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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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:P at Magali almost whooping Dawn's ass on the train on the offseason. Clearly, Dawn is shook by Magali b/c she had to resort to calling Magali an 'animal.' I'm glad that Magali stood up to Dawn and put the boundaries up. Dawn feels like she is above everyone and I am glad that Magali is another (besides Ampika and Lauren) that has put her in her place. But I do have to commend Ashley, Dawn's hubby, for being the bigger person and wanting to go speak to Magali and Dean at the party. The hatred that Dawn has for Magali is stupid and petty. For her to claim that Magali wants to be her is ludicrous. If anything, she's mad b/c Magali does not desire to be her and is one of the few that is not misted by Dawn. And can Dawn give it up on the baby attempt?! Bitch, your eggs are dust. Find another storyline. This trope is tired and played out. 


Tanya is about to lose points with me over this stupid feud with Ampika. Who the hell gets mad at someone over hearsay? And Tanya looked stupid at the end by not sweeping this incident under the rug. And from the trailer, it is apparent that Dawn's gay beaus are possibly behind this rumor too. 


Despite Leanne claiming that she's no longer a lapdog in her tagline, she sure didn't live up to it tonight. She resorted to old behavior and followed suit of her master, Dawn. All that was missing was her dog chain and leash so she could be walked. I still to this day don't know why she holds such a grudge to Magali. Such a simp. 


I do love the friendship and bond between Lauren, Ampika, and Magali. You can see that these three truly love each other, and it sucks that Magali and Ampika both feel like outcasts amongst the group. I hope they all stick together and ride this season out as a unit. 


Next week just shows how vile Dawn and Leanne are by parading around and showing the video of Magali blowing up on the train. I am glad that Lauren sticks up for Magali and checks Leanne, who once again has no place in this feud. She wasn't even on the damn train when the incident occurred just like last season, she wasn't there when Magali supposedly asked Dawn for free tickets to her gala. 

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You STAY hating on Dawn. Love her! I didnt like how Magali and Lauren were slagging Dawn off at the party, making fun of her "being pregnant". I wish she'd give that up as well but at lest Lauren's husband gained enough sense to realize its none of their business


I definitely see why Tanya is upset but she did come across dumb bc she said multiple times that her source may not be reliable. WTF? You lose credibility points for believing a source that you acknowledge could have the facts wrong. For her to hold this grudge against Ampika without confronting and confirming things herself, makes her look petty and if I were Ampika, Id have been offended by Tanya brushing her off and not telling her what was said. Tanya is doing what she can to be relevant on this show and I have to say its working bc she was boring last season and I saw no point in bringing her back but a feud gives her a solid storyline


Just look at Magali's skin color and you'll get your answer. I got a racist vibe from her last season when she first came for Magali

Edited by Cheap21
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Interesting information on Beverly Hills... looks like we could be in for a great season.  Is Camille back full-time?  Faye is in the mix for sure.  And I was getting worried about Eileen since we haven't heard much about her, but I think she's in the last picture with Kyle and Camille pre-party, thankfully.



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Dawn is too bitchy for my taste. And I don't care for broads that feel like everyone wants to be them. No one wants to be Dawn ... except for Leanne. Magali seems content in her own skin. I doubt she wants to be Dawn. 


But I do agree that I've gotten vibes about Dawn too. I feel like Dawn and Leanne both give off vibes and are intimidated by Magali. 

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I am so glad this episode of RH of Cheshire leaked...it was delicious and just what I needed to make the end of my week off satisfying. 


Magali is READY and she's in for a fight. I don't believe any of the women are racist because of the colour of her skin. I do think Leanne doesn't like Magali because she's Dutch and doesn't behave in the typical subtle, English, way, she's very direct and European, too direct for Leanne's liking and it's Magali who exposed Leanne's past as a lap dancer and called her out on her past, which Leanne had hoped to bury. Magali was clearly very angry based on the video Leanne took of her exploding at Dawn on the train and I'm sure Dawn taunted her or annoyed the hell out of her. I have no doubt Magali was justified. My only criticism of Magali is how she butchers the pronunciation of the word "Cheshire"...good lord it irritates me.


Dawn is still deluded that people want to be her and she really needs to let go of this nonsensical baby storyline - nobody believes that Dawn is going to be having a baby, again, at 46. Nobody. Not Dawn. Not Ashley. Not Leanne. Not anyone else. Dawn is impressed by her own mediocrity. When I see that Dawn's been inducted into the Order of the British Empire then I might be impressed. Otherwise? Nah. I don't hate Dawn though. I actually enjoy watching her because she's brash and gobby and self made and doesn't make crap up or dance around conflict. We know who she likes and who she doesn't. She's actually quite similar to Magali and that's why I think they clash. 


Love Lauren and I always have. I was so glad she decided to wear a see through dress and then be nice to everyone while having a laugh at Dawn's silly ass. She just is who she is and lets it all hang out. And I like Paul, blowhard that he may be. What you see is what you get with Paul. I bet he's ferociously loyal to Lauren and vice versa. Lauren has the confidence that growing up in wealth gives and it's difficult to duplicate. Lauren knows exactly who she is and breezes through conflicts and is disarming to people like Leanne who can't handle themselves. 


Tanya's done a good job at claiming some relevancy with the feud with Ampika about the alleged rumours. That said, Tanya makes herself look awfully stupid by not dealing with Ampika directly when that's what she asked her to do. Tanya making friends with Dawn isn't a surprise because Tanya needs to rely on people to make most basic decisions and she seeks approval. No surprise she went for Dawn who she perceives as the biggest fish in the small Cheshire pond.


Ampika is sad to me. She should have grabbed Mark with both hands and reclaimed her happiness with a solid, dependable man. She blew that chance. At least for now. I hope she goes in guns blazing against whoever has said she's making up rumours about Tanya - if they are indeed false. 


Leanne is a weakling and as much of a hoover as she was last season. She is Dawn's bitch and that she even attempts to act otherwise makes me laugh.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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The Beador restaurant scenes were so cringe worthy. Those kids know way too much: "We want to make your relationship better and talk about your relationship"...good lord. Shannon and David should have insulated those poor kids from their marriage. At least she's aware that they've hurt their kids. 


Vicki is the OG: Original Grandma. Her grandchildren will have only the fondest memories of her in 20 years. She is doing the grandma role exactly right: spoil those kids with whatever they want, be fun and be hands on. She is great with Brianna's kids. And that was lovely of her to buy Brianna the car. I don't agree with Brianna's approach about Brooks when Vicki specifically accommodated Brianna. For an adult woman she sure has an axe to grind against Brooks. It's a good thing that relationship is over. It's undermined Vicki's whole life and her loneliness got the better of her. She'd really be better off single and date someone richer than her. 


Tamra and Eddie...sigh. Eddie is 100% right. Tamra has enabled Ryan to be a 30 year old loser and spoiled his stupid ass his whole life. He's totally right that Ryan is all talk and no follow through. She lies to Eddie about THEIR money. That's not going to end well.


Meghan is psycho. She's obsessed with cancer. She's 30. She needs to give it a rest. There is NOTHING likeable about this dumb bitch.


Terry and Heather's skincare line...yeah...okay...whatever. For the sake of their kids I hope it's a success. A million bucks of their own cash is a lot to invest and quite a gamble.

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IA about Shannon's storyline. The kids are WAY too involved


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Vicki's face though. No bueno. She overreacted in her confrontation with Brianna. Brianna articulated herself well and good for her keeping it real. Vicki acted like a child demanding that they not discuss that on camera

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