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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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Anyone know if the live episode saw a bump in the ratings?  The week of  August 1-5, 1983 was a busy week for NBC Daytime- SFT had the live episode, DAYS featured the beginning of Bo/Hope and the build-up to the murder of Renee DiMera, and AW featured the double weeding of Mac/Rachel and Sandy/Blaine.  It would be curious to see if these events bumped the ratings...

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I knew Wendy and Warren were having an affair, as I watched this storyline as a 3 year old child.  Even commented on it according to stories I've heard.  However, I have no recollection of Search at that time at all.  Looks like it was a good soapy story.   And most certainly before the Suzy recast came on board- I hope someday we'll get the scenes of Suzy confronting Wendy after she finds out about the affair.   Did Michael Corbett just play variations of the same character on every soap he was cast on?  Sure seems that way.  Warren is practically identical to his character on Ryan's Hope.


The thing for me about Search is that there are characters that I know that I watched (because they were in the cast during the period I was watching) that I have no recollection of.  Wendy and Stephanie both fall into that category.  I believe Peluso left shortly after this story wrapped but Cheatham stayed til nearly the end, didn't she?


So nice to see RealLiza in this episode as well.  For me it was SO DAMN jarring having re-cast Liza and recast Suzy those last years.  I so strongly assoicated these two actresses with those characters and it didn't help that each of their replacements were severely miscast.

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From the little I've seen of her Shaffer seems somewhat wan in the role, although I guess the character was watered down by then anyway.


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You've probably already seen these, but I reuploaded about 6-7 Search clips from 1979 that used to be on YT. Here's one.



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Just watching that 1 clip Carl got me started watching the Cagney/Suzy/Warren/Wendy storyline on youtube.  Man that's some damn good stuff they have goin on there!  I don't know what was happening on the rest of the show but that storyline has me hooked!  Pretty search when Search fell apart is when that storyline ended and we got NuSuzy and NuLiza.  I can completely see again why NuSuzy was so jarring.  I absolutely LOVE the actress playing Suzy.  The one that followed was just terrible.


And I'm actually rather liking Louise Shaffer as Stephanie.

Looks like I'm remembering wrong again- Teri Eoff played Suzi until the end of the series it seems and is the re-cast I must be remembering.  Anybody know the name of the actress who played Suzi just prior to her?

Edited by juniorz1
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I would like to better understand the Sunny/Hogan relationship as well.  I LOVED them together and hated that the show brought on Patti and put him with her.  I always thought Hogan belonged with Sunny..   But when I go back and watch clips, I only see them have one date and then he has the affair with Liza.  I know they were working together before Patti came back and I remember they had such chemistry- it seemed like the show was going to put them together and then....poof! Patti shows up and they throw Sunny with Bella- I didn't like either of those relationships.  


I'm going to look for a clip with Swackhammer as Suzy and see if that's who I am remembering.  But seeing Eoff- she IS who I associate with Suzy, so maybe I'm mixed up.

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I think there used to be a Christmas clip of Swackhammer with Cagney (what did you think of Cagney? I always enjoy Ashford in the role, even if the character is very plain), but I'm not sure. I think Cynthia Gibb left, then they had Swackhammer, then Eoff. The earliest episodes I can find at the moment seem to have Eoff.

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I know the McCleary brothers weren't very popular with the majority of the audience because they kind of ate the show, but I always liked all 3, probably because they came on during the period that I was watching and I was never older than 7 years old.  Of the 3, Cagney was my least favorite and was the least colorful, but I appreciate the type of character that he represented.  He was the good guy, noble, the hero without being showy about it.  Just a solid guy and a perfect match for Suzy.  He and Eoff have a nice chemistry too.

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Hogan and Sunny had a beautiful romance in 1983-1984. Then Hogan left Henderson. He returned in the spring of 1985 and the writers paired him with Liza. David Forsyth had amazing chemistry with both Sherry Mathis and Marcia McCabe. But Mathis left and Louan Gideon assumed the role. Sunny became needy and clingy. Didn't she fake paralysis? The storyline bombed. We were clearly meant to root for Hogan and Liza but the coupling failed. 

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That's what I remember- the '83-'84 romance.  I completely blocked out the Liza affair, even though I know it happened.  Sherry Mathis was so beautiful and perfect as Liza.  Louan Gideon was one of the shoddiest recasts I've ever seen- and the first recast I believe I experienced watching soaps (MJ on Another World was the next blow for me).  I really loved Liza but couldn't stand her when Gideon took over. I don't know what casting was smoking thinking she was a suitable replacement for Mathis.  She didn't even look how Liza should have looked, not only because she didn't look like Mathis, but because.... she looked like a stay-at-home-mom with 3 kids.


I believe Hogan and Sunny were still working together during and after Liza and I still felt they had chemistry.  I don't remember Sunny ever being paralyzed or pretending to- I really hope that didn't happen because it would be so out of character for Sunny.  Either way, I was super upset when the show brought Patti on and paired her with Hogan.  I didn't care for the actress and didn't feel she had any chemistry with David Forsyth, not even close to what he had with McCabe.  They twisted the knife pretty hard when they ended the series with them getting married.

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