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Y&R: Episodes Discussion for the week June 22

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Yes. I was very pleased they remembered this twist. I am a crossover lover (hence, all this

is doing my heart good), and I feel they have neglected the ATWT/Y&R cross-over potential, since now both Michael and Amber have crossed into that Oakdale universe.

The final scene was affecting, even if Engen can't cry on screen (has to hide his face). What sold that scene was Ashley's warmth and maternal instinct, not Adam. If you don't believe me, watch it again. It was all Ashley.

TPTB did not throw CE...CE threw himself out. All this presumption about the "unredeemability" of Adam is mildly irritating to me. The writers can do whatever the heck they want. If Michael is redeemed, if Kevin is redeemed (I realize, for some of you, he is not...but they are for me), if Jana is redeemed, if Victor is redeemed, if Jack is redeemed...Adam can be redeemed. YES, even for causing the miscarriage. I can't say I know how yet (that is the writer's deal)...but it can be done. Sincere atonement, acceptance of punishment...it can easily be done.

Ugh. NOT SACRIFICED! Not necessarily. Can we let the writers write? ;)

Even if the "blindness" was signalled (soaps aren't always expected to be subtle, are they?) I like the twist very much. I also like the idea of having a full-time visually impaired character on the soaps. It worked nicely with Hope, and I think it will be nice to see that again...this time with the "blindness" not necessarily all wrapped up with "virtue" and "goodness". A blind b*stard is a wonderful little nod to diversity.

Respectfully, you have NO WAY of knowing this. If Muhney's Adam also has humanity, that will tell us more about MAB's vision than the current state of affairs. I strongly, strongly doubt MAB is going for a moustache-twirler. We'll see.

As a huge fan of Rikaart's and Kevin's, even I am dismayed by this teenage girl fans thing. There are several issues. First, he is no hero. Second, his pedophile past means that he really shouldn't be playing with teen girls so much. Third, it references one of the worst ideas in recent memory (Silver Chipmunk), which should be forgotten. Fourth, by having LITTLE GIRL fans, it makes Kevin seem even gayer. And I don't think that is the effect they are going for.


And Victor BOUGHT IT instantly. He went from doubt to sympathy in seconds.

I do not like that Victor and Ashley had to become stupid to sell this story.

Am I the only one disturbed about one 16-year old saying to another "I want to show you my boxers"? I'm no prude...but I'm having REAL problems with this tale of teenage sex...accept it or I'll emancipate.

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Only if I hadn't heard pretty much that line used before with high school kids--sad, gross and wrong, yes, but true.

I love Abby. She's a mean girl and doesn't care, and it's fun. I also think it's freaking classic that she's the one person who suspects Adam this whole time.

The kevin stuff was odd, but then again, I'm tired of that story. And while I love the crossover mention, was I the only one thinking that was the longest text message ever?

My one anger with the Adam stuff is I hate Heather becoming a throw away character once again, and I know it will never happen, but I want her to just go totally postal on Adam when this all plays out--if it ever does.

And I know I'm in the minority, but the Eden and Michael scenes were really good yesterday--the right tone, timing to it all.

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I think forgetting that story is more to Kevin's benefit. Lily may have been a willing participant, but it was still statutory rape.

Yes, but who lets a past predator into a high school full of teenage girls, reformed or not? I'm looking forward to some of these current stories ending. I still think Y&R has a lot of potential, but I'm ready for a new direction. Time to wrap up this nonsense with Adam and the art story.

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I wasn't feeling him at first, but toward the end of the episode, he seemed to improve. Too early to tell, really. I think the way he did the "blind stare" ws off kilter somehow, that's what I noticed, at least. On a good note, Yani Gellman did much better today, he was so hesitant the other day (As dee dee pointed out) in the scene at the ranch, but then again, that entire scene was awkward, stilted, and just down right uncomfortable. His confrontation of Ashley today in the courthouse was genuine and beleiveable, and the previews for tomorrow of his expression, when Adam is touching him, is a combo of "WTF?" and yearning unrequited desire. I think he'll be good when they finally give him some scenes to sink his teeth into. I just wish that he had been given MORE backstory and time to build the character, they seem to be throwing him in the deep end of the pool, with insufficient caracter development. All that screen time which was spent with that STUPID CHIPMUNK needed to be spent developing Rafe.

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