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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Why is this reunion being drawn out to a part 3? They should've just made tonight 90 mins and moved on. It's not necessary for a third part. Here's my assessment on all the women tonight: 


Kim: I enjoyed her tonight. For once, I sided with her b/c I LOVED watching her call Rinna and Eileen out on their crap. Especially, Eileen. I died of laughter when Kim called her out on being inauthentic and acting like everything is a soap opera. She had Eileen pegged. 


Eileen: Just miserable and defensive. If she would've simply accepted the first two apologies, she wouldn't've gotten the third one which was fake. Plus, I still can't get over how she tried comparing one being condescending is the the same as being manipulative. What?! She needs to go and watch what happened when Adrienne and Brandi tried that manipulative plea and see where it got them.


Rinna: A weak minded bitch. As simple as that. Move over, Cynthia! There's a new queen flip-flopper and it is Lisa Rinna! She has no credibility in anything she said and I enjoyed Andy highlighting that tonight. Also, I don't believe her when she said she told Kyle she'd never bring up Kim again. Such crap. If she needs a story for next season and Kim is back, Kim (along with LVP) will be it. She ain't fooling me.


Kathryn: A joy. She has a good heart. I think that it is too good for this show at times. I felt for her when she was moved by Kim's addiction. 


Erika: Ugh. Why is this lame broad on the show? 


Kyle: Honestly, I forgot she was there. Even in segments that were about her. I do feel that she's skated through a lot of drama that she had a hand in this season. I know she is somewhere secretly grinning LVP got put in the hot seat and she genuinely had no hand in it. 


Yo-Lyme: Fake. Fraud. Constant victim. I thought her tears were bull, and for someone who claims to have a 'cloudy mind' all the time, she sure as hell acted liked her old, coherent self tonight. Condescending and all. She had a comment and smart remark for every segment tonight. I don't buy anything this trollop is selling. 


LVP: Clearly, she's the queen. She is surrounded around a pack of weak bitches and it's sad to see how they all practically admitted they were by implying Lisa can easily manipulate them. Oh well. If she does manipulate them, that's on them. Not her. Shouldn't be so damn gullible. 

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The argument between Eileen and LVP about DA AFFAIRRRRRRR --- I can't anymore. Both hate each other and any apology that LVP gives her will be dismissed because Eileen doesn't trust her, as she said.


Rinna and Eileen were a veritable tag team tonight. Eileen is smarter than Rinna and defends herself better. Rinna looks like ridiculous flip-flopping like a seal (as NBA said, she is WEAK). Especially when Eileen told Kim that she was supportive of her recovery and Rinna had to pipe up "Me too! Me too!" The side-eye LVP gave them was priceless. :lol:





(That wasn't the exact side-eye to Soapy & Sudsy but unbelievably nobody has gifed it yet :( )


By the same token, as soon as Kim pushes for an apology, Rinna gets defensive and aggressive. Now, I don't think Rinna should apologize to Kim for calling her out on her sh*t. I don't think Rinna should apologize for bringing it up in public either -- sweeping it under the rug has allowed Kim to continue drinking and using, unbothered, FOR DECADES -- and allowed her to attack people who accuse her of using. But she could have amended her tone a little. In any case, I think she came across badly this Reunion, and I bet she couldn't believe her ears when Andy pressed her on her tendency to blow things out of proportion. Nice try trying to get on next season with the promise of 'a real BBQ.' 


Kyle continues to quietly relish in LVP being put in the hotseat, and in her sister's SL making her look the saint/heroine/victim. I am so over her boobs in that dress at this point.


Yolanda is... sigh. Exhausting. Her need to be center of attention and treated like a Queen all the time is exhausting. She is suffering from something, but given that her current 'doctors,' her creepy 'health advocate' and the CLD she has self-diagnosed have all been thoroughly debunked by the medical world, anything she says is questionable. One thing I do believe is that she is out to get LVP (her glee when she talked about Mohamed and Lisa's friendship being over) and that she considers herself to be above the other ladies. The way she snapped at Rinna last week to 'Sit Down' (and Rinna obeyed like a chastened child!) illustrates everything about Yolanda's disdainful attitude. She truly feels she is too good for the show.


Erika. Cold as ice. Her face was so hard and emotionless when she was 'comforting' Yolanda in the dressing room. She is emotionally closed-off in so many ways. She would rather pay for gay minions to surround her than reach out and make a real connection with anybody.


Kathryn is wonderful and real, and I cannot say enough how much I like a presence like hers on this increasingly toxic show. Actually, she would make a great friend for Erika if Erika could get past DA BETRAYAL. Like NBA said, maybe she is too nice at heart for this nest of vipers. But she is badly needed.


