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Y&R: Episode Discussion for the week October 19

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I'm glad everyone's questioning Billy's qualifications to run Restless Style. Had Jack, Sharon, or Phyllis even read a magazine before deciding to start it up? I know Nick hadn't, because I don't think he can read at all.

And does anyone know the stipulations for Billy getting his trust fund? He's obviously older than 21, he's married, he's got a kid...just when does he get this money?

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He always has that wild/crazy look in his eyes. It's kind of scary sometimes.

He did seem pissed, but at least after that he said it didn't bother him. I almost believed it. I think Billy Miller works well with Beth Maitland.

The brief moment between Traci and Nikki was excellent. How Traci just calmly and helpfully told her that Victor will never change, or stop hurting people.

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Today's show was decent, and I liked that brief Nikki and Traci moment. Too bad Traci is on her way out and was used strictly to sooth one of the lamest and damaging plots in the show's history though.

Billy seriously pisses me the hell off. Doesn't he always complain about being given the shuffle at Jabot and that Jill, Jack, and Ashley never trusted him enough to give him anything more than menial/busy work to do at Jabot? So how does shoddy business experience like that translate into knowing how to run a magazine, given the dire state the publishing industry is in at the moment? Whatever, I wish they would get rid of Restless Sh!t forever on this show.

Nice to see Jill, as always, too bad she'll probably go weeks without another episode, since this writing regime has such contempt and no long-term plans for the character. I sincerely hope Jill back at Jabot means something, but I seriously doubt it. Given her recent airtime and all...

Though, I'm not getting my hopes up that the little moments in today's episode will translate into anything big, especially given the horrendous long-term plotting and overall storylines on this show. I've seen episodes like this over the course of the past few months that meant nothing in the long run...

I know, and that's part of the reason I can't get into this Ashley story. I know this will come and Ashley will experience yet another mental breakdown. How many has she had this year alone already?

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Doesn't this s/l sound remotely familiar to you...they just wrote the same thing last year!! :lol: I swear for almost every current scene in 2009, I can probably go back and pinpoint the month in 2008 it was written!! :rolleyes::lol: Thank God for Tracy, she was only thing that was very different.

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