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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Had to dig up this old post. I loved Teresa since my first time watching. wub.png

LOL.... Cheap is gonna get me for this but I can't even lie she did look good last night. The best she's ever looked actually (ugh I hate giving her a compliment)

LMAO I am going to be throwing shade her way every chance I get come time for Miami's return. wink.png

Edited by Eric83
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Cheap, I was in TEARS when you had that in your sig. "Look I'm Meliss. I'm going to the pole" It was so funny because everyone was looking at her and then Melissa's face after and Kathy looking at her and laughing. I couldn't breathe when I first saw it.

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Awww. *hugs Cheap and Eric*

I knew you two would slowly become Team Kathy. She's gonna win you over. Watch and see. happy.png Now if I can get you to two to love my Ana from Miami. . . .tongue.png

And I just tried watching the OC but I can't, I CAN'T. The drama is too artificial for me. They are just creating sh*t to create sh*t. I'm over Heather treating Terry like crap. He needs to wait until the finale taping and shockingly hand Pleather divorce papers and leave. Now I'll watch that. Otherwise, do as Queen Linnethia said and recast this show . . . or better yet cancel it and go to new location like Dallas, Seattle, Detroit, London, Toronto--somewhere but the OC. These heffas are boring me. Bring on Miami already!!!

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Catching up... Sigh... After watching the Jersey special, I REALLY hope something changes this year. Another repeat of the last two seasons will get old by the 3rd episode in.

One thing that was mentioned that only Theresa spoke the truth about: EVERY housewife knew damn well something was going down at that dumb Posche Show Bravo setup.

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LOL here we go. Apparently there was a big confrontation with Brandi and Lisa calling Kyle and Mauricio out on cheating allegations and Brandi told Kyle she had cold, hard proof Kyle walked out and told producers she wants off the show! They managed to calm her down but she's still furious.


While I am laughing at this as Kyle annoys the hell out of me. Brandi should have learned from what she did last year. SMH. Watch Faye make her triumphant return to get at Brandi for this!

Edited by Eric83
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Brandi. SHUT THE F-CK UP! Im so over this bitch and her mouth constantly talking sh-t and throwing everyone's business out there. She's too old for this. One day she's going to really get sued and of course she'll cry about being a poor single mother who was cheated on for sympathy. I like her but she infuriates me at the same time. She is so damn sloppy. Like she needs to watch what she says. Oh and I don't like Lisa getting in the middle of this either. She's better and too classy to get mixed up with hurling those allegations around

Yay if it brings Faye back! She can and will read Brandi on how she tried to destroy Kyle and Mauricio's marriage and family. I hope Bravo brings her back to stir up some sh-t. Oh you got me excited!

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I am all for Kyle being roasted like a pig but marraige and children needs to be off limits. Kyle was wrong and fake for how she handled the Season 2 reunion but come on Lisa! Hopefully it isn't as bad as what's been reported.

And confession guys....

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that sounded like the stuff that was being hurled at the NJ reunion last season. I don't like when they start spilling personal tea about marriages and kids either. To me that crosses a line bc those are words you can not take back

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SMH. Guess Brandi did not learn and she's taking Lisa down with her. While people love Brandi for her tell-it-like-it-is personality, she is going too far. People's personal lives should be off the table. I sided with her in this Adrienne situation b/c Adrienne was being messy behind the scene but now with Kyle?!

See I told y'all that Nene was dead on point with Brandi. Girl is a train wreck. A WRECK!

I don't see this doing Lisa or Brandi any good. They keep this up and they might join Teresa, Ramona, and even my Nene (who IMO wasn't that bad from seasons 2-4 as other ppl claim, but she did redeem herself this past season) from being the faves to the least faves.

I don't even see Queen Yolanda getting in this mess. Yo-Yo, steer clear of these heffas and rise above the fray.

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Eric my man, 100 grand! We part ways here. Family (husbands) is very much on limits, but I don't need Lisa, who's looking [!@#$%^&*] fierce BTW, in the middle of it. Kyle is a dirty dirty dog, so if she gets it, let's do it!

Love that gif!!!!!

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LOL the main thing is Brandi coming out with this when they do have kids, I hope her proof is something legitimate and we the audience can see. I don't have the patience for another season of a secret being kept under wraps because of legal action being taken, and Brandi not being able to reveal her source. And people running around telling her she ruined a family.

And yes, I am sad to see Lisa getting this messy. But like I said I will reserve complete judgement until it airs. Glad my Duchess Yolanda is nowhere near this f-ckery.

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OMG - Tamra is getting a wedding show spin-off.


I think they may be overdoing it with these spin-off shows.

Speaking of the OC... no one has mentioned the fact that LAURI, an original S1 OG, was back this week! It looks like she's got beef with Vicki, so that should be interesting. She used to work for Vicki!

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I don't agree. Mo and Kyle both put themselves out there. Kyle is a duplicitous cow and Mo saw fit to be in Brandi's face last season about crap that was not his business. He's in it just like his wife! Brandi is trash and this was determined mid season so I'm not shocked, and I am super happy that she just might give Kyle that roasting I've been longing for!

As for Lisa? I need her far far far away from this. Not sure I believe that she is in the middle of such an accusation anyhow.

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