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Y&R: Ashley Spoiler

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Well, a long incarceration, followed by giving a kidney to Danny, got Michael all "fixed up".

I wish they'd address Michael's single kidney, and once in a while how he can't do something because of his one remaining kidney.

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I can imagine Gloria assuming he has two kidneys, and to get money, Jeffrey decides to sell one of Michael's kidneys on the black market, planning to drug him and hoping he'll never find out he only has one. Then they open him up and (fill in the rest)...

I was surprised at how well-written Michael's redemption was. I wonder if any soap can do that type of writing now.

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If Reed needs bone marrow or Nick needs a kidney, then "instant" redemption. The question is, will the fans care about Adam enough to want him redeemed? He's basically killed his brother/sister, he's torturing a beloved heroine, and now we're getting a recast in the middle of the story.

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I don't think that would redeem him either, to be honest.

I'm not sure if fans would care, but I'm not sure of how much is written for fans now (although some would say a show should never be written for fans). Even some of the Victor fans I know are sick of him because of the way he's written these days, but this shows no signs of abating.

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You know, seriously, now that we're coming through May sweeps, I wonder if the "plot driven" stuff won't slow down? The next sweeps is not going to be till November. While they will want to hold on to their ratings, I wonder if some of the "shocking new developments" can now emerge more slowly, since they're not frantically trying to goose ratings for the next sweeps period.

It will be interesting to see what the long-term plotting for Adam is.

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I'm really starting to wonder if this reign of terror has something to do with Ashley herself, rather than Adam wanting to get back at Victor.

It really is good. Someone said on another board that it has a creepy "Alfred Hitchcock" vibe to it. I agree!

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IA. Adam was a joy to watch up to the point where Ash is losing her baby. That's just going too far for me. The character of Adam could have added so much to Y&R, but now, I just don't think it's going to happen. I couldn't be more disappointed. I waited for years for Adam to show up in GC. I expected his arrival to change the show in permanent, meaningful ways. I relished every time Nick threw Adam in Victor's face over the years because I new it meant he would show up someday. Now, I feel like it was just all a waste, especially if he is killed off.

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It is very, very, very hard to come back from killing an unborn child. Why did Engen not quite before that??

I mean, the law of averages would say this was a SUPER HIGH RISK pregnancy. Ashley: (a) uterine damage after Robert, (B) chemotherapy, © age, (d) predisposition to stress-related disorders. Victor: (a) one botched vasectomy, (B) one "quietly reversed" vasectomy, © age.

So, it could have had this outcome no matter what Adam did. But just like we'll never quite know if Gloria contributed to the death of that face-cream woman, we'll never quite know. I don't see HOW they save Adam after this.

That said, maybe we should just live buy the credo "He's not here for a long time, just for a good time"?

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I am honestly surprised the pregnancy lasted this long. Adam continues to go darker....... my goodness.... murder mystery by fall most likely. This regime won't be able to resist temptation on that one. JUst don't give the reigns to Scott Hamner :unsure:

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