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Cat you do the best publicity for AW...

I am still in early August 91 around the time Grant was shot. Iris seems so concerned and so fond of him. I wonder if they would have gone with Iris/Grant if Dack had stayed in the role. That episode also has a good scene where Paulina is weeping (of course -- I swear Judi, as much as I like her work, cried more in her first weeks alone than Cali did for her whole run) in the chapel and Jake squeezes her shoulder, and when they cut to his face, he actually looks concerned for her, not gleeful.

I haven't heard that much about Robin as Lorna. I never got the feeling that the character was all that developed while Robin played the role. She was basically Grant's piece on the side and they sort of tried her with Morgan, but she wasn't a big character. JFP's fondness for Robin seemed to give her more to do but even that seemed limited.

From the little I've seen of Matt and Lorna I think they have great chemistry, although they probably should never have been a real couple, just a fling. Matt has a real charisma (and such a nice ass) which adds an edge to his youthful looks.

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Carl, I always get worried that I'm going to unwittingly unleash a whole bunch of spoilers which will spoil your enjoyment of the show! Or bitch too much and turn you off it. And I don't want to do that.

I'm just noting my impressions as they come because this show is new to me and I am watching episodes for the very first time.

Loved Carmen Duncan and Dack Rambo. Dack wasn't the greatest thespian alive but he was HOT and and exuded the same kind of warmth that PMV had as Ryan. You could believe that, even though one was a high-society politician and the other a cop, they came from the same family. The way DR's Grant would eye Iris while she was flirting with him was also kind of hot.

LOL, yeah, Judi is an EPIC cryer. And I mean full-on, make-up running, snot coming out of her nose, heaving sobbing. She also doesn't look soap-pretty when she cries and that is a relief. I'm sick of the Hunter Tylos and Laura Wrights who do the dry-eyed boo-hoo.

LOL, you view Matt the way I view Jake. With a touch of lust! :lol:

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Oh no, I guess I gave you the wrong impression. I'm not in any way bothered by your comments. I look forward to them. You're not spoiling me. I haven't seen the episodes but I already know most of the important details for the stories and characters. I read AWHP slavishly for years. And bitching too much, not at all, you're very fair.

Tom is very attractive but I think the only time I lusted after him was when he had the fling with Donna. That was scorching heat. Such lost potential. I have an interview with Tom from 91 or 92 I will try to find if you ever want to see it.

So, watched another episode or two. I'm glad they had Kathleen and Frankie actually talk, not snipe, after Grant was shot. Alice Barrett was very good in the scene where Frankie finally realized Kathleen knew she'd had a miscarriage.

Is it me or is David Hedison not all that good?

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It's not you. He's a ham who learnt his craft at the Charlton Heston School of TV Acting. I mean, I love his voice but, I lot like Kyle Brown, he sounds like he listens to himself speaking. Does that make any sense? It's all slightly self-important and theatrical. Though not theatrical in the same way Linda Dano, Stephen Schnetzer or Victoria Wyndham are. I love their delivery.

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Speaking of the hotness of Matt Crane and Tom Eplin, you should try to find a Cass and Kathleen in St. Thomas clip on YouTube. Stephen Schnetzer was hiding an amazing body under those business suits he wore all the time.

I felt the same way about Robin Christopher that I felt about Carmen Duncan. Alicia Coppola and Beverlee McKinsey were such absolute perfection as Lorna and Iris that nobody else could come close. I grew to like both Christopher and Duncan, but in my mind, they were different characters who happened to share the same names and familial relations. :)

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That's a shame. I hope they will at least keep up what they have for a while, as I think I have over a year of episodes left. I'm in the middle of August 91. The buildup to the Jake/Paulina wedding from hell has gotten pretty good, even if Jamie's self-righteous "protector/moral voice" mode annoys me.

I really like Carl as a villain. Was it worth making him a good guy?

I like how supportive Amanda is of Paulina. And the Sam/Jake friendship. The only interesting thing about Sam.

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Honestly? No. Longtime fans who'd remembered her Iris might've thought her as "The Chief" to be OTT even for her, lol.

Nevertheless, watching those scenes w/ Douglass Watson and Carmen Duncan's Iris...I don't want to knock Duncan, since I thought she did a good job w/ the character (even if, for all intents and purposes, she was playing a radically different character)...but I feel like BM would've handled the revelation so much differently, less crying and pleading to be understood, and more cunning and playing on Mac's ego ("Now, Daddy, you know I had my reasons (for masterminding the takeover of your company) - but it's all in the past, so let's just pretend it never happened, and you can stop by the apartment later this week to have dinner.")

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With the way you describe it, I definitely would have loved seeing Beverlee in those scenes. I think in some ways the scenes were better with Carmen because the focus was more on Mac, but it would have been interesting seeing Bev and Doug Watson playing those layers. I also would have loved seeing Beverlee's Iris in scenes with characters like Paulina or Amanda. I thought Carmen did a great job in her rivalries with those characters, but I think that too often AW got away with just writing Iris as a family nuisance, and most producers might not have done with Bev there.

I really am very interested in the Cory family of the early 90s, as they all come from such different backgrounds and it's also very dominated by females. It's one of the more unique core families ever on a soap. Too bad more couldn't have been done with this, more stories which brought them together as a family.

Edited by CarlD2
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And from my limited viewing of BM's Iris, I'd have a harder time buying her as a woman who'd have ever been interested in <<gulp>> working. Well, not at that pseudo-Alexis Carrington level of corporate intrigue. Iris was not a boardroom diva, even for Mac. I think she'd have someone do it all for her, I guess kind of how Evan did a lot of the foot work. But returning to work for Cory, Brava and all that, BM's Iris struck me as happily unemployed and idle rich.

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