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If Nene doesn't show up to reunion and/or leaves the show altogether it will be hilarious as she will show how narcissistic and sensitive to criticism she is. She needs to take her beating and ride it out. One season everyone can hate you, the next season love you, and the next be indifferent to you. The way shes handling the current backlash is hilarious and sad.
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Nene started shading Marlo towards the end of I Dream of Nene after all that work Marlo put into helping her. She clearly took Diana's side and everybody else's when it came to Marlo. She also was shading Lexis, her long term friend. I'd also note that Marlo has not said a negative word about Nene to this day while Nene has dragged her in the press calling her a prositute, saying how she will never be a housewife and talking about how "extra" she is. Through all of this Marlo has told her followers not to say anything negative about Nene. I wouldn't say it's an open shut case. Nene introduced Marlo to Kenya and I see no reason why Marlo should avoid her. Cynthia isn't avoiding her and she's Nene's closest friend on the show.

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Your first point is interesting to me. I'm not usually one to cry production foul, but I have to say the slant towards Kenya in this episode was pretty obvious. I think the producers have known since last year that Nene might not stay longer and now that they have someone who could potentially be the new "star", I think she's definitely getting things edited in her advantage, while Nene is getting the bitch edit. Very shady. However, you're right about Nene's new weave. I wish she had kept it. It was giving me shades of Season One Nene, but obviously it looked much better.

You're right, Kenya is "working" this. There is nothing sincere about her actions or her apology. She is playing the game, and she just happens to be good at it right now. Call Nene shady, pressed, or a bitch all you want but she (nor any of the other ladies) could ever be as fake as Miss Kenya.

I'm glad Marlo didn't attend. I am over her, sadly. As for saying "Nene shouldn't have shown up", y'all know damn well if she hadn't attended you guys would have taken issue with that as well. Nene is set up to fail with the viewers this season. Kenya is the "it" girl right now and Nene could have crawled back on hands and knees begging for Kenya's forgiveness and you all would still shade her. I would hardly say Kenya is "taking over" though. It's very possible for a HW to be hated one season, loved the next and vice versa. Just look at how wildly unpopular Kenya was last season. Her inability to stand up for herself will be the death of her. She cannot thrive off of talking heads forever.

The only reason Kenya is "popular" this season is because of the feud with Nene. If Nene leaves or changes her attitude next season, Kenya will go right back to being irrelevant. Outside of this feud, Kenya has nothing going for her. All of the other ladies dislike her and try to avoid filming with her. She's irrelevant.

I doubt Nene will get a public lashing. Nene knows how to handle herself, and Kenya doesn't. She will slay Kenya, as will all of the other ladies. The viewer questions may be harsh but Nene will handle them just fine and you know Andy will not let her come off in too negative a light. If Nene does attend the reunion, I think she will "redeem" herself to most fans. Just look at Phaedra last year.

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Marlo put work into the wedding, absolutely. But Marlo also acted a fool, and tried to make the entire thing about herself. She did her job and was a good friend in some ways but she was also very inappropriate during the wedding. The dress incident, her demanding to see Nene before the wedding, etc. all showed that. Nene had every right to shade her. As for Nene saying negative things about her now, well - they aren't friends anymore. So whatever she's said since the falling out is not at all relevant to my question of how Nene was ever a bad friend.

As for Marlo not saying a word about Nene, it's because she's not stupid. As much as you all would like to think Nene is done for, Marlo knows that if she crosses Nene too much, she will not stand a chance at staying on this show. Andy already has a shaky history with her & the producers are wary of her because of her background. A feud is one thing, but the only reason she's been nice re:Nene in the press is because she's desperate to stay on the show and smart enough to know how to do it.

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Cant disagree there. Kenya is getting an amazing edit, but with editing, the producers cant air what you dont give them. Nene has been ugly in this story bc thats what she's giving them to work with. Kenya has done nothing wrong to Nene to get to this point. This fallout is all Nene's fault. Kenya was a firm Nene supporter until Nene fired shots at her which was real petty of her.

