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Ariana Muenker (Marianne Randolph) has started her own YouTube page and uploaded several scenes from 1975! featuring Pat, Michael & John Randolph - Alice (Jacqui Courtney), Aunt Liz, Barbara and Chris Pierson

Here newly created YouTube page is here https://www.youtube.com/@arianatheearlydays767/videos

She is uploading new videos from 1975 daily!

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That's Christopher J. Brown as Michael in the clips, right? Is that the first time we've ever seen him in resurfaced footage? He seems OK to me, although if they had planned to give Michael more story, I suppose I can understand the recast. 

This is the first I've seen of most of these actors of this era (not counting Pat/John/Liz).

Nice to see Stephen Yates. Weird to think Marianne was later involved with Jamie Frame, but not while he was in the part.

It's funny to think I brought this period for the Randolphs up not that long ago and we were talking about it. Almost feels like we willed the videos into existence. If only it was that easy.

Edited by DRW50
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In Lemay's book he stresses how vitally important it was to cast a very masculine athletic actor to play Michael for the planned revelation that he was gay. I don't know how Lionel Johnston compares, but here Brown does come across as quite young and therefore rather boyish. Of course on the other hand even Lemay admits his judgement regarding actors might be occasionally wrong -- he mentions firing Eric Roberts as Ted Bancroft because he wasn't pulling his weight against Paul Stevens and Beverlee McKinsey as well as replacing Ariana Muenker (whom he does not name) as not being up to the dramatic scenes required but then concedes that Roberts had been impressive in his subsequent work and Muenker was quickly hired at another soap.

Thanks @TheyStartedOnSoaps for the link! 

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Those were some nice historical nuggets that Ariana shared. Sadly, I flew through those 9 clips like it was nothing. So sad how those simplistic, sensical plots enthralled me more than anything currently on daytime. 

I hope she continues to upload more AW clips and possibly clips of her time on ATWT as Melinda too. 

Question--did Pat not go to college or finish? I am subtly picking up that maybe that is why she wanted Marianne to go. I do remember reading that Pat was chaotic in the initial years of AW, so I am wondering if that was the case. 

I am assuming that Chris doesn't last long b/c doesn't Stephen Yates go on to GL as Ben in a year or two? 

Again, I hope more '70s clips of Marianne pop up. From reading @FrenchFan synopsis, she seemed like a real pistol that gave Pat & John unlimited grief.

Was Ariana in the role when Pat & Marianne were sharing a lover? 

I am eager to hear @vetsoapfan @Vee @DaytimeFan @MichaelGL @DramatistDreamer views on these clips. 

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He's on AW through December of 1975 - so about six months.

I'd forgotten about all that. Thanks. Munker lasted for two and a half years so I wonder just what he decided she wasn't strong enough for. I sometimes wonder if he didn't care for younger actors that had charisma as the glimpses I saw of the replacement Marianne (Adrienne Wallace) seemed much more earnest but not overly memorable, similar to Susan Harney. It seemed like the show never knew what to do with Ted anyway, but it's insane to me to fire the Eric Roberts of that era, who was charisma and fire galore. I wish we could see some of his work on the show. Maybe we will someday. 

I can definitely see why they wouldn't necessarily want this Michael to play a deeper story, although he works well with the family and seems very believable to me.

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Rosemary Prinz at one point had a videotape that had been Agnes's & Rosemary found it in the bottom of a closet where it had been misplaced for a pretty long time. She also had other videos that she passed along. Unfortunately the person she passed these along to is a guy who has a cottage industry of unusual episodes. To my way of thinking I would always hope that these treasures would end up where they would be shared most widely, but that's just me. 

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We can buy them from him - and I have bought some. But, he has this proviso that you promise not to post what you buy from him, anywhere. 

I will say, to his credit, he got the opening to MISS SUSAN, and he gave it to me, no cost to me & no strings attached. He knew I needed it for the Star Billing blog.

If anyone wants his email to ask for his current listings, I can PM it to anyone. (I don't feel comfortable posting a private email address.) 


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In an interview published in 1974 in Daily TV Serials, Jacqueline Courtney confirmed that she had had kinescopes made of important Alice-centric episodes.

Robin Strasser, at one point, said she had some vintage eps as well.

Rosemary Prinz has shared many rare videos (of ATWT, AMC, How to Survive a Marriage) with one of her fans. He talks about them on Facebook. I would tend to think he was telling tales, but he uploads numerous screen shots, so it seems legit.

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So great Arianne is doing this. Just when we think there is no more to be seen. I'm sure there are  many actors and BTS people who have episodes and clips. Hopefully they will see the light of day.

Such a shame that AW decimated the core. John and Pat could have been the new tentpole couple. Mike and Marianne had years of story to tell.

Or a widowed Pat marries into new family etc

If they had have kept that core, other new characters could be brought in to connect with them



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