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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yep, that's the one! I almost cried, not something that happens easily with the Housewives. It was so raw and emotional and painful. Poor kid. But he's getting better. The Karent thing was on the same episode, right before. We hadn't seen Frankie yet, Karent mentioned him, Alexia went off on her, and then we saw him. My God, so so so sad. It was horrible that she brought it up, although I don't believe it was done maliciously. BUT she never should have mentioned him.

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In regards to opening tag lines, didn't someone here once mention that Carole from NYC was hoping they'd use her alternate line, "I'm a writer. I leave the drama on the page" or something close to that. Don't know if she made a fuss of it, just that she had preferred that one instead.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Ok if that's where you're at, you're about to go on the WILDEST Housewives ride of your life- Lisa's Lingerie Party is either the next episodes or coming up soon. I remember when each of those episodes first aired, I literally watched them multiple times in a row. AMAZING! Some of Marysol's funniest moments come in those episodes also.

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When I watched it for the first time the time literally flew by. When it was like "On the next Real Housewives of Miami" I was like :o it just started getting good.

Another good one I liked was when they all went to Thomas Kramer's house for a dinner and he and Ana get into it. Only time I really found her interesting.

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Vicki is still denying she hatched a plan to seperate gretchen and tamra in mexico? Bullshit. God, this is why its hard to like her for any real amount of time.

I do think ALL the OC ladies take things way, way to personal.

Tamra trying to cause an issue between gretch/heather, and heather not taking the bait because gretchen is right and does say what she says about people to them, and of course not vicki but thats cuz she and vicki are always ready to go to war and if she did itd be such an issue all the time.

ah, the st regis hotel! i miss that place. i feel like they never film there. And TBH, i dont think gretch is dumb enough to makeout with another dude at a party at a hotel infront of Tamra. Lydia is def desperate to secure a spot.

Thank god Andy set tamra straight on her bringing up gretchen cheating on jeff. tamra always tries to skit the blame for [!@#$%^&*] she stirs. tamra/vicki printing pics of gretchen and this dude, lol i cant - and they deny they planned to bring this up? Stop it. omg. its like naked wasted, they cant own anything they do. vicki doesnt hate gretchen? lord, id hate to see what she says and how she treats people she hates. gretchen is so on point about vicki doing and saying [!@#$%^&*] then denying it. she clearly sent this text and everyone admitted to it, but she cant own it and she accuses everyone else of this, its infuriating and i cant understand how people have people like this in their lives.

guess what, if tamra and vicki would stop bringing up the jeff thing theyd stop looking terrible. gretchen isnt making them come off bad, they are coming off bad on their own.

lydia calling heather princess would have been great, if lydia herself didnt act like one. i mean shes saying this as she wears a jewled head thing that may as well be a tiara and she calls herself a princess. and i cant at her acting like her wooh hoo came naturally and she didnt watch this show and knew vicki said that. and this fake ass bitch denying that she downplayed her friendship with alexis because she knew the other girls didnt like her.

dying at heather calling lydia on her [!@#$%^&*] about the cover and her giving herself a 10 page thread, lmao. and i loved andy setting this bitch straight and questioning her on putting Lisa V on the cover. Lydia is such a bitch and tries to be it on the downlow. i cant stand this girl. her judgmental, hypocritical views - she is totally a mini Vicki. Lydia totally came here to get at heather cuz she was pissed over the blog, lol. heather owned her ass, she looked so pathetic and desperate asking for an example princess" providing a clear example. so glad heather called her on that [!@#$%^&*].

omg i loved greatchen calling out tamra and vicki on their [!@#$%^&*]. they are pissed over this rumor about vicki having a threesome, and their defence is that they have photos of gretchen and this guy so its diff? its not. and loved gretchen calling out vicki on her other [!@#$%^&*] like attacking slade then defending brooks.

andy was LIVING for lauri/gretch vs tamra/vicki. id love to see the dynamic between lauri/heather tbh.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Oh I thought Lydia just killed Heather. And I'm sorry, but Lisa Vanderpump is more cover-worthy than Heather EVER will be. She seems to think she is some well known, respected actress, but she never built on her early successes. The guest starring gigs she has now are because of her role on this show. I'd have more respect if I saw her out there grinding, but it seems obvious she'll only act enough to get a storyline on this show.

