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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Holy [!@#$%^&*]! That's all I can say after watching the end of yesterday's episode. :o Vicky - no!

And Jasmine Guy is Bonnie's grandmother? Uh, nice try, casting director. I'm willing to forgive, though, because it's Whitley Gilbert. But couldn't they have just gone for estranged mother? JG ain't that old!

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No talk about the last ep?

This is a show I didn't expect to like but I was curous to see Kevin Williamson's take on vamps (and adapting an apparantly popular YA series) and I got sucked in. While I have many quibbles, what I love about it is its moody, even slow atmosphere which is not at all what I expected. Here in Canada I can watch it on Thursdays at 7, Fast Forward at 8 and Fringe at 9 and, surprisingly to me, I lately find myself enjoying VD far more than the other two :o

No talk about the last ep?

This is a show I didn't expect to like but I was curous to see Kevin Williamson's take on vamps (and adapting an apparantly popular YA series) and I got sucked in. While I have many quibbles, what I love about it is its moody, even slow atmosphere which is not at all what I expected. Here in Canada I can watch it on Thursdays at 7, Fast Forward at 8 and Fringe at 9 and, surprisingly to me, I lately find myself enjoying VD far more than the other two :o

You leave my fave maenads alone :D

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I don't know when I gasped louder -- when Vicky became a vampire (and I am loving Kayla Ewell in the role), or when Damon started boogying with her through the house. Awww. Tiny dancer in my hand!

It's gotten to the point where Stefan being all mopey and stuff is making me a Damon fan. At least he is wry.

Those civil war flashbacks were cheesy in the best sense of the word. I assume they are filming the show in NC where Dawson's Creek was filmed because that would explain the gorgeous, antebellum mansions they used for the flashbacks. LOL at Katherine undressing the brothers with her eyes. Nice twist in making Katherine the one who turned Stefan into a VAN-piah.

VD (lol!!) is total escapist fun. This show seems like a throwback to the WB shows in the 90s, you know?

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Vicky becoming a vamp was a shocker. Great little twist.

I love Stefan and his downer 'tude. and i would love samon if the actor was good.

i loved the civil war flashbacks. cheesy as hell. it did look like gool ol capesice, mass aka wilmington, nc (where a walk to remmeber, the notebook, one tree hill, etc tape)

its very late 90's WB. and its a hit. get on it CW!!!

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jp, you don't think Ian Somerhalder can act? To be fair, all he needs to do is act with his eyes and cheekbones but I still think he's pretty decent. He's a better bad guy than I would have thought after Young Americans and Lost (not that I watched the latter).

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This show is fabulous, and I love every single second of it. I didn't like Stefan in the pilot, but from episode 2 on, I've been loving him. Damon is all kinds of mean awesomeness.

Isn't the show shot in Georgia? The end credits on the CWTV.com episodes have a big old peach in them with "Shot on location in Georgia" above it. And plus, wasn't like...half of the cast arrested for flashing their tits in Georgia a few months ago?

And CO-SIGN to the WTF casting of Jasmine Guy as Bonnie's grandmother. It's almost as bad as the fact that the actress who plays Elena and Jeremy's aunt is young enough to be one of their classmates. I get that she's supposed to be "young," but damn...Vicky and Matt look older than her.

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Agreed! I hope they show more of her as a rookie Vampire. I was disappointed in True Blood at how little they used Jessica - I wanted to see more of the vampire training.

He's way better here than "Lost" - maybe because Boone was pretty boring. But yeah, Ian totally rocks as Damon.

I thought it was Georgia too, and not Wilmington.

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Same here. :( It was fun to watch her as a newbie vampire - I really wanted to see more of the vampire training. <_<

Interesting that they re-shot the death scene: http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/10/29/exclusive-the-shocking-story-behind-last-nights-killer-vampire-diaries/?xid=rss-googlegadget-tvheadlines-%27Vampire+Diaries%27%3A+Shocker+details!

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Thanks Toups, so she was supposed to turn to dust, were they afraid it would be too much like Buffy? I hope they don't bring her back as fake deaths are dumb.

I haven't been reading online articles about the show, but has there been any discussion of the teenage drinking? Every week they are at some party getting drunk.

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