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Was Chris Engen Right about Y&R Plot

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However thin Adam's motivation is, it doesn't make him crazy. He is doing outlandish things but not to the effect of Sharon and potentially MJ.

I really wish people didn't lump him into the psycho pile. He's much more conniving than that.

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Dark/gothic/warped/crime/shrouded-in-mystery Y&R ROCKS!!!! I'm not concerned at all with some "slippery slope of no return". If they continue to write the show this way and it's entertaining, then there shouldn't be any problem. As much as I loved Y&R when it focused on family drama, corporate intrigue, etc; there were days in which I didn't care about missing episodes. CURRENTLY, it's so riveting that I don't want to miss a day. Many of you may disagree but I think this formula works for Y&R. I think it was MarkH who said the Summerof79???? So true!!!!

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I don't know. I see a little more to it than that...some of which IS rational (e.g. what Jack did to him) and some of which is not (i.e., he thinks Victor should praise him for his turn to megalomania after Victor's "death"). Mixed in is lingering resentment from his greeting by the Newmans in 2008.

Adam is the kind of person, and they exist in real life, who is easy to perceive insult. So, if you bump me on the shoulder I'll accept your apology...but someone who perceives insult might challenge you to a duel :).

When we take that proclivity, coupled with GENUINE insults (more from Jack than Victor), it makes more sense.

A slightly twisted guy, driven nuts by his context. It totally works for me.

I wish I had a "High-five" icon.

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I posted this in the Y&R discussion thread, but maybe it's more suitable here. SOD's Mala Masala has been likening Y&R to PASSIONS lately, and doesn't appear to like the direction the show is going in either in a recent blog entry. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw the bizarre connection on the surface.


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I think the danger is when you start trying to get a reaction out of people instead of telling a story. Like having Ashley touched by a doctor who has sexually abused countless women. All that type of thing does is make some viewers more likely to just be turned off by the entire story.

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To answer the topic question - No, Engen was wrong.

as for the discussion about Y&R - some people don't like to see the show change from being light and airy with happy, sane, moralistic people having business and simple relationship issues, but to me, Y&R is at its best when you mix in their killer production values, amzingly talented cast and throw in off-the-wall plots that are both based in history yetcompletely fresh and edgy.

One man's book of Shakespeare is another's man coffee table leveler. To each his own...

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I may be totally fooled, but I accidentally stumbled on a twitter logger that goes by the name of Victor Newman. It certainly sounds like things that Eric Breaden would say, and he kind of puts a little spoiler or two out there.

I am of mixed feelings regarding Chris Engen's decision to quit. I do think it's unprofessional, but if he's a single father of a 10 yr old, it may be difficult to explain "Adam" to his son. Regardless of the suggestion that Adam will be kissing Rafe, or the evil things Adam is doing to Ashley, perhaps he decided that soap acting was going to put him (CE) in a difficult place - as a parent. Just a thought...

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Exactly. Doesnt CG smoke too? How about explaining to his son about why he smokes? That more dangerous than any fictional character he would play. What if CE and his son come across two guys kissing on the street? What then??

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Honestly You are making it too much about this. It seems to me it was indicated he had a problem with the storyline preceeding his actual leave. There is too much room for interpretation, where is the actual PROOF that this was THE ONLY REASON this man had a problem with doing what was required of him? You're not saying that specifically but you are fixated on it, and I say that respectfully because I can only imagine how close you are to the issue

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There was no proof, besides Branco's comment.

The whole story is so ugly to watch, in my opinion, and increasingly sadistic just for the sake of it. I can see where he may have wanted out for other reasons besides a same sex kiss.

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