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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think that placing it at 12 PM is a stupid slot too. I would've slapped it in the 8PM Sunday slot, moved RHONJ to 9PM, with that crap show Game of Crowns at 10. RHOMelbourne had a huge online following from Americans and it being an international show might've appeased to housewives and provided a boost for the Sunday night shows. Especially RHONJ which has been lagging in ratings.

I think Thursday was a good night too, but didn't they move Kim's show to Sunday's permanently or was it temporarily?

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I'm catching up after my vacation.


Loved seeing Kristen/josh at work together. Sonja, girl bye. Do not care about this fake Harry drama. Carole's apartment is stunning. Everything heather is always nice. Luann was by far the MVP of this season. Trashmona stays trash. And Aviva - has anyone ever tried THIS hard on a reality show? She needs to go. She missed so many episodes this season already tbh.

The reunion looks delicious. Luann and Andy going ALL THE WAY in on trashmona and her desperate go shut it down? Kristen has first seat next to Andy? The 4 best on one dude vs the three worst on the other? They look good and the set is great. I am so ready.


I tried. I did. But I don't actually hate myself enough to torture myself with Dina and Theresa at once. One or the other, maybe. But not both. It was also very boring.

Rhobh rumors-

Tbh I just don't care enough. Yet. I'm excited for it to return, the rumors sound hood for the most part but how it beds up as a final product is so far off.


Vicki is so fake this season and I am just not buying it. Any of it. She's only close to Shannon cuz not only does she look sane in comparison, her relationship with a man who encouraged her son in law to beat her daughter also looks ok somehow next to Shannon's marriage.

Tamra ummm. Yeah. She's just like there for me. She's losing it but I don't much care.

Heather and Lizzie remain flawless.

Loved the scene of everyone laughing and getting along over dinner.

Crayladyi honestly don't have much to say about. I don't watch most of her scenes. I don't enjoy her at all.

This dinner party... Interesting. Heather is trying but I'm not sure why. Shannon just hates her for no real reason and has endlessly attacked and bashed her and lied about their encounters to victimize herself. Lol at Tamara acting like she has no issues with Shannon.

I can't wait to Lizzie take on Tamra. And heather back her up with evidence. Tamras drinking isn't her problem, it's whatever drugs she's on.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Tamra's giving away production secrets (Or trying to cover her own ass.) I always love when they do that! Can't wait for the reunion to hopefully get some Tamra vs Vicki. http://tamaratattles.com/2014/07/29/tamra-judge-is-losing-her-mind-on-facebook/#more-11559

And apparently Villa Blanca's for sale? Perhaps Adrienne can buy it and rename it Villa Kaka? http://tamaratattles.com/2014/07/28/villa-blanca-is-up-for-sale/#more-11554

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Lizzie and Danielle in scenes together alone....I could not be more bored

LOL at the camera zooming in on Danielle's gay husband when asked if she does anal

How messed up of the girls to stand Lizzie up. That was rude and F--ed up. It was funny how Vickie was talking about how much of a good time she had and Lizzie was all like it was the worst BD, she's had

I felt bad for Crazy Lady's daughter when she was going over all the natural products she was packing in her suitcase

Vicki says she isn't trying to throw Tamra under the bus, all while throwing her under the bus. She is completely wrong for blaming her sour relationship with Brianna on Tamra. Its an insult on Brianna's intelligence as if she cant google, watch the show and basically make up her own mind about how awful Brooks is

I saw Tamra's recent appearance on WWHL and she sort of owned up to what she's done. Not directly but when questioned on it, she says she did her job. She realizes this is a show and she needs to generate story and give the other housewives and the producers material to work with and she did that. Her issue this season was that she wasn't too subtle with it

I get why you don't like Teresa but whats wrong with Dina?

LMAO at you calling Shannon, Crazy Lady like me


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RHONJ got 1.8 viewers this week and Don't Be Tardy got 1.2 million airing after it. I'd say they should probably consider keeping that combo. You could do RHONJ, Don't Be Tardy, WWHL and then Game of Crowns (or I'd personally put Real Housewives of Melbourne.

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Luann's fake butt won't do nothin at the reunion as usual. She and Andy are trying to get a rise out of Ramona but it's already evident that Ramona doesn't take the bait.

As for Kristen sitting next to Andy does that really mean anything? Is it really a guarantee that she'll be back next season? She was worse than Carlton from BH who at least got a real rise out of Kyle and did actually bring some drama to BH despite being a little prude. Kristen was just a fake aging model who was frustrated with her life and her husband and got a plastic wine glass tossed at her. Hardly memorable. IF she's back next season it's only because this reboot everyone keeps hoping for doesn't pan out or the show can't find anyone in all of New York City to replace her (which I find very impossible).

