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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 4

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All they cared about was making Victor look better and propping feeble Nick. They destroyed Adam for that, and for sicko stories to get attention. Then when Engen quit, they decided to hype Muhney and get PR about their own brilliance. For that reason I think Adam may still stay around, if Muhney does. They will just ignore what they don't like.

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I like Michael Muhney and I like his portray of Adam. I wish the character were written better. Isn't that a given? I've said it multiple times. However, if I did like the character as he is, I sure wouldn't allow your attempts to bully me out of that to have any affect.

I know it's really difficult for you to stay on the topic of Y&R, instead of your attempts at analyzing the motivations of posters you don't know even know or castigating people for their opinions, but why not give it a try, until you do, I won't be taking you seriously.

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We all wish the character was written better. If not everyone, then a large majority wished and still wishes this character was faaar better used. Engen, who annoyed some here, I know, was a better portrayer to me than Muhney is. However, even that got old quickly because they didn't know how to write him and instead of writing some sort of repentance or change into the character, they kept pushing him down the sewer, nito a darker and darker territory, into this poor, pathetic, miserly petty little soul. It was a terrible waste.

With Engen I could totally see a deeply hurt individual doing what he did, in the end realising how horrible and wrong it all was, breaking down into tears or some sort of neurotic attack of whatever and then building it all from there...

Muhney made it all into a caricature and it doesn't help that he keeps pimping himself as this great thespian and Maria as an auteur par excellance.

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Bottom line: TIIC messed up because their conception of Adam was small-minded and short-term. Chris Engen (or Pipsqueak as I called him at first) took some time to connect to his character but once he did, I invested in Adam. I think it was around the time he started standing up to Nick, Phyllis and VampToria's hectoring, and when he and Heather started becoming an item. The latter's chemistry humanised the character; the former made me cheer him on. And of course, once a fan begins to "get" a character, they begin to project him on the wider Y&R canvas. I thought Adam would make a great counterpoint to the supposedly heroic Nick -- he'd be more vengeful and flawed, perhaps, but still relatable. He would have to fight for Victor's approval, knowing that he is not the favored son, but he was probably more like the stubborn old goat than TGVN cared to admit. Cane and Abel, Esau and Jacob and all that.

Unfortunately, TPTB have tunnel vision and (I'm speculating here) were anxious not to veer from their agenda, which was to prop Victor and his "true" Newman children NickToria as much as possible. Everybody else be damned. Given VampToria's soporific, robotic bitchiness, Nick's inability to keep his pants zipped and Victor's generally nasty attitude, I guess they had to make Adam a psycho in order to allow these three numskulls to point fingers and get on their high horse. What a shame they are so enamoured of the Newmans that they cannot write for them as three-dimensional characters with flaws and all. Because a Newman vs. Newman simmering family rivalry would have been a better, long-term SL. IMHO.

The recast with Muhney just played into TPTB's intentions for the character. Like MAB said in that deluded interview, it wasn't about giving Adam humanistic qualities that (IMO) Engen brought to the role. It was about making Adam a "love-to-hate character." :rolleyes: Like a box ticked on a "To Do" list.

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Even now they have had no real idea as to how to present Adam as this black sheep. They didn't know whether to write him as remorseful or happy with what he'd done, they rushed any of Sharon's grieving or vulnerability which might have made people more wary of her relationship with Adam. The other problem is that the diary stuff was so minor compared to Victor's many ugly crimes against people, yet, as always, we're supposed to just love that, because it's Victor.

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Everyone knows Bloom probably hates what's going on over at Y&R and that there is no love lost between her and Queen Maria. With the news that CBS is exploring adding yet ANOTHER gameshow to the lineup to replace ATWT, do you guys think CBS will force it's affiliates(especially O&O's) to do a time shuffle, to keep her gameshow lot together, as they have already done with Let's Make a Deal and The Price is Right and force Y&R to compete with either One Life to Live or GH, thinking the show is strong enough to survive on its own without the cushy timeslot?

I'm always wrong about these things, but it wouldn't surprise me if Bloom decided to ask her affiliates to do something like this:







2:30PM B&B


This strengthens their gameshow properties to keep them all from failing and it, in theory, pushes the established show to 3PM and trusts the audience will follow or that the East Coast afterschool crowd will sample their show instead of GH.

I predict we'll see more affiliates next season and maybe the following season doing what Atlanta does with Y&R. I think Bloom is concerned about keeping her job first and whether that means replacing every soap on her lineup with a cheap gameshow or talk show, she'll do it. Especially since she and CBS no longer have the control over Y&R that they once did. I think she could care less about keeping Y&R at its timeslot, especially if she feels she can go further up in the company by proving that she's a better leader and someone who can bring profits while cutting costs rather than a protector of daytime drama.

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