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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Heather has made this season. Not alone, but it was built around her. Her issues with Vicki/Tamra (or theirs with her really) is what lead into Shannon being obsessed and hating her. It was her Bali trip, her Hawaii trip. She was absolutely the star and everyone was so convinced early on it was all about her as a villain but that wasn't the case at all.

Her calling Tamra out in private was a good scene and Tamra was being redic, as usual. I also love how on the flip side she called Lizzie out in front of everyone on the comment she did make. She's also the only rational one who understands the truth isn't coming from either side here it's a bunch of she said, she said manipulative and vindictive [!@#$%^&*] talking from all around.

Shannon is a great addition, as is Lizzie.

Vicki or Tamra need to go.

They had no reason to spill before.

Lizzie came into this show and got to know people and when she saw tamras true colors she called it out.

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JackPeyton, I'd say Shannon and Heather carried this season on their backs. Week after week they were the only ones delivering. It was a terrible season for Tamra, Lizzie is an afterthought and Vicki had a GREAT year, but was only supporting. I'm so shocked at how well liked Shannon is. I expected Lizzie to be the popular housewife and Shannon to just be there in the background. They both really surprised me!

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Tamra helped carry this season. While it may not have been a good season for her personally, almost ALL the drama revolved around her. She planted seeds and gave the women material to work with. Even boring Lizzie and Irrelevant One (whom was cut out), only interesting tidbits only came at the end due to Tamra. Without Tamra, I think only Shannon had interesting material on her own to fall back on, but it was her group dynamic with the other ladies which help solidify her place and Tamra was instrumental in instigating and moving her story along. Heather also would have had nothing if not for Tamra's early issues with her and then creating mess between she and Shannon. Tamra was a story generator and played a very important role this season. Like she said on WWHL, 'she did her job.'

Aviva to Heather: "I think you were doing your job, to be Carole's bitch." LMAO!


Aviva was foolishly hilarious. What I like about her is that she steps in sh-t and doesn't do anything to back out of it. She just keeps going and going and she comes across crazy and hilarious at the same time. Its too bad she played such a minor role this season but when she was in the group, she was explosive

Kristen was so annoying how she kept jumping in when not talked to. Shut up. I did have to laugh when she owned that her comment about the blondes was a dig

Ramona did better this episode than the first two, probably bc the focus wasn't on her

You know I was pissed that they didn't address that LuAnn got downgraded but then she went and slipped it in at the end. I wish they had elaborated on it more though

Edited by Cheap21
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What happened in my opinion is LLizzie sh-t talked Shannon and when her and Tamra got into it ahe decided to spill all to Shannon and went ahead and confessed what she said trying to cover her bases for when they confronted Tamra making it seem as though Tamra had been on an anti-Shannon campaign behind her back when that wasn't the case.

Tamra also apologized to Alexis in her blog for ganging up on her in Costa Rica and she said karma really is a bitch. :P

ETA: I did love how Heather wouldn't feed into it. All this "oh she said you're anorexic and didn't want you in your wedding" was probably an exaggeration of the truth. If that were really said in the horrible way they claim it was they should have told Heather IMMEDIATELY.

Edited by Eric83
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She said she enjoyed it and had a less stressful season. I would not be surprised if Luann opts to stay a friend next season too. But I doubt Andy will let her. All I have to say is that Nene, Brandi, and even my precious Aviva better take notes from Camille and Luann because they all could clean up their images in upcoming seasons.

I LOVED Aviva last night. IDC what anybody says. :P I loved when she called Heather 'ghetto' because that's how she was acting. And I don't think that Aviva meant ghetto = black. I think she meant ghetto = low class, which is how Heather was acting. And when she called Heather out for being Carole's bitch, which she was, I died. But she was being honest. And Heather saying that Aviva's only story was her leg was stupid. Aviva's story the entire season was being the catalyst between the women. She mended fences with Sonja and Ramona while feuding with Carole. She also came to terms with her demons in the barn. The only person that continuously brought up the leg this season was Heather. Heather (IMO) was the one that really didn't have story this season. Besides her ailing son, what else did she do but piggyback off Carole's story/rivalry with Aviva? Nothing.

Kristen, I forgot she was even there last night. She was of course interjecting because I'm sure she got notes from Brandi to make sure she's constantly seen and heard, so they'll consider inviting her back next season. I hope they don't. She's a f*cking bore. Let Jill resume her position with the ladies, please!

I'm actually one of the few on this board that like Ramona BUT she pissed me off last night too. Her calling Aviva vile was cruel. Especially when Ramona rivals her in that department. She's possibly worse. Aviva hasn't assaulted anyone.

Sonja needs to go. Or she at least has one final season in her. But after that, Sonja can go. Her delusions are too much. If Ramona needs an ally, keep Aviva and bring back Alex. Sonja can downgraded or phased out altogether.

Carole can go to and she can blame her pet dog, Cujo Heather for that. Carole was basically irrelevant the entire reunion. Heather did all her arguing for her.

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I actually didn't mind Heather this season but she and Carole were both big fails. Carole, despite actually having conflict (w/Aviva) was such a non-entity. She doesn't even have much of a personal life that's showcased so she can go. I think Heather at least has a strong personality. Carole? Bore

Porsha, Um I mean Kristen took a page out of the Poorsha book with all that interjecting she kept doing. She played the same exact role, without the violence

Sonja needs to be downgraded. I like her but there has been no progression with her since her first season. I don't feel as if she offers more besides some fun times which she can do as a friend.

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Alex McCord addressed the possible RHONY SuperCast Season 7 on the latest episode of The Real Deal.

Bethenny - She said Bethenny would feel like a hypocrite returning after acting so "over" the show since she left.

Jill - She said Jill would ABSOLUTELY return, but in order for it to work she needs an ally. Alex suggested Ramona, but we all know Jill and LuAnn are buds.

Kelly - She said Kelly would probably do it, but she is too crazy and it's not worth further ruining her life. Well worth it for the ratings, but not for Kelly LOL.

Alex - She said that she wouldn't want to give up her Real Deal show, which would probably be a must in order for them to bring her back.

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I wonder how much money Alex makes from her show. I imagine she must make a good bit because she has a deal with TheStir.com and previously with Radar. She also gets good hits on her videos. Between that and her fashion tweets I bet she is making a killing. I remember when she turned down Bethenny's show she said she could make more in one tweet than what they were offering her to appear.

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