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Thanks. I probably discount all of the longing panting "summer ... is ... so ... hot" Donna and John got up to because I was so disgusted by the  handling of the question of whether or not he had raped her when she was a teenager.

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I haven't seen this stuff since the Soapnet repeat but I