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HBO: Game of Thrones


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I wonder why the show runners are so eager to wrap things up? Is this show a nightmare to produce for some reason? It's not as if they are truly out of source material. There was enough there for 10 seasons and HBO seemed to want it to last as long as possible. I'd love to know the inside scoop.

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I think they just wanted to keep it to the same seasonal length. HBO, of course, wants to prolong its natural runtime to maximize profit.


I don't really have a problem with the network potentially shortening the episode orders to keep it going a bit longer. If they made them elongate the story (as I felt Season 5 did in some ways, and was probably their weakest year) that'd be a different matter, but I don't see that happening.

Edited by Vee
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Read an article sneering about TWD's death fakeouts and praising GoT for how they handled Jon Snow's death. It's typical press hype, as they love to carry water for this show, but the problem for me is that the buildup to Jon's death was so shockingly repetitive and piss-poor (500 shots of a child actor mean-mugging the camera, 500 shots of the various Night's Watch leaders undercutting Jon and making him look impotent) that I ended up hoping Jon stays dead, rather than continue to be handled by people who have repeatedly wasted so much of his potential and the dramatic power of the Night's Watch. Last season the writing for the Night's Watch wasn't far off something from a Saved by the Bell cafeteria scene. 

Edited by DRW50
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Yeah, it's Now, which I may settle for. I had access to my friend's HBO Go acct last year but HBO upped verification last summer - at least for my system, it now seems to make you login via cable provider through an arcane provider system. The issue is, HBO Go plays on some consoles and TVs while HBO Now plays on others - and my TV console of choice supports Go, not Now, which means I'd have to watch Now on either my computer or iPad instead of my big TV. Sucks but I may do it (or just 'acquire' the episodes as I did before last year). Or bully Time Warner into giving me HBO since I'm fed up with them to begin with...

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Amazing. (SPOILERS, obviously)


I can't stand the sight of Jon's body. I still hold hope that he will be, somehow, alive. Returned. 


I cried when Brienne defended Sansa and FINALLY convinced her to allow her to serve her. Finally. FINALLY. That was wonderful. And Theon seems to be coming back!


Headey's reaction to Myrcella's death was lovely. This is finally bringing Jamie and Cersei back together. Their promise that they will come out on top is so promising. I wonder if we'll see some of the old Jamie coming back now. 


Ugh at anything having to do with the Sand Snakes and their stupidity. Thankfully, the show recognizes this too and quickly dispersed with what they had to do with them. Please, let this be the end!


I did not expect all of Tyrion/Daenerys' fleet to be burned down and I feel so bad about Jorah and his greyscale and Dany shoved into a widow temple. Clearly something's gonna happen with that Khal Moro (and I am not opposed).


Not thrilled but not hating the Arya stuff. Also brief. 


That Melisandre ending was shocking. My God... I am still hoping she somehow traded her beauty/youth for Jon's life. That necklace must be something.

Edited by YRBB
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I would be annoyed that they are milking Jon's storyline for all it's worth, but since there isn't one chance in the seven hells he won't be resurrected I'm letting it go. Mel said as much tonight when she mentioned that she saw him fighting at Winterfell. I don't think she traded her youth for Jon, I think she's been ancient this whole time. The thought of Gendrey having sex with her is unfortunate.


Brienne and Sansa were the best part of the show for me. The actress who plays Brienne did really good work in that scene. I can't decide how I feel about Theon.


I'm not that interested Arya's story either.




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Yep. I guess I have never envisioned her sailing to King's Landing. The real war is in the north, she has to show up there on Drogon's back doesn't she? I suppose that leaves the question of the Unsullied,  but maybe Dany can win the iron born over somehow and their boats will bring them or maybe they will never come over.



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I always felt she was the weak link for the show, the most boring part bar none, but Arya has stolen her crown.   Yes the burned fleets means five years of dialogue was pointless going nowhere, time killing nothing, but I fear we are about to watch 8 weeks of Arya getting hit with a broomstick learning to fight like a ninja monk assassin.

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