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Was Chris Engen Right about Y&R Plot

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Not to get into the Engen debate but this makes me think about Heath Ledger, he took on the challenge and did a phenomenal job as the joker in "Dark Knight"but the events that happened after left in question about when an actor has surpassed his or her threshold mentally within his or her process. After watching that movie and giving this actor all kinds of BRAVOs, I'm more sympathetic to any actor who has a relative epiphany that involves their conscience and what personally disturbs them about what they are doing. A viewer's understanding of what they are seeing and an actor experiencing his or her potrayal are two different things.

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Yes, a number of us commented on the abruptness of the May transition. Sharon is NOT ended. Neither is Kevin. Kevin has talked about his lingering issues, and the angry emails and letters have ensured that this beat is not yet over. With regard to Sharon, the fact that we saw her recently in an (abruptly truncated) therapy session also shows this is not over. It is clear that Sharon's (and Nick's) unresolved issues are fueling the current Shick reunion, and will doom that coupling.

That said, both of those arcs ended as front burner tales, and fairly abruptly. I concede that. The pairing of the psycho stories, IMO, is not accidental. I am convinced that MJ and Adam will come together to effect a baby switch. Buh-bye Sharon's baby! Although brimike was dubious, my prayer is that this would set up a story that will last YEARS.

I'm inclined to agree. It seems clear, under any circumstance, that it was more than just storming off the set one day. He had been dissatisfied for some time, had discussed it with his senior colleagues, and had made his choice in the face of his advice. Who knows what led to it? Poorly motivated evil? Creepiness of the botox? Use of Heather? Causing a miscarriage? Blackmailing a doctor with sexual impropriety? Using Rafe?

At this point, it doesn't matter. If he bolted in the face of the enormous popular, legal and peer pressure to stay...well...he must have felt strongly about it. In that case, kudos that he stuck to his convictions. It is almost as if his feelings about gay people are irrelevant. This was not a rash decision. The show seems to have come to a somewhat amicable parting on this, so...it's over.

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According to the all knowing David, I'm a black male who is of "...the extremist separatist liberationists type or those who lacked a certain education and a sense of reality." :lol:

And the name "bellcurve" gives him a reason to "pause for the cause."

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I agree there are too many characters going boinkers

Sharon, Phyllis, MaryJane, Kevin, and Phyllis had a looney tunes episode

I find the Ashely storyline very disturbing and hard to watch.....

Chloe I guess is being redeemed for her trickery and deceit

and blatantly using her child to control and manipulate two men

back to back which is tasteful to me.

The man didn't love her so what does she expect?

Her browbeating him with beat downs because of it is old.

I'm hoping this Ashley storyline wraps up I find it really sad

that she had this miscarriage and all Adam did to her because of

Victor I guess...I want him found out quickly..I hope they don't

drag this out.

I am most interested in the Phillip/Cane/Nina and also

Mary Jane past being found out storylines.

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There isn't a strong reason for them to rehabilitate Adam. His being evil means they can drive plot without having to worry about characterization or motivation -- things just happen because he's evil and others fall into place.

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