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Y&R: Episode Discussion for the week October 19

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Unfortunately, for me, I feel nothing for any of these characters and they've given me no reason to. I still think the overall baby switch is lame, especially the way it was initially executed, and Ashley and Sharon had little no no interaction leading up to it, as did Sharon and Adam, so I do not buy any of these "bonds." It appears inorganic and forced.

I do agree, Sharon Case did look pretty today though.

Especially with Chance

soon. :rolleyes:

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Did anyone else laugh when Phyllis started crying when she announced to the Restless Sh!t staff how hard it was for her to leave? LOL

Yeah, like it was that huge a part of her life...

Billy is pathetic, truly pathetic. I find nothing compelling about this character anymore. I went from liking him when he returned to hating him. The character writing on this show is so inconsistent and bad...

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Please. Braeden makes the most money, and is the biggest pain in the ass. I'm surprised they didn't dump him 5 years ago. Now, back to the episodes. I LOVED Paul today telling Victor to "Keep your money AND your guilt". Such satisfaction. And I agree with Mark about Dr. Emily. Haiduk is REALLY selling this. It looked bad on paper, but she's making it work. Muhney is STILL falling WAY WAY short. He's just not RIGHT for this part. The thought of him in a feud with Snoreboria and Penis head is intriguing, but I'm doubting Muhney can pull this off with any degree of credibility.

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His salary and his ego never stopped them from dumping him before. And from what we're told, it wasn't even about the money...

Like it or not, many thought Braeden would be here for a long time, as to many he's the public face of the show. You may disagree, but to many in the mainstream media and to many fans, he is. I'm not his biggest fan either, but even I can acknowledge that.

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It's all the same drum being beaten again and again. Billy's crazy, but you gotta love him! He does what other men won't! He manages to make every single conversation about him. To use Colleen's death as an excuse to get family to give him money is very tacky. His giddy reaction when Ashley gave him the cash tells me this isn't about avenging Colleen, or getting back at the Newmans, or whatever he spouts. It's about once again being given the world all while claiming he is deprived.

They ruined Billy/Chloe, if there was ever anything there in the first place (I haven't really seen any chemistry between BM and EH -- the only men I've seen her have chemistry with were Bryton, and eventually, Daniel Goddard; I don't think Billy is open enough as a character to have chemistry with anyone), when Billy screwed around with Sharon, even the night before his wedding to Chloe. Someone at the show seems to think that damaged people somehow = true love. I don't buy it. I have never, ever seen Billy do anything for Chloe, and Chloe is so neurotic as a character, complete with wacky sitcom neurosis music. It's all too Ally McBeal.

I have to agree with Y&RWT that everything in the Adam/Sharon/Ashley story is too pat. Sharon and Ashley didn't really notice each other until this story, and while the actresses work well together, I can't invest when I imagine this will all end badly, that they will be split up in a friendship created only for this story. And I am disgusted by the show's attempts to make us pity Adam and want him to be with Sharon, considering what he has done to her. I'm tired of Adam and his googly-eyed moroseness.

I did like the scenes with the doppleganger, Victor, and Jack, minus Jack sniffing around her, but I still think it's all too neatly tied up. This woman stands up for herself and authoratively shuts down Victor's attempts to deflect blame on her. I think they are trying to tell us that this woman helped make Patty what she is. I think in time they may even have her be crazier than Patti.

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Well.. today was nice. I would get rid of Luckinbill with this marriage on the rocks thing. But it's probably not going to happen. I was so sad to see Beth go, once again, she performs with grace and dignity. Adam is just a mess. I don't know what they should do with him. I loved the preview for tomorrow... Jack telling Billy to "watch and learn".

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My guess is that TIIC will eventually try to redeem him by using the much over used "brain tumor" excuse. I can see it now--- the tumor is in the part of the brain that controls behavior sooooooooo he couldn't help it.

This of course will not satisfy MarkH who wants the much over used "sexual abuse at the hands of a evil step parent" excuse which IMO is just as bad/lazy as the brain tumor defense. I'd leave Adam just the way he is but would tone him back just a bit to keep every body guessing what his next move(s) will be. He's just so predicitable now that all he's missing is a twirling moustash.

Now if only TIIC would let Billy (and by extension Jack) win this one, this s/l might hold some interest for me. Especially if Chloe starts to undermind Billy's every move. I can see it now --while Billy/Jack are working on TGVN, Chloe (bless her heart) is chip, chipping away.

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