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Y&R: Episodes Discussion, Week of Nov. 9th, 2009

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I obviously know all that...but when family members aren't at the wedding (Phyllis--initially, Danny, Gina), having Lauren there seemed odd. I assumed her presence there was mostly plot-driven to link to your other point:

Even just the throwing of the binoculars seemed very "Sheila"

Good question. In defense, not even Phyllis was notified...this was all very hasty. Ostensibly the only reason Lauren was told was because of the fashion emergency.

Assuming that Sheila is behind everything, and that Daisy links to that (the way her ears "pricked up" at Trumbles when Lauren got a call about the wedding), Daisy could be a cover name for Diana, Massimo's daughter with Sheila. Could be just a coincidence...but the "Mary" in "Mary Jane" was a clue too...

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Well, Lauren's presence there was plot driven because of the gift and whoever is watching everything. She also has played fairy godmother with her gifts of wedding/prom dresses for the past decade, but this is what really bugs me. Why is it more important for Katherine to be there than friends like Lauren or family like Phyllis and Gina? Yes, she is good friends with Amber but she and Amber have barely had any scenes the past 6 months while Michael and Lauren along with Kevin and Jana have been involved in Amber and Daniel's story. There is no excuse for Daniel to have not invited Gina and Phyllis even if it was a rushed wedding. How cheap are they that they can't bring in Gina for a day?

I think you may be right and Daisy is Sheila's daughter, but I don't know how Ryder fits in since Sheila has no sons. I still get this bad feeling that they will somehow make Amber and Kevin related via Ryder and they will all be connected to Katherine in an effort to elevate the Fisher branch of the Baldwin-Fishers (while minimizing the Baldwins) and connect Amber and Kevin more closely with Katherine.

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I know they were popular once, do they still have fans?

Don't hold your breathe. Billy Abbott may have lost some popularity but Billy Miller hasn't.

I'm actually glad for scenes like this because I forget Daniel is Phyllis's son.

I actually like Emily, but I like Haiduk playing Patty. Especially scenes she has with Paul. I wish they would give Patty a Micheal Baldwin redemption. The only thing thing that bugs me about Emily is that I feel liek this is the shows way of keeping Haiduk because they don't have the cojones to get rid her after they ruined her character.

They don't see Deacon as obvious fat on the show.

I like that scene too. I just hate the storyline it's involved in.

It's understandably considering Daniel is going to jail and we're suppose to fear that there is a possibility that Micheal won't be able to bail him out.

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I think you're right here. I am intrigued to see how it all connects.

LAME? Again this week, as every week, they were voted the favorite Y&R couple (with DG and CK as favorite actor/actress) in the SOD poll. It happens every week.

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That means they have an active fan base but not that they are really that popular. They do have a following but it seems they have even more viewers who find them very boring. Oh well, give them this lame surrogate story. I can't imagine anyone interested in a Cane/Lily/Mac triangle but I guess they need to give these characters story even if it makes a mockery of their Lily cancer story. Just as long as it is not on five days a week.

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To those who are 'intrigued' by the latest 'mystery',think back to how 'intrigued'we were when Mary Jane first appeared,when Sharon started stealing,when Adam injected himself etc.

The follow through is a disaster.

I am over a week behind in viewing and it is an effort to sit down and catch up.

I'm tired of the rushed storylines,horrible characters,drab lighting,sets and costumes,wasted talent.

With viewers fleeing week by week,I am not alone.

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