LVP is better off leaving to do Vanderpump Rules or a spin-off and let the rest of the women scratch it out. They are obviously trying to alienate her, and clearly she won't film with Rinna, Eileen and Erika next season, nor they with her. The break in relations is real -- at this point, Yolanda is more likely to film with Lisa that RinnIkaLeen. Best to let Rinna turn her OTT outrage on somebody else -- or at least die trying. You know Yol is going to punish her for Munchausen. And Bravo will probably bring back Brandi and Kim to go up against Soapy and Sudsy. LVP can come back at next season's finale in a gorgeous dress to survey the ratings carnage.

Edited by Cat
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The thing is LVP is in a good position with Bravo - VPR had a great season and their ratings were strong - and LVP has a rabid fan base (as Rinna and Davidson have discovered) that would have an impact on RHBH ratings...but posting her blog on her Facebook shows that there is conflict and Bravo doesn't like when people go rogue, but I'm sure LVP is pissed with Andy et al. 

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Our poor lil soapy gals... Rinna gave us panicked expressions of desperation on multiple occasions. Like when you tell a bad joke and are hoping someone will laugh, but instead you're left there in silence looking like an oaf. Glad Andy called her out. If you're gonna play the game, you gotta do it right. I think she initially thought the audience would back her, but learned otherwise. 


Eileen, I can't even defend. There was so much stupidity, nit-picky nonsense, and hypocrisy. In one single moment, she scolds LVP for not being considerate of her feelings and then dismisses LVP's. Pot, meet kettle. She shot herself in the foot by admitting that no matter how LVP apologies, sincere or not, Eileen won't accept it because she doesn't trust her. So WHY the endless back 'n forth all season over what constitutes as a genuine, heartfelt apology? Thanks for wasting our time over something that you'll never view as resolved. 


LVP's ellipsis (the three dots...) in her blog comment regarding Kyle being called an enabler on the beach, yet it was omitted in editing. Hmm..., indeed. 


Kathryn has definitely won me over. She had a rough introduction, but y'all are absolutely correct that she brings humanity to a situation that is mostly toxic. She can burst into tears, empathizing with Kim, yet they barely know one another. And it's not crocodile "Look at me! I care too!" tears like others (:::cough, Rinna, cough:::) 


I'm glad they included some lightheartedness in the middle of the episode. LVP looks ready to check out. A mid-season reentry, a la NeNe, would be a good way to ruffle their feathers next season. They will no doubt be in the middle of an internal battle, turning on one another after they believe they've dethroned The Queen. 


I'm just so over Yolanda and her Jerusalem Journey. She's nothing without her refrigerator and lemons. 

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Kim is passive-aggressive to the end, but she's quite good at it, unlike some (Eileen...). 


I really thought Eileen joining this show was a bad mistake, but I was happy to be wrong during the first season. I guess I should have listened to my instincts. 


I still think this show needs to be rested. It coasts along on what it was supposed to be, not what it ever is. And most of the cast need to go.

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LOL agree with so much of this! Lisa Rinna was running around like a squawking chicken with her head cut off at Reunion! You know, I almost bought into TT's essay about LVP being the mastermind behind all this 'Is Yolanda sick?' stuff, given that she and Yol really dislike each other and each think they should be top of the heap on BH. But then, tonight, I caught the episode where Yolanda has ze Lyme Gala and the ladies fly out to Dubai on TV here (the UK is only 4 episodes behind the US, possibly because LVP is popular here!). It's clear the Gala is a turning point. Kyle oohs and aahs at the big stars at the Gala (and Gigi + Joe Jonas!) and weeps in Yolanda's arms about finally understanding Yolanda's Journey. In her VT she talks about how uncomfortable she was about Rinna saying the M word and Rinna shouldn't have foisted her opinions on everybody. Cut to Dubai and Rinna hearing all about the Gala and Kyle's epiphany. Her face goes white under the bronzer. Suddenly she realizes that everybody is making up with Yol and she is left out in the cold looking like the nasty gossip. Even Eileen is throwing her under the bus for it. That's when Rinna realizes she has to backpedal somehow so that she isn't given the Bad Guy edit. Eileen is happy to help. Hence what transpired. 


Interesting that when Yolanda lectured Eileen and Rinna at Reunion about being sensitive to Kim's struggle, Eileen snapped back at her "Are you going to let me talk?!" The sympathy for a sick woman only goes so far, I guess!




The minion snaps back!


IA about the mid-season entry for LVP. I have no doubt Rinna will go apeshit over Yolanda's miraculous recovery. Neither woman like each other at all. And Yol will send Erika in to do her snarling and biting. Since Eileen hero-worships Erika so much, this will force her to take sides. 


And then LVP, Shiva and Lea Black (yes, I want her on BH! NOT Joanna Krupka's mangy ass tho!) sweep in at some big party to size up the mess. :D

Edited by Cat
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