Personally I dont think Kenya had anything to apologize for and definetly not to those women whom her beef isnt with. It however was the right thing to do and as a woman something it takes saying Im sorry, even if you dont really mean it. It was the right thing to do and a necessary step in order to move on past the drama of the last few episodes.

Nene didnt have to come so pressed! She should have let the beef go for one night but I can understand why she couldnt. Thats what I meant about her being better off not coming at all. By coming so pissed and creating so much tension at a charity event, she showed her ass bc eveveryone was looking at her with the side eye. Even if the haters talked about her not showing, so what? It still would have been a better look for her to not attend as there wouldnt be footage of her being so bitter and miserable at a charity event of all places.

I dont get this statement considering Kenya has been filming with all the ladies. I can pinpoint several individual moments between she and all the cast members and she's almost always there for the group settings. Kenya was isolated in the first couple of episodes but has since been very well integrated into the group. She only has issues with Phaedra and NeNe. She gets along great with Cynthia and she has no beef with Kandi. She and Porsha arent even feuding this season and seem to have more of a neutral truce. Your statement rings false.

The feud with Nene only happened 2 episodes ago and Kenya has been getting good buzz before that with her talking heads, gossipping, stirring the pot without being nasty, Common-law wife drama, etc... You say Kenya has nothing going for her, but what does Nene have? This feud is co-beneficial as Nene hasnt had a single storyline this entire season. Her career has stalled and she's been forced to take a step back. If you want to call that a story, then go ahead, but its weak at best.

Again, outside of Phaedra and maybe Porsha, why would any of the other ladies have a reason to come for Kenya?
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So now it's poor innocent nene has the bitch edit while Kenya gets a great edit? Come on.

Nene I think could easily get a worse edit than she is. She is acting IRL online the same way she's being edited on the show. Loud, aggressive, deflecting, acting innocent, not owning up to anything, as if she's better and above everyone, etc. this is who she has become.

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As for the reunion, nene will come for Kenya. Shady Fakedra will chime in.

That's it, I think.

I think kandi, Cynthia and porcha are smart enough to know the general reaction has been pro Kenya. Then ain't going to go against that. Now Cynthia may defend nene, and if Kenya comes for her she will come back, but that's goes for most.

Reunion wise I'm most exacted for Cynthia vs Kandi and hopefully nays showing that Christopher did grab Kenya cuz apparently they didn't see it except for nene who defends it.

And that's the other think. How amazing was it when nene said men shouldn't get involved in women business but she defended chris grabbing Kenya and told Kenya she's lucky she didn't get her ass beat? This phony ass bitch is showing how hypocritical she is.

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I find it hard to believe Nene is getting a bitch edit. Just look at WWHL and how Andy still protects Nene. This is what they have to work with and like JackPeyton said, she's acting the exact same way off the show. Nene has never been one to apologize for ANYTHING big or small. She won't accept responsibility for anything and it makes her look like a fool. Nobody is setting her up, she is setting herself up.

I haven't seen tonights episode, but I will say, her short wig in the recent talking head is nice. It doesn't stand up too high and it looks fairly natural. Overall I can't believe how horrible her wigs have been this season. They are worse than what you see on broke drag queens. Why is nobody counseling her? And how do yall think her hair looks under the wig?

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I think she looks best with the short blond hair but down, parted on like a side or all flipped over to one side. I can't find a pic but she rocked it like that at some point IRL and it was amazing how much better and more natural it looked. The pushed all back just makes her face look huge.

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Those rh awards suck.

The only thing worth voting for is take a Xanax and Brianna vs Brooks.


They are not working overtime. Kenya isn't early giving he. Anything negative to show. Be that an act or real I don't know. If it's an act it's sure a better one than she tried last season lol.

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