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Y&R: Still waiting for that new opening...

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I have lost all hope that Y&R would ever update their opening. This is ridiculous. How many people are on contract (some have been for years now) but are not in the opening?

Lets see... Chloe, Billy, Mac, Cane, Amber, Jana, Colleen, Ashley, Adam, Heather, Tyra, Esther, Mary Jane, Philip.. is Nina on contract? Is Rafe?

So that's 14 people for sure. And almost all of them are in a story now.

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She's NOT!?! :o

I don't watch the opening lately, so I totally forgot. I know she used to have a shot in this version of the opening, so I just assumed she still had at least that shot. So she's not there? :lol:

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Nope, not even character names. The only soap opening that worked on was AMC's 2002-2003 opening (which I think they should have never replaced). It worked on that opening because it was a scrapbook and that's usually how scrapbooks are. It was a very elegant opening. I wish there was just one version instead of two alternating versions. I hate, just hate alternating openings. Just have one long damn 60 second opening as opposed to 30 something seconds. It's not like the writing on soaps today is that stellar.

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First, I love actor names.

Second, I think B&B does it best with both actor names and character names

Third, I think it is a basic sign of respect, since actor credits show up in all other genres. It is even worst because actor names don't run most days in the end-credits

Fourth, the actor names was a contract demand for EB. Once they did it for him, they had to do it for everyone. He's not gonna relent on that credit thing.

Fifth, it was done best of all in the porn opening, which I miss every day.

All this is just my opinion!

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UGH!!! I think B&B has such a tacky looking opening. It starts out real classy with the model and the photographer and then it's total crap. It should feature fashion ads with the actor's faces in the B&B magazine as still shots. The music needs to go back to the original version.

As for the contract demand of EB, I'm going to assume that was because they began "squeezed" credits which I despise. I don't understand why soaps can't go back to having longer more elegant openings and ending with a long credit crawl at the end of each day with all listed who are involved.

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I agree. I miss the old, pump-me-up music and the color stills that looked like shots out of Vanity Fair. This current opening looks grey and generic. I love that they feature the actors' names but the character names? They must think we as an audience are congenitally stupid. Especially since the characters on B&B make such a point of saying each other's names every scene they are in.

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B&B's opening is the best to me. Brad said he wasn't going to use actor's faces at first just have the opening stuff, but it didn't test well with the focus groups so they added the faces. You can tell they added the music and pieced in every other bit of stuff. But i love Brooke's little snippet - she looks so good.

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ITA ITA ITA. I really loved that final shot of Stephanie in her designer duds looking out into space. So 80s "I'm a rich b***** that lives in the hills who's really lonely and has a lousy husband that cheats on me with these floosies half my age" look.

I miss that opening. On the other hand, it was very 80s to me. I don't like the character names at all but it was good they updated it and update frequently. Which is more than I can say for Y&R.

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