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Lorraine Broderick not headwriter of AMC

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Yeah her style is more ABC, but with a twist. She's very plot driven, but she is also very politically correct so expect them to tone down the glamour. She prefers to tell stories in two week blocks, then move onto other stories. She did rotate the cast pretty regularly, but only because her stories were so short. She'd mention something and revisit it two or three months later only to wrap it up quickly. The only good thing I can say is that she did seem to love writing for the minorities on Y&R. Dru was front and center in particular.

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Honestly, I could see it happening. I'd say Lorraine Broderick, Megan McTavish and Lynn Marie Latham are the frontrunners in contention for the job. Broderick has history with the show and would probably tell more classic typical soap fare. McTavish pretty much established the current incarnation of the show. And Latham is a primetime writer so they could argue new blood.

Yes! She did this on Knots as well. Her goal is for it to be as "real" as possible. I guess to her that means bad lighting, bland sets and people constantly talking over each other. I bet if she joins AMC fans will eat up all her inital changes like we Y&R fans did. She'll word it in a way like she's enhancing the existing vibe of the show and then demolish it once she's settled in.

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A lot of my issues with LML stem from her Port Charles writing stint. There were some good moments, but I was so angered by her trashing of the Lucy character, especially the absolute garbage where Lucy drained the car of gas and this led to a car crash and Serena being blinded. It was just awful, awful writing.

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It's probably a hoax, but if true it would either be a very good or very bad thing for AMC, no in between. She could either bring it back from the near-dead or kill it altogether. I don't think she was terrible on Y&R, especially when Alden and Smith were still involved. I think her ouster there had more to do with behind the scenes power plays than with ratings or writing-quality issues. I mean, look at the state of the show now. Hogan and MAB are telling the same kinds of stories Latham did, but much less focused and less coherent, and the ratings are comparable to/less than what she was bringing in, yet they are still there with no sign of going anywhere soon. All this talk about her controlling production values and taking over the world at ABC are pretty ridiculous, since she would only be HW-ing, not producing. JHC isn't going anywhere! Plus she'd have Frons and the suits at ABC to contend with, who, for good or for bad, would never give her complete power. So, if it does turn out to be true, I'd wait and see how it turned out. Maybe we'd be pleasantly surprised.

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After the succession of dreadful HWs on AMC I think it's doubtful long time fans will be pleased with the new HW. The fact that Frons viewed Pratt as it's savior speaks for itself. I think it's very likely that he IS talking to people like McTavish and LML who we don't wanna hear about, but it's a real possibility. I don't think any Y&R fan would truly wish LML on anybody, but it would speak volumes about how out of touch Frons is. OLTL got lucky with the self-promotion because he's not about to spend money on hiring a big name hack for OLTL.

Latham already did a terrible job on Port Charles, but she still got hired to helm the #1 soap. It's not an outrageous idea that Frons would pick her up. On paper most of her stories were interesting on Y&R, it was the piss poor execution that killed her. The lack of plotting, the lack of planning. The primetime episodes structure. It was a nightmare. Would probably make Pratt look good, but I do think she'd pull out some good episodes here and there. But it's not a primetime show so 22 good episodes out of 250 is nothing to get excited about.

I'm hoping they can completely turn AMC around since ABC is clearly trying to save it. If they get a good HW and EP then the show has a chance with this move. The ratings tend to be higher than the other two ABC soaps. It's just hard to be too optimistic given the past mistakes. The fact that the show won't be getting a new EP already speaks volumes. Carruthers is a major reason the show is so bad. And let's not forget that hack worked with LML the entire time she was on Port Charles. This actually makes perfect sense..

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