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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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100% agreed. Or, as Jill likes to say, "A thousand percent!" Enjoy the ride!

Side note: it's silly how Kelly uses what happened at Scary Island as a reason to begrudge Ramona in season 4. Ramona was totally supportive of her during the trip, as best as anyone could. But, I suppose you can't reason with crazy.

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LMAO, of course you had to shade her in the process. A day after my birthday. I'll try it although Im skeptical about them being able to carry a show. Glad Jac will be appearing

Lapband Manzo has lost alot of weight. She looks good

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It has to Kenya. Possibly Marlo. Most definitely not Cynthia because I read a recent interview where Nene stated she and Cynthia were going to work on their friendship. Most likely, production forced Nene to shoot a group scene with all the ladies and Kenya (or Marlo or BOTH) came for her ass and called her out. And Nene kills me with her empty threats of leaving the show. She knows deep down that no gig is better than RHOA.

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Lol at Nene....

Melissa is slowly winning me over this season which is funny considering how low she was last season (especially when she was on hero knees pretending to beg Tre for whatever). The scene with Teresa felt really genuine.

The twins are killing me this season. Such a good addition. Their dad cracks the hell out of me!

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Vino (is that his name) slept with Santa? Hahahaha that sentence is funny in multiple ways

Boy, what a stroke of luck that Victoria Gotti just happened to surprise Teresa at her book signing, invites her and Amber over to her mansion, and then spills the latest nugget du jour about the twins. And all three of them never even bothered to take their coats off during the conversation. Cold house?

Somewhere in Jersey there's a woman who looks like the Cheshire Cat grinning at the show's dwindling popularity.

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That is Marlo. I recognize my Queen's face from anywhere. Plus, she went too according to people on Twitter. She also posted the pic on her Instagram. It's her alright.

And yaasss!! Queen Marlo is up in this bish! I am wondering where Phaedra, Nene, and Porsha are too.... Knowing that Marlo is on this trip, I most definitely want their asses there. However, I am sure Nene pulled a Kim (a la s4) and opted not to go. But I hope Bravo forces her ass to go regardless.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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