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Y&R: Week of June 8, 2009

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MAB is the one responsible. Hogan or Scott or someone else might come up with stories idea but she's the final authority. That doesn't mean she wouldn't be better served with other writers. I wonder what kind of team MAB & Michael Malone might make? MM was always very interested in the human condition. He might be a good fit for Y&R.

Anyone know exactly how MJ killed the kitty?!

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You're hard to please Alvin. NO soap is going to be perfect. Y&R and ATWT had almost perfection in the 80's but those days are gone. The same stories are repeated to death. When they come up with new ideas it is usually bad ones. Do I dare ask who you think should write Y&R? If they hired your pics I highly predict you would be disappointed in a year. Just a hunch. ;)

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I think you might have a point. There's a certain similarity between ATWT Travis, DAYS EJ (when written by Hogan) and now Adam, with how these characters target women. Adam, of course, makes Travis [EDIT Marshall Travers] & EJ look like choir boys. I don't know if Hogan is a misogynist but he has penned some extremely misogynistic characters, even going out of his way to add extra flourishes. So on top of everything's Adam already done, he's using the sexual misconduct of the Harvard doc to blackmail him -- and from what I gleaned, the doc was basically molesting women during their ob-gyn exams. So Adam knew about this this whole time and kept quiet in the event he might need to blackmail this guy?! Why couldn't the doctor have committed another crime (like sleeping with students or stealing drugs)? Why that particular crime? I wouldn't be surprised if Hogan's a fan of American Psycho and the character of Patrick Bateman (who was also an homage to Norman Bates, which brings us back to Friday's Psycho knock-off).

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I don't want perfect, everyone, no matter who they are will make their mistakes. Y&R and ATWT are just overwhelmingly bad at the moment, and there is no consistency, both shows could be a lot better if smarter people were running them.

I don't care if it's the same recycled stories, just at least try to be creative about them and make sure they make sense and don't make the show and all its storylines follow one particular polarizing tone.

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MJ is the best bona-fide psycho with a heart of gold EVER.

Bravo, cara mia! Since we're gloating and it's been revealed officially - i'd like to gloat that on Feb. 10 (the day SH appeared as MJ, I called Patty and so many people either laughed or said I was crazy. Heheh!

Y&R is the best it's been in a long while. There's so many good things to enjoy and the storytelling is riveting and deep. I have a long memory. Y&R was all sweet and kind just months ago when Kay got her memory back and the whole world of GC realized Kay was truly Kay. And they had the funny and poignant Kay/Murphy wedding. This show can't be light all the time, and to appreciate the light it has to get really dark. I'm sure there will be a light at the end of the tunnell and people will jumping for joy to see the redemption, the reunions, the heart-felt joy that all the characters (and the audience) are waiting for.

Victor is finally being challenged on his home turf and he's losing badly and in the worst way. He created a monster when he shunned Adam and now Adam is wreaking havoc. Jack has been absurdly cruel to Adam (go read some stucco!), yet Ashley's paying the price. All cause and effect, and it's ugly and not cute. i'm OK with that cause it's interesting to watch and i know the stakes are extremely high with a HUGE payoff around the corner.

Whatever you think of the quad, watching actors at their peak explore this crazy dynamic of what it means to be chained to your spouse or wanting your spouse to be chained to you is like a car crash you WISH you could not look at. So rare for a soap to be exploring this and i credit MAB for making it real, yet soap-real in a dramatic fashion.

At the end of the day i suppose it's all about how you look at current moments versus the big picture. I have quibbles with a lot of things in the art storyline. So contrived and so maddening that Daniel is SO unbelievably stupid, that the fed has just one agent and a civilian all by herself with a dangerous man. the fact that this s/l was rushed due to MTS's contract negotiations and therefore they had to make the whole thing rushed keeps my faith in MAB's abilities.

What i do wish on this board though, is that if people like/dislike hate/love that their opinion is welcome and not diminished.

Y&R will without a doubt win the Emmy next year for Best Show, Writing and Directing and MS/SC/PB will be the front-runners to win if there's any justice in the Emmy world (which there isn't). Go Y&R!!! :)))

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