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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Damn I thought they already started filming. I don't see why they should get raises as ratings went down last season. Heather, Carole, and Aviva are still newbies I really don't know who they think they are demanding raises. LuMan WTF did you do to deserve a raise? laugh.png

Fire all of them and start over and let's make this show hipper, younger (35-45) and diverse. Come on Andy!

I REALLY hope this happens actually. I liked Heather and Carole, but I am over LuAnn and Sonja and to a lesser degree Ramona.

It was THE lowest rated season besides Season 1.

Edited by Eric83
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My guess is that they delayed NYC so they could film the majority of the season during the summer and capture more of the high-end Hamptons, like they did the first two seasons. It's harder to film in NYC during school and the fall/winter timeframe. It's much easier to do that with all the other cities bc those ladies all pretty much live in the suburbs, except Miami maybe.

I'm sort of sad - I actually really enjoyed the NYC season and the new ladies for the most part were fun! I have a soft spot in my heart for the NYC cast. :)

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Wow that's actually quite shocking but I'm kinda happy/excited. I think they all deserve it. I'm watching season 5 now and while its not high pumping insane drama 24/7 I am highly entertained by all the ladies (save LuMan and Sonja who's becoming a train wreck apparently)....

Here's to hoping....

I just need Ramona, Heather, Aviva, and maybe Heather (she's so quiet and innocent lol).

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I all I have say on RHONYC, adios b*tches! I betcha Jill & Alex would be glad to be invited back with 5 new women.

IMO, these women are thinking they deserve RHOA type money when they don't. RHONYC ratings are in the tubes, so you get paid scraps until things change.

Andy, chunk these heffas the deuces.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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NYC is filled with a bunch if pretentious cows. They should get rid of all of then and put the series to rest while they take their time to cast. They should for a multicultural show, hiring Black, Asian and Hispanic women with money and status and not just Caucasians. If they did, Heather and maybe Carole are the only ones I can see hanging with a group like that. I'd give them an offer but if they want more than their asses can stay canned

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Yes, they get half the ratings of RHOA so they shouldn't be expecting fat paychecks. Honestly, I really would not miss any of them that much. Though Ramona did get me turned on to Pinot. Thanks girl!


ETA: NY Post is reporting Ramona wants $1 million to appear on Season 6. This woman wants what Nene is getting and more money than the entire cast of RHONJ. Delusional! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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OMG! Angry Chuckie! :lol:

Re: RHoNY -- What Bravo could do is agree on performance-related bonuses. If this season reaches a certain height in the ratings then Bravo could agree to pay over and above what their currently agreed salaries are.

I personally loved last season's NY, Heather is my girl! I even enjoy that crazy uptight Aviva. As far as having people return, I really don't miss Alex that much, although I like her and agree that she took the fall for Jill, Kelly and Cindy's nastiness. I only want Jill to return if Bethenny was coming back, too.

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I had a feeling once the article came out showcasing what each housewife made, that something like this would happen. Hence the unwritten rule never to tell people what you make cause you might either make more then the person you tell, or less then the person you tell.

If they refuse to sign, then I think it's time to put RHONY to bed.

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