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Back to opening quotes, one of the BEST one was Nene's "When I walk into a room, I OWN it!" She sure owned that line with her delivery. It was fierce

Worst: Brandi's "Money, doesn't give you class. It gives you money" That was so boring. I hope she comes back with something better next season

I think they want some vindication. Gretchen has made it look like they were lying and crazy for their allegations when they were likely right. I thought Tamra had put it to rest and I think she did, until she paired back up with Vicki. Gretchen went after Vicki hard this season which I think is what motivated Vicki to strike back and unfortunately it involved bringing up years old drama. I think her goal was to be that she's admitted her indiscretions in her relationship and owned up to it; Gretchen has not so she needs to back down

IMO, Heather looked stupid here. So what if Lydia gave herself a 10 page spread? Its her MAGAZINE! Heck Oprah puts herself on the cover of every issue of O. Heather looked pressed and whiny who even use that to attack her. Its like big deal? I love how this blogger put it

Pretty much!


Man, Heather was looking super pressed throughout that segment. If looks could kill...

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Vicki has vaguly danced around simi admitting to cheating. she says, always, there was an indiscretions in her marriage. she doesnt own that she cheated on him, she denies that she was with brooks while married to don - an issue that we all know the truth about and is the reason her kids hate him so much. she wants gretchen to say i slept with this dude on this day at this time and we did it in this position and even then would push and push and push for more details and use it all against her. And again, Gretchen didnt make them look bad at all with the jeff thing because it was pretty clear to everyone she did cheat, what made them come off terrible was their beinging it up all the time, the naked wasted, the whoring out of ryan, the being vicious to her as jeff was dying because if she was sleeping with someone else or not its wrong to do. they make themselves come off bad, period.

as for lydia, heather isnt the one who brought up Lisa on the cover - Andy did. And it was clear by her answer, as much as i love her, lisa basically bought her spot on the cover by donating to the magazine, promoting it, adding to it, and good for her. I see nothing wrong with it. heathers point was that they put person X on the cover but they only have a 3 page layout while Lydia has a 10 page layout. And yes Oprah is on the cover of her magazine but shes also Oprah. Lydia isnt Oprah. I And Lydia was denying laughing at Heather asking for the cover when she clearly was. There was nothing wrong with heather asking for the cover nor was there with lydias husband denying it to her. Lydia was making digs at Heather, example: calling her princess, she does this and plays the innocent act and its so annoying when people do it.

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Vicki's said she has cheated. What does she need to give out details of who, when, what position they were doing, etc...? She's said she's had affairs. That should be enough and I don't think it needs to get any deeper than that. Gretchen has never admitted to cheating on her fiancé while he was alive. All she needs to do is say, yes we were in a romantic relationship and close the chapter on that. Instead she says they were always just friends and never got sexual besides a "friendly kiss", which she lied about till pictures surfaced

Heather didn't bring up Lisa on the cover but she brought up Lydia being in the mag, which is what I thought made her look bad. As far as the Oprah comparison, that was my point and why I put that quote after. Lydia knows she isn't famous enough to be on her cover which is why she doesn't do it. Heather apparently isn't famous enough either which is why they went with a more iconic figure that month. Its all about sales and a cover featuring Monroe was going to sell more than Heather Dubrow.

Heather is super pretentious and acts like a bigger star than she actually is. I appreciate Lydia looking at and treating her like Heather the regular person and not Heather the celebrity. Heather holds herself higher and act like she's in a class above the other ladies and its condescending at times. Im glad Lydia didn't fall back and let that fly with her

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Vicki doesnt need to admit anymore, or even that honestly, i was saying the moment gretchen did admit to cheating shed be drilled with all of those questions cuz thats how tamra/vicki operate. Honestly, so what if gretchen denies it? Everyone knows she did, if those two hags would stop obsessing over it itd be a dead horse. They keep bringing it up to try and make her look bad, and imo it doesnt work. They look terrible.

I get heather not being on the cover, i think heather gets it to, her point tho i think is valid. its strange when the person on the cover has next to no coverage while someone else has a 10 page spread. i have rarely ever seen that and when i do i always comment on how odd it is. heather was saying that they want famous people on the cover but provide little content, imo, and i get her point. its just strange. and if her magazine is capable for A list power players for the cover, why wouldnt they feature them more than the owner on the inside? but still, its not about that, its about all the digs horseface does and denies doing and she proved heathers point when asking for an example. hilarious. clearly doug is the brains behind their business. and lydia was also totally lying about denying how close she was to alexis.

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