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Y&R: Week of June 8, 2009

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But a big problem was the writing for both Michael and Lauren. They have been used as nothing but props for the criminal family for years. First under LML and now under MAB. Yes, CLB can chew scenery but when he is out of Gloria's realm he is much better. One of the reasons Michael and Lauren don't fit in now, is because they are not some sick couple screwing around. I think if they wrote them some drama in the guise of personal conflict, threats, family illness where we saw a committed couple struggling in a very real way it could balance some of the cheating and darkness.

Of course as a fan I am completley biased but CLB and TEB were very moving when Michael thought Lauren was dead, they thought there was something wrong with their unborn child and later when Fen was kidnapped even if the Pheila story was a joke. They can bring the emotion and pull at the heartstrings. Of course, maybe Katherine/the Chancellors will be the only ones to get those types of stories under MAB.

Ok, my Lauren and Michael post for the week. Now back to regular programming.

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that's ALL you - though the day we learned Sharon was pregnant I said "Mj is gonna get that baby!" LOL!! I'm sure everyone here is researching a

today after ED's interview. i can't imagine how they're going to drag this out for so long. i mean they're not that far along are they? Don't they have like 6 months left to be pregnant?

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The baby switch will only proceed if Ashley has a hysterical pregnancy and if they have her stomach growing and feeling the baby kicking until she goes into labor. A 70 year old (with two vasectomies) and 50 year (who was told she could not get pregnant) expecting a baby was one thing, but now she will have a hysterical pregnancy and her "baby" will be delivered by a sexual predator after her own baby was miscarried caused by Adam who apparently cleaned up what was expelled and burned it. It just is going too far.

And yet, that is what I think will be what happens. And we will see Ashley "delivering" her baby probably by the sexual predator OB/GYN Adam is blackmailing (now isn't that pleasant), Ashley will obviously become unhinged and actually start feeing her baby kick, and Adam will be in cahoots with MJ who will steal Sharon's baby. Better yet, wasn't their a rumor that Sharon will be pregnant with twins (one Jack's and one Nick's)? She will be told one baby died and just happened to deliver at the exact same time as Ashley. And Jack's baby will be the one to be raised by Ashley and Victor. Of course, how will that fulfill Adam's vengeance against Victor? And will Adam now suddenly stop haunting Ashley with Sabrina? :rolleyes:

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I have terribly. Well, at least Michael and Lauren. Eden can go back to the ashram and Gloria and Jeffrey can just go. Of course even Gloria and Jeff get more screentime than Michael and Lauren.

But they won't. Kevin is a MAB fave and Gloria and Jeffrey will probably stick around for comic relief. Lauren is the one who will be sacrificed and maybe Michael, the two vets.

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