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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Boogerwolves! laugh.png

Are they still on in Season 2? I'll have to see if I can handle that. Can't stand Cristy's smug grin and, as for Larsa, if your life, kids and husband are so perfect, then why the f.ck are you on this show? What drama do you bring to the table? I don't need a Housewife there solely to start arguments with others based on the premise that she is eternally perfect. Bitch, gtfo. And what was that about Larsa having money troubles? She denied but I didn't believe her.

And that reunion was particularly vile. Not because I haven't seen Housewives arguing in the reunions before but because they all seemed to genuinely hate each other and threw some vitriol, yet the show had none of that.

Edited by YRBB
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I don't know because I know I stopped watching at some point during season 1 (and was shocked to see that Andy actually renewed this version because it was lame as hell, IMO). What I do know is that I loathed Crusty and Larva (hearing that their rancid demeanor was just as prevalent off-screen didn't help matters) and couldn't stomach watching them for another minute.

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Larsa was the only good thing about Miami season one. Well I guess after Elsa. I hated that she left

Oh and S2 is nothing like the first. S1 wasn't originally envisioned as a RH show hence the uneven mess that it was. Andy took over and revamped it as a proper RH series and it improved immensely as a result

Edited by Cheap21
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Ugh NJ annoyed me. I'm still wondering why Dr. V only made the Guidices apologize and didn't make the Gorgas apologize. Joe ran up on Juicy and Melissa talked sh-t about Teresa's children. Had Tre said she thought Antonia would bully Milania (lol... Milania could take Melissa honestly) all hell wouldve broken loose.

Richie is disgusting talking about Beast's pubic hair and then grabbing her boobs. I don't care if she's a lesbian she is still a woman and that is so inappropriate. I can't believe Rosie didn't punch him and Kathy should have checked that sh-t. Richie is also lame for bringing up the fight when they went ice fishing. So damn messy.

Jacqueline is nasty for insinuating that Joe Gorga and Teresa had sex. Bet she gets away with that comment but Juicy or Tre would be nailed to the wall for something likw that :rolleyes:

I appreciate Kathy genuinely apologizing about her comments in Tre's parents and acknowledging she has hurt Tre's feelings (unlike the perpetual victims known as the Gorgas ugh they make me sick)

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I liked Cristy and Larsa because them heifers kept up drama, and IMO, Cristy was the Sheree to Adriana's Nene--the only b#tch that keeps her on her toes. I kinda wish that Bravo would've brought Cristy back this season seeing as she's been in the headlines from dating Jamie Foxx.


Love goddess Linnethia but she getting too big for her britches. She can't knock people that wanna reach where she is. She's at the top now, meaning she can only go downhill. She better humble herself and fast.


I hope this is the end of Melissa v. Teresa. I'm sick of both of these hard body broads. After this season, it needs to be a cast overhaul, a lot of them needing to go. Dare I say but they need to keep Teresa (Lord help me. . .) and my precious Kathy. Those other three can GO. Melissa letting the spotlight get to head her and it's making me start to side with Herman Monster, which is a no-no.

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Lipstick Alley had THE most amazing tea-spilling thread about RHoNJ this weekend. Like, jaw-dropping. I have no idea if it is all true but, to keep a long story short, the (alleged) reason for the feud is because Joey got in serious debt to keep Melissa in the style to which she has become accustomed, moved them into a spec house built on materials/handiwork that he has yet to pay back because the house was initially built to be "flipped," i.e. the construction people would be paid after the house sold.

Since he didn't sell the house, he still had to pay them and got into debt with loan sharks upon which he bilked his parents' home (without them even knowing). The loan sharks evicted the elders, and that's why Juicy was building a place for them on his property. And that's why Teresa and her parents can't stand Melissa because they think her need to be famous was behind Joey's need to move her into the spec house and get his hands on $$$.


As for the latest episode, I saw NOTHING genuine in Melissa's conduct, least of all the fake drunkeness. She is such a poor actress! As well as being a manipulative little liar.

But I did find Teresa and Caroline's interaction genuine and actually sort of sweet.

Jacqueline's comment about Joey prob having had sex with his sister at 10 was disgusting (even her husband looked taken aback) and I hope she gets read at Reunion for saying that. Eric83, you are so right, if Juicy or Tre had said that about Jacqueline and her brother, or Caroline and Chris Laurita, they would be calls to get their asses thrown in jail.

On a positive note, Jacq looked good in the previews at the sit-down dinner with Teresa, which is surprising as her surgery usually looked fucked up.

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