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:o OMG, I thought that was Anne Heche and they just couldn't be bothered to update the credits!

Am I right in thinking that Brian Krause (of Charmed fame) was later recast as Matt? Because he was kinda hot on Charmed. This Matt? Looks like a little kid trying to be a Big Record Producer.

This is my reaction to any character Ricky Paull Goldin plays generally. The irony is that Dean is less annoying IMO than Gus on GL or Jake on AMC. And that's with that awful mullet. RPG is more sensual as Dean (and slightly more -- how can I put this? -- metrosexual) than he was/is as Gus or Jake. Yes, that "I Dream of Jenna" song is horrific. But WAIT until you get to September 1991 because they film a video for his song "Ladykiller" and it is the funniest thing ever shot. It is so bad, it's good. PLEASE watch it before AW is taken off YouTube -- you will not regret it. Also, RPG and AK's chemistry is off the charts. They do kiss on the grass at night in early October and, I'm not even kidding, it was so tender and hot that I was fanning myself. And, like I said, I am not an RPG fan.

One of the hottest, most romantic scenes EVER:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3Rl3ggEtNc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3Rl3ggEtNc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3Rl3ggEtNc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

PREACH IT. I never wanted to badmouth the character of Frankie because I know she was killed off in such a cruel, cynical way and it really signaled the deathknell for what had been one of the best soaps on the dial. However! I can't stand her forced quirkiness, her "jokes" (which really are not that funny), her "Mama Earth" shtick. Kathleen took a while to grow on me with the whole "I'm fiery and Oirish" thing but she is such a warmer and more relatable character than Frankie, who I always found brittle and a bit boring. And I just can't see Frankie being this perfect match of Cass's who was an urbane, witty, slightly-Euro-trash lawyer.

Edited by Cat
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Kathleen seems like a real person, whereas Frankie just seems very artificial to me. I think what bothers me most is that we are constantly having people talk about how wonderful she is. It's obvious the show at this time was heavily invested in this idea of her as a main heroine. This started with the trashing they did of Nicole Love. I actually do like Frankie, but only when she is not written as this long-suffering victim of Cass. At least they haven't also made Kathleen go nuts.

I also think that Cass as a personality was not suited to her. It's a shame that Margaret DePriest, who also felt this way, decided to murder her instead of simply have them break up.

Yes, Brian Krause later played Matt, for about six months. I actually really like Matt Crane, he has the whole baby of the family vibe, yet he also has a certain edge to him. It helps that he's so good looking.

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Spooky. I was going to post that one, too, alongside the train trestle one, but didn't want to make my post too long.

I love that dance scene. Back when soaps used name artists and songs! I still love that Mariah Carey classic and that Gloria Estefan song. OK, the dancing is cheesy but it was 1990.

The best bit for me is actually after the dance, when Ryan tells Vicky a few home truths. When she tries to hit him and he grabs her arm, he sort of holds it so that her fist is softly brushing against his face. Even though she tells him "You really hurt me" and her fist is close enough to hit him again, she can't bring herself to do it. That whole moment embodied his gentle strength. I think they may now be my favorite ever pairing in soaps.

And no, they don't write men like Ryan Harrison on soaps anymore. :( That and no strong women, I believe, signals the deathknell of the genre. Who wants to watch weaklings and bullies on the frontburner every day?

Edited by Cat
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I've watched the majority of episodes from the 25th Anniversary, and by far it's the most thought through and one of the best written anniversaries I've ever watched for a soap in my short young life. The anniversaries for soaps these days don't even come close, not even by a mile, to how well written and wonderfully plotted it was. Even in Douglas Watson's absence, it still counts as one of the best I've ever watched for a soap. Some soaps bring characters back, just for the face time alone, without giving them any meaningful words or lines, but after watching this particular group of clips I can really tell that the writers really put the effort in to weave the past in with the present, and pay tribute to past characters by using them to progress the stories playing out on AW at the time. All I have to say is bravo, I didn't quite get the hype of Swajeski's time on AW until after I watched those episodes.

Edited by MichaelGL
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OMG! I LOVED the Ladykiller episode! I remember being on the edge of my seat the whole time, right up until Frankie figures out how Carl is going to off Kathleen & runs & grabs her off that box, jumping away from the explosion. Pure awesomeness!

Have you gotten to the episode where the men of town have a board room-like meeting about doing away with Carl & Kathleen shows up & insists on being a part of it? (If so, can you tell me around when it happened? LOL) I just LOVED Kathleen in that episode, reminded me of my beloved Eden Capwell Castillo, who I had just lost a couple months before......well, really 5 or 6 months, since she never got to be Eden after plunging off that cliff into the water.

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Yeah those were pretty good, they had some touching moments, and many of the important characters returned.

My favorite for the reunions of that year was Alice and Rachel. It was just lovely. I can't remember if the scenes happened when Mac died or at the anniversary itself but the sense of melancholy in them really got to me. I especially loved the scenes where they both said Steve was always with them. I'm sorry that the show never considered asking Jacquie Courtney back for any other occasions -- they had found something very special between Alice and Rachel.

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OMG. :ph34r: Juniorz, that is spooky. I just finished watching that episode yesterday night. Here it is (it won't let me embed):

Another World (10/23/1991)

Kathleen was the BOMB. She essentially said what I thought -- here are the manly men thumping their chests and tryin' to protect their wimminfolk. She felt she had every right to be there. I went into this epi with some trepidation, thinking it would be some GH-style "we gotta take the law in our own hands" macho mess. Instead, it turned out to be a meditation about what happens when people cross the line and think they are above the law.

Here is the LAYDEH! LAYDEH KILLAH! shoot where Frankie jumps on Kathleen as Carl's bomb goes off. Again, more cheesey video tomfoolery with convent girl Jenna donning some fishnets and what looks like a black leather g-string bathing suit.

LOL, OMG, RPG punching his fist through a glass door.

Another World (09/24/91)

I still haven't figured out what the heck investigative journalist Kathleen was doing in the video playing a femme fatale. Oh well.

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There is a horrendously unflattering photo of Alla Korot in that outfit, being carried by RPG. Just awful.

I guess they had Kathleen as a femme fatale to remind us of her role in breaking up the dream couple.

I know Sam was with Amanda but how odd to include him in some takedown of Carl. Perhaps RKK's Sam, but what were the later, wimpy versions of Sam going to do? Cry on him?

They never should have brought Sam back.

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