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Done with Season 5. Waiting for the arrival of Season 6.


Those last few episodes were bananas!!!! That fight with the WhiteWalkers and that warrior dying...darn...just met her and liked her. Jon with the sword. The giant. It was just great. Then Drogon saving his 'mother.' LOVE.


Ceresi's walk of shame. She had soooo coming. And yet...I still felt a little sorry for her. Can't wait to see how she reacts to her daughter dying.


Definitely Jon Snow's best season to date. I didn't get the hype before...I liked Robb better, but Jon came into his own this season. And that last scene was sooo Julius Caesar.


Arya's story this season. Just was full of atmosphere and liked she got the revenge for her fencing teacher. But the twist...was like something like the faith dancers out of CHILDREN OF DUNE. 

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Killing Joffrey in eppy 2 of S4 is so bold.  That little sh!t had it coming but boy will I miss the actor!


Have hated Baelish from day one but he gets major points for killing that witch Lysa!  


No sympathy for Theon Greyjoy (killed and burned 2 boys and it would have been the Starks if he had them) but Alfe Allen is exceptional!  

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On the toilet?!  Seriously!!!!!  


Great season even tho I lost Tywin

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I didn't realize how much I loved Tyrion and Jaime's relationship.  So happy Jaime helped Tyrion and if Tyrion had to be the one to kill Tywin, I'm satisfied it was with explicit brutal intent, a total G move!  


Didn't like Arya when I watched the first 3 seasons a few years ago, but I'm really appreciating her journey.  


Bye Ygritte...Bitch!  

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I knew he was something in his first appearance talking to Jamie and that speech he gave...such a minor scene...still had such a strong gravitas to it in a sea of all the other stories and characters going on. Loved at first sight. Then he had that whole arc with Arya for a while and I was just...swoon. LOL!!!


I also had a SERIOUSLY reaction to Tyrion, him, and the toilet. A kinda justice yes, but I was 'why, why, why' for the next few days. I really  liked his character and what he brought to the table. And Charles Dance played him so masterfully.



Hehe...thank you.


Season 6, Episode 3 happy that Arya finally hit that little brat of a sidekick.

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Arya took a bath.  YAY!!!!!


The best thing Jon Snow has done, to date, is refuse Melisandre.  Gone on somewhere else with that rancid poisonous snatch.  Stannis traveling with that witch and has nothing to show for it.  Hate her.  


I really enjoy the actor who plays Ramsey.  He's really good.  


On eppy 6 and I'mma need this season to be over.  

Edited by ChitHappens
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Season 6, Episode 7 now...


Thank God, Thank God, Arya hit that girl. I rewinded that a LOT even now.


Awww at the first Stark reunion. I about cried.


So THAT was Hodor. Wow. I have to say that Bran's storyline has been my favorite. As I would say the same for Arya. I think it's just my fantasy writer/reader coming out since they were not my favorite at first. It was all the intrigue over at King's Landing. So soapy. But once I heard 'you will not walk again. But you will fly' I was just so so sold. And wow at the WhiteWalker reveal re: origins. Can't wait to see where it goes.


Speaking of King's Landing...smh at Margery. I expect that of your husband. But you are SMARTER than that.


I can't believe that I'm about to hit last year's episodes.


Must slow down...lol...or the wait will be insane. lol.



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Sansa riding up with the cavalry:


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Legit tears came running!  


Sansa getting her revenge on Ramsey was television at it's finest.  The best part???  She enjoyed doing it!  We don't usually see that.  I really liked Ramsey but he was too sadistic, so I kept wondering when and how he'd get his.  GOT does not disappoint!  How he killed Rikon was so cruel. 


Anything else in the season pales in comparison and I still have one eppy to go!  

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I was so over this Faith Miltiah part that I really needed something done with them. And I loved that what happened was foreshadowed way before it happened. And this it was so beautiful done. Lesson to be learned here? NEVER back Cersei in a corner. lol. She went from hate her to love to hate her. And I hollered when she kept her word to the nun #lannistersalwayspaytheirdebts


If I hated anything it was losing Mags. Good to see that she was cunning right up until the end.


And QUEEN OF THORNS with her shade. PERFECTION. 



So many scenes were standouts not including the above.

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