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I always thought that change of tone for Sheridan was strange. She was built up from the beginning of the show as the great heroine - much more so than Teresa who was always painted by JER as somewhat flawed. Sheridan was perfect, angelic, and a noble martyr. She was friends with Princess Di! She had to be a goodie goodie. But when Beth disappeared (Kelli McCarty starting doing porn) Sheridan kind of stepped into that role and Fancy became the new bland heroine of the show. Oh how I hated Fancy.

I did love the start of Sheridan in the hole story. It made no sense and was so over the top but it was fun for awhile until it dragged on and on forever. Westmore wore the same ugly baby blue pantsuit for a good 3 months!

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No she actually did slowly become a bitch the more Fancy and Luis hung around each other. But by the time of Fancy's rape she became absolutely vile. She told comatose Fancy that she was damaged goods.

I found Fancy more interesting as a heroine than I ever found Sheridan.

Gotta love it on soaps when dad's talk about dresses almost at the knee being too short. Love this Kay, Jessica, and Simone.


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Was Luis off the show at that time or did they recast the role temporarily?

I guess this has already been discussed but what did you think of the temp recasts? I don't even remember how many there were. I know Priscilla Garita was a sub for Lindsay Korman.

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Details are kind of fuzzzy but for months when they thought Luis was dead, Galen was off the show. When Luis came back Sheridan had moved on with Chris and told Luis she wasn't leaving her new husband, she ended up pregnant by Chris, that whole storyline i nROme, she had a misscarriage but still didn't want to leave Chris because of James, Luis ended up falling for Fancy.

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Remember that Tsunami from 05? It happened around the end of July and I went back to school and never saw the resolution. Did things just go back to normal unexplained?

Thanks for posting those clips frequentsoapfan, I swear Deanna was so good at playing an evil bitch but I rooted for her all the way.

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I never excepted Heidi as Kay or Kay as a heroine. She was always that scheming vixen that Taylor and Deanna played to me.

I think the tsunami stuff is on yt now. I really can't remember all what happened.

Chris never came back because he eventually left Sheridan, taking James with him, after being fed up over Sheridan always pining for Luis, and they never found out that Chris worked for Alistar. I liked that little boy that played James alot more than the annoying boy who played Marty. BTW Marty never looked like Sheridan or Luis. They really did not need to bring that kid back, because there was enough plotpoint angst at that time, on DTV they through everything and the kitchen sink at Fancy and Luis.

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Sorry, I don't know why I thought the man's name was James.

I wonder if the show would have been better off if they'd wrapped some of the stories up at the midway point and then started some new ones. Were people still interested in Teresa/Ethan/Gwen?

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Because the DTV run was so all over the place from what I remember being on the NBC boards then was people really were only interested in Theresa, Ethan, Gwen and Fancy, Luis, Sheridan at the end. Not alot of support for Noah and Palomaand they were like filler and Miguel #3 was the least attractive and such a jerk that alot of fans were no lnoger interested in Kayguel.

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