAR this season. She couldn't bear that Luann stole her thunder and was going to get a wedding out of this. She is really angry and unhappy and toxic and I feel like she hates most women deep down. Also she can't act. I hope she gets EXPOSED at Reunion.


I can't help but like Sonja because she is a Sag like me. I'm glad she ended the season being the most sober and level-headed of them all, without losing that hint of delusion that makes Sonja, Sonja.

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What a fun NYC finale! So much packed into that episode, it spilled into the next hour. I bet they could've cranked out 2 full episodes out of their footage if they wanted to flesh out the final wrap-up the personal lives of all the other ladies (Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja, Jules), but nonetheless it was crazy good. LuAnn made such an ass of herself when she came over at the party and demanded the ladies stop talking about her... they weren't. Oy.  It was a classic case of "I don't want to talk about it... but let's talk about it." 


Despite that goofy encounter, LuAnn owned this season. Well done, Countess. I look forward to seeing what she says at the finale. And I'm very curious to see what juicy dirt they spill on Bethenny. Kudos to Ramona for not passing judgement on LuAnn, knowing from personal experience that you never know what's going on behind closed doors in a marriage/relationship. 


That is SO funny and shady that Bravo kept in the discussion where Dorinda revealed to the other ladies that LuAnn/Tom wanted to stage a scene where Dorinda would back up their cover-up about the waiter. Again, I look forward to seeing what LuAnn says and what the ladies say in retaliation. 


Memories of NYC seasons past as they used their old "final wrapup music" for Bethenny at the tail end. I would say this season ranks just under Seasons 2 and 3 (the originals just had *it*). NYC got their groove back and I hope they're able to secure the same cast next season! If Bethenny bolts, suck it up and bring Jill back. 



RE: New Jersey. If Danielle Staub is finally open to returning, they need to get on that. I could see it now: An unhealthy alliance with Teresa, wacko Jac going off the rails on her, and someone finally calling Melissa to task for conspiring with Danielle in the past to get on the show. Danielle is always such a loose cannon, even when Andy interviews her. She won't hold back and I love her delusional ass. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Pettifleur is nutty as hell, but she was completely in the right with Jackie, who I have never been crazy over. I just wish Petti wasn't so batty so she could properly defend herself. At Gamble's wedding when Jackie first went off on her, she was having a one-on-one conversation with Lydia and JACKIE decided to join in and then out of nowhere she started complaining that Pettifleur was butting into her conversation, yet SHE is the one who decided to go interrupt them and insert herself into their conversation. It was the one time Pettifleur was right and she couldn't defend herself! I was so upset! I'm soooooooooooo ready for Dubai next week! BTW, they'll once again be airing this after RHONY. Obviously Bravo likes the show and wants to give it a bigger audience, but then why not actually PROMOTE it and why not keep it behind RHONY since the season began? It's weird that they keep randomly doing it now with no promo. That's not going to give them much of a bump.

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Some RHOBH casting tea from an unproven Twitter account:

They added that the season has two more months of filming. Who knows if it's true or not. Seems odd they'd have two more months of filming when they just filmed the opening yesterday.



Edited by Chris B
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Eh, not too excited. I only watched half of last season plus the reunion, but those three new girls didn't make up for Magali being gone. She was a firecracker and had great chemistry with the girls. It fell flat last season. I'll give the first couple episodes a go to see if the new girls gel better, but I'm not too confident. At least I have Auckland and Melbourne right now. I wonder how Toronto is going to go, especially with the drama involved with firing that pregnant housewife.

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