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ATWT: September Discussion

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It's hard for me to work up a lot of enthusiasm to post about the show. Which seems odd, because there are developments I can appreciate---the show feels a little more cohesive now than it has in a long time. I'm FRIGGIN' thrilled some of the endless mind-numbing repetitive stories were shelved (pretty much the entire Meg/Paul/Dusty dynamic, Katie/V's surrogacy/pregnancy/miscarriage go-round, Craig's blissfully on ice, ParkerTheStalkerObsessed with Libby).

But I'm pretty much cringing through another Holden/Lily breakup scenario, I loathe Janet, I FLOATHE Audrey and Casey/Ali bore me to tears.

I think the Adam story has some untapped potential, if more of the family (Kim, Bob, Lisa and Parker) got involved. I think the acting of Meredith Hagner is a saving grace in the Liberty story, which kind of surprises me. I'm anxiously waiting for some of the fall returns...and OF COURSE, I'm holding my breath waiting for Carly to come home.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that Hagner really is coming into her own. The whole OMG!ParkerBeatsLiberty!!! thing was silly but it brought out some good performances for her. Hazen, on the other hand...lord knows the kid tries, but I think he should dial it down a little until his voice changes completely.

I guess I'll get back into the show soon. Some of the returns make me happy, so I'll tune in for those, but I don't know if I want to go back to what we have now or just wait until then.

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Gotta back you to up on Hagner. I watch snippets her and there on commercials from OLTL and what I saw of her through the abortion material etc... was pretty damn gripping for younger actress. Even in a short scene where she told Janet it was her decision and she didn't care what she(Janet) had to say kept me glued to her.

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I still haven't seen Thursday or Friday's shows. Been too busy at work to post. I have enjoyed ATWT lately. Like PJ said it's better than the recycled mess Pissy was given us earlier. At least the show is watchable. It is entertaining me which it wasnt earlier. That's all i ask is to be entertained.

ATWT really needs to get its act together with GL no longer on the air. ATWT will mostly likely be at the bottom of the ratings now unless it really continues to improve.

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I hate to ask, but anyone know the timetable on Kriezman's input as "whatever" (I think it's co-head writer)? They wrapped up taping GL in mid-August, but he had to be done with his writing duties before that. (And honestly, some of what aired in the last weeks of GL made me doubt there was any "writing" whatsoever, but I digress...)

I do give Hazen a little more credit than some---I think the kid is a natural. *cough*I'd put his best scenes up against Hansis the Hairmodel anytime*cough* I just wish they'd get him a hair cut--a lot of acting is communicating facial expresssion.

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Kreizman will probably appear in the credits once you know who appears. i am assuming mid-October for Kriezman in the credits.

LOL...I tell you Silbermann didn't do Hansis any favors. Imagine if the Nuke airtime...I know they do have much airtime was spent on other vets....the show would be even better.

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He's(Hansis) gotten into a lot of bad habits. I cringe at his scenes with Silbermann. They are so bad. I thought Thursday's show was great!! Love Lucinda being Lucinda again. I loved her meddling in Lily's life again and then telling Meg that she wasnt the Meg of old. I can't see Marie Wilson playing Meg that way. Jennifer Ashe was a pro about being devious and evil. Marie is a weak actress with limited acting abilities. I hate the way her voice squeaks when she gets angry or upset. But anyways how did Lucinda find out about Lily and Damian?? Missing are the days when we would have Lucinda finding out by overhearing someone or just being told by someone...beats are skipped. It would be great if Lucinda investigated and found out Damian was responsible for Holden's accident and disappearance. I really didnt even notice Hansis on Thursday show to be honest...LOL

Friday's show was GH 2...very boring to watch. I would have liked mixture of other Oakdale characters not including Katie and Brad. I know some fans do like GH2 but I dont.

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That's because I lied. He was actually on Wednesday's show. Re-watch and get back to me. That was a pretty Emmy-worthy performance from both him and Noelle Beck.

I'm guessing we just have to fill in between the lines and assume that Lucinda heard from Luke. At the same time, do we know for certain that Lucinda knows that Lily & Damian slept together? Maybe she's just been noticing how involved Damian is in Lily's life.

Yeah, I really felt like I was watching a different soap. Almost all the actors have been, at one point or another, been on an ABC soap.

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Sweet Jesus...I don't think my eyes have stopped rolling back in my head after that nonsense yet. I know some of their fans thought it was just ducky---but to me, the entire scene was not only useless, but made absolutely no sense. I was wondering why Rosanna took all that crap from a woman she barely knew. Craig looked as bewildered as I felt.

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