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Y&R: Week of May 25, 2009

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Wow. I see there is a whole side of SON that I will never be a part of :lol: :lol:

Clearly you saw right through me on that one. :P Kevin/Jana have their moments, but I'm ready for her to go.

Please don't do it. Just let what was meant to be private stay private.

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There was nothing positive about the Engen story. Most fans liked him as Adam which means some fans now hate him for being a "homophobe" and are annoyed at having a recast (no matter how good the recast is) or some fans now hate the show for Adam's next story arc and are annoyed at having a recast. It's pretty much lose-lose although all us on SON are rooting for MM to make lemonade out of lemons. The Engen story also drowned out what should have been happy happy buzz about TB's return.

Vail Bloom is very unfairly maligned. Would Christel Khalil or any other young girl know how to play Heather? I said on another thread that VB would make a great Lulu on GH or Belle on Days. She would be a great sweet little princess foil for Ali Sweeney's Sami. There's only one Genie Francis, but VB has the same natural prettiness and soft manner. There's a place for her on a show that knows how to use her. Too bad she's too old for Colby on AMC, because that's another natural role for her.

The only women Kevin ever had sexual chemistry against are Lily and AL's Colleen. If anyone should be coming out the closet it's Kevin.

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Another bad choice of words. :P

He was always so positive, and as soon as he got so negative...

She is so domineering in their relationship that it's crazy... it's as if she's an elderly woman and he is her boy toy. But a very young boy toy.

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Double take.

Adam? Kevin and Adam?? Really?

I love Emily O'Brien, I really do, even if her Jana is watered down. But I see no room to grow for Jana and Kevin, except the obligatory having-babies drama.

I think Kevin, widowed at an early age...never able to hold on to happiness...has oodles of potential.


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I'm not that hard to please. I thought their make out scene in the elevator a couple of weeks ago was kind of hot. I do think Kevin would work a little bit better with someone else though. I feel like the writers are nver really going to give Jana much. They seem more invested in Amber, Chloe and Mac.

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This thread gets so personal - not like we're discussing homophobia. And by the way - if they ever gave Vail as meaty a storyline as they gave Tammin, the comparison would be fair. But to date, they have not. The writing for her character is the problem, not the actress. She's been forced into this extremely mature role and made to be so cold and unfeeling that she can hardly have interactions with anyone in her age range.

i think everyone can agree on this though - it's summer, get this woman back in a bikini!!

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True. She's playing a very hated character, so there is no room for actually liking her. That's the writers fault - they're not trying to build ANYTHING there.

Yeah, and the relationships he had with women (strange obsessions etc.) could all be a clue. This could have been something, but I don't know if Rikaart would want to play that.

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You clearly haven't "followed" Alvin's postings around SON. There were moments of negativity & positivity. Furthermore, Alvin is an autonomous entity and God knows how many opposing view we have. Tons.

You people are incredible. And then I get depicted as nasty. See how little was needed for you, one of the (until now) most civil posters, turn into... What you've turned into.

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I think they could be kind of hot. I also think Kevin and Daniel would be really hot, but it wouldn't work in terms of the characters. I guess because I'm a woman, I can find gay couples on soaps hot, but porn holds no interest to me (straight or gay). I have to be invested in the characters to find it sexy. If I care about the characters then it doesn't matter if they are straight, gay, or bi, sexy is sexy and drama is drama.

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