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This is from a long time ago and I got very hopeful when I came across a couple of episodes from the custody trial over Mikey but sadly neither included credits. However he definitely does not sound anything like Hunt Block -- in fact I wonder whether he might not be American. There is something about how he pronounces "like" in this clip that sounds a bit English or something?



I had not remembered the part of the story where Donna has Mikey's mother arrested for prostitution.


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If i remember she filled in for a few months.  I wonder what was wrong with Ford at the time.  I did not think that Peg Murray was a very believable Ada but I have def. have seen worse.

Wow, I just looked up the writing credits at this time.  Harding Lemays son Stephen was writing with Anderson during her short stay.  I do recall he wrote with his father when Lemay finally was writing in the fall of 88.  I wonder if this was in preparation for the elder Lemay to step in as head writer?? 

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To anyone who was watching AW when Judith Barcroft played Lenore -- did Lenore have any storylines before her murder trial (for the murder of Wayne Addison)?  It seemed Lenore got plenty of screen-time in the early years, but I don't remember hearing of any storylines that heavily involved her, until Addison's murder.  What was she up to between 1967 and 1971?  

Hey Contessa... Such a good photo of Ms Ford.  She looks so natural here.  Casually dressed, probably no make-up.  She really was a beautiful woman, although her beauty was played-down on AW, I think.   Any idea where this photo is from or what was the occasion?  

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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This is a shot that I treasure & that I got by special means. This is in the studio, one of two Audio/Visual rooms. Here, Connie is helping someone else from the show by managing the videotaping of something unknown to us what they were rehearsing or who it is. Another thing that is special about it is that she has no idea she's being photographed, she's simply absorbed in her task. I share it with people who are special to me. 

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This is what I posted back to Alan about this: 


My main man! Stephen Schnetzer! From Julie's brother on DAYS to this dude in Llanview to the iconic Cass with the Curl Winthrop on AW, ATWT & GL! and as the guy who went on in THE GOAT when the lead couldn't. Plus this movie he made something about BLUE. https://pic.twitter.com/RlBVyZeOwS

I just love SS! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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After the show ended, fans held 2 fan gatherings in June in Manhattan, the 2 years 2000 and 2001. Both were two day events with one day being in Central Park at the AW Fan Bench, where one year we held a dedication for the bench, and the other day being at Blondie’s Sports Bar, which was the locale for many soap celebrations over the years. One of those days at Blondie’s, the second year, was LINDA DANO DAY. There was a proclamation from the CT governor making it LINDA DANO DAY for the state.

These were the pertinent dates:

Last show 6-25-1999
Sat. 6-24-2000
Sat. 6-23-2001

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Silas Kain, Susan O'Konis, Linda Dano, Noreen Douglas

Silas again, Tina Gray

Anna Stuart, Gail Brown, Susan O'Konis

Ricky Paull Goldin

Anna Stuart

Linda Dano entering 


Linda Dano speaking in accepting this proclamation

Kale Brown

Mark Pinter

Edited by Contessa Donatella
Noreen not Vera
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Found it! 

The Wonderful World of TV Soap Operas by Robert LaGuardia. Ballantine Books: New York. ©1974 by Random House, Inc.

"Another World's" Virginia Dwyer tells an incredible but true story: "I had been playing Mary Matthews for a couple of years. One afternoon I returned home from the studio and began poking around in my clothes closet. Suddenly I reeled from the shock. Every article of clothing in that closet was Mary's, not mine. Every dress and every coat was exactly her -- ultraconservative. I panicked! I scooped all the clothes up in my arms and threw them out! I had forgotten who I was. I had become Mary Matthews."

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