Glad you like NJ Eric! I didn't find it boring at all. The new girls are all interesting in various ways but I find Teresa so compelling to watch now. It's not coming across fake to me at all. She's very worried and doing her best to hide it and be strong for her husband and her kids. But you can tell it's weight on her mind.

Amber and her douchebag husband are already on my sh*t list though and it's only 2/3 episodes into the season....Dina's wardrobe...FLAWLESS

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This reunion is great!

Kristen owned it and didn't back down. By far she stole the show.

Heather is always on point. She called ppl on their [!@#$%^&*].

Carole is just a pleasure to watch and looked the best. She's so blunt and I loved all her comments.

Luann, I can't wait to see her come for trashy.

Sonja came off as desperate, like always. She's a broke nobody trying to marry a rich man to take care of her again. Period.

Aviva was desperate to steal the show.

Trashmona looks like the insane lying piece of trash she is. I love that even her cheerleader Andy ain't taking her [!@#$%^&*] now.

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I thought Luann stole the show IMO. She was on Sonja's ass like white on rice.

I think Aviva (who I LIVE for) was irrelevant in part one but part two and three, I think she's gonna slay them heffas. Especially Heather. And she'll trample over Carole b/c Carole is not confrontational. Carole is only witty in her talking heads but face on, she folds like a chair.

Sonja ... Chile ... SMDH. She truly needs to get her nugget checked.

Kristen was irrelevant IMO. Yeah, she had good points but she was trying too hard to make sure she was seen. Thirst was REAL. Betcha she talked to Brandi the night before to prep for the reunion and Brandi told her to act out so she'll be brought back. However, that does not always work. Look at Joyce, Carlton, and Ana for perfect examples.

What I cannot wait for is Ramona v. Luann/Andy.

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The set for the reunion looked cheap and tacky.

I liked Andy calling out the taglines bc they were all awful. Kristen about being stupid was the worst

Oh god, remember the Porsha/Kristen comparisons? She even got new boobs before the reunion and Andy mentioned it just like he did with Porsha. Anyways Kristen is a twit and I need her to leave

Aviva has a law degree? Had no clue

Heather looked good from the neck up but her dress awful. Ditto on Sonja. I though LuAnn looked great.

Why does Sonja struggle so much with money? Does she not get any alimony or child support from her VERY rich ex husband?


LMAO at Ramona's shade about LuAnn

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Carole's hair looks badly dyed, like she let her roots grow out and not in an "on purpose" way. Other than that, did she say or do anything this Reunion thus far? Or is she letting Heather be her attack dog? Sigh. I love Carole on the show but cannot warm to her in Reunions.

LuAnn maybe a 'friend of' this season, but she still became my favourite, and her calling Sonja out about believing her own hype is TRUTH. It's sad to see the friendship these two had (which I believe was real) crumble, but it seems Sonja is only listening to the people who flatter her in her life -- the interns, facialists, dog-primpers and mystics who feed her a bunch of BS. Time to get rid of these feng shui experts and save some $$$. I don't think the facialist needs to go because that woman was entertaining as hell, and Sonja's face is her fortune now.

Ramona bats away all-comers like a pro, but I really hope Andy doesn't chicken out on questioning her about Mario. LuAnn is right about her dishing it and not taking it.

Aviva sounds totally pre-rehearsed and fake and I'm about ready for her to go. I forgot about her GROSS father, too. Ugh -- may he never return.

Gosh, Kristen is not so bad y'all. I don't think she is nearly as bad as Portia or Carlton. I do think her attacks on Aviva are an easy target, though, as Aviva pretty much condemns herself with her own words.

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Did Shannon go to a PR person between last episode and this one? Because the difference was really striking. Shannon, worrying about her kids. Shannon, the voice of reason at the sake restaurant. I actually liked her! Even her relationship with David seemed -- in front of the cameras at least -- better.

TamraTakesItUpTheAss (sorry, couldn't resist) is Queen Bee for now with everybody wanting to hang with her, but I am SO ready for her takedown in Bali. Go in for the kill, Lizzie!

And how awful that nobody showed for Lizzie's birthday drinks but Vicki and her walking sperm-stain of a beau.

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Vicki is such an assh-le. "I cant believe I have to hang out with Dumb and Dumber" bitch please Lizzie would never hang out with your needy, psychotic ass if it wasn't for the show. She's lucky Lizzie is mature bc she should have been taken to task for that comment she doesnt even know them like that.

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