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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Mason/Katherine - didn't see that coming! :o

I love Vampire Caroline!

Elena: Do you really think that you can control it?

Stefan: I don’t know. But if I don’t try....

Elena: So, a little bit every day?

Stefan: Yeah, just a few drops of blood in my system. I think it’s worth trying.

Elena: So do I. But I don’t want you to do it alone.

Stefan: What are you doing?

(Elena cuts her hand)

Elena: It’s you and me, Stefan. Always.

God, that was such a good scene! You're right that they are one of the few epic loves on TV - the other being Lois/Clark.

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I agree. The show always knows how to end an episode. I know I should be used to this by now but I always get shocked when someone gets killed off because I don't think it's going to happen to them, or at least happen so soon. I thought Mason was going to be on for longer but nope, Damon literally rips his heart out! Then I thought Jenna was going to be killed off too but I'm glad she didn't die - she's pretty. :wub:

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So happy Katherine isn't dead, you just know she'll figure a way out of there. :) One of the best villains I've seen in awhile.

"How's does one stab oneself?" She was hilarious tonight. But yes, this will give me a chance to miss her. But with her gone, I wonder what will be the the big "problem." Tyler?

Oh, and, I'm a huge proponent of Jeremy getting a love interest since that means he's more likely to take his clothes off, BUT Bonnie and Damon are where's it's at. We all know this. Not to mention Jeremy and Tyler. (In all our dreams)

Edited by Amello
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Before tonights episode Jeremy oozed the boy next door type sex appeal, but after tonight, I kind of sensed that they were trying to shed that "emo" type of persona Jeremy had at the start of the series, and were trying to mature the character a bit into an adult. Well it worked for me :)

I'm so torn when it comes to couples on this show. Yea, Tyler and Jeremy would be off the charts, but I think Caroline/Tyler and Jeremy/Bonnie could be equally explosive as well.

Edited by MichaelGL
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I think its obvious the show is gearing up for a stefan/elana/matt/caroline/tyler thing. The matt & elana scenes at the start of the show were oddly placed, IMHO for it not to be reminding us about their history for down the line.

Bonnie/Jeremy? I am down. Toss Damon in for a triangle and it could be very interesting.

Nina Doberv is FANTASTIC. MamaMia has come a long way.

That ending was, as always, great. here is the extended preview- http://cwtv.com/cw-video/the-vampire-diaries/masquerade-extended-preview/?play=efee0319-8f65-4016-a6c2-5b8915927625

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Dude, from the second they set it up to all go after Katherine at the party, I knew this was gonna be a kick ass episode. It did not disappoint! Caroline was on fire all hour AGAIN. Loving her more than I ever thought I would.

Bonnie/Jeremy, I can roll with that. Jyler's still my OTP for the show, though.

Katherine...can't decide if I love to hate her or just hate her. I love all of the other characters so much that it's easy to just hate her. I'm glad she's not dead, though, because we need to keep this up for seasons to come.

Poor Matt/Casey/Cash. I'm glad Tyler ended up killing one of the random drunk girls instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Finally caught up and watched the last 3 episodes in a row! This show is seriously one of the best on TV right now.

Katherine is full of awesomeness: "My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom because when Klaus shows up and kills us all, and he will, I'll be in the tomb where no vampire will enter because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town." LOL


Katherine snapping girl's spine: "Paralyzed from the waist down." Snaps the spine again "Dead." LOL

Loved seeing Katherine's backstory too.

:o --------> :lol: was my reaction when Elijah literally slapped Trevor's head off. Another cool Elijah scene was when he threw the coins to the break the window.

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I watched this show last night. It is okay. I just don't love it. Something about the characters get on my last nerve. I also find it awfully unbelievable that despite all the people trying to kill them, Damon and Stephan never die. I am now rooting for their enemies to kill them. It is unfair how Anna and Mason died and not them. However, I think the most annoying thing is the music. It is too loud and there is too much of it. It reminds me of Grey's Anatomy.

It is good to see Bryton McClure getting some work. He is turning in some solid performances. Hopefully, this role will lead to bigger prime roles for him. Y&R is never going to use him. Is he even still on contract with Y&R?

Edited by Ann_SS
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What a great finale tonight. Anyone have any ideas and what the hell is wrong with Jeremy? I'm grateful he's alive though. Stephen McQueen is just too [!@#$%^&*] pretty to kill off. Of course, they all are, so that's probably going to be an issue for me eventually.

We had some brief Diane Jenkins 2.0 action tonight. And it looks like in season three we'll be getting some Damon/Elena action.

Did anyone else think Caroline's mom was going to kill her? Knowing this show I always try to expect the unexpected.

And on a weird note, after Jeremy saying he felt weird and Alaric saying he'd be there for him, for a split second I thought they were seriously going there, if you know what I mean.

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So they are just slightly after where it left off last season.

I am loving evil Stefan. Him and Klaus together are great fun to watch. Damon, i just dont get the appeal. I dont enjoy watching him at all, aside from his bromance with Alaric. As for Elena, i really do not care one way or the other about her to be honest, but i LOVE her with Stefan. I totally got teary eyed when he called her and she told him she loves him and to hold onto that.

Loving Tyler and Caroline. I am glad she finally made a move and showed him she wants him, even though he knew it all along. That sex scene was pretty hot for The CW. And holy [!@#$%^&*] that eneding! CRAZY!

And Jeremy's story is really interesting. I loved that he opened up to Matt a little bit and really like his relationship with Alaric. I am very glad Alaric is with Elana/Jeremy and i hope he can pull himself somewhat together for them, even if its only to move in. He was a great addition to the cast. LOL at Alaric hosting the party full of his "drunk history students".

Matt/Jeremy have a very homosexual friendship to be honest, and i love it. They are also both looking fine!

I love this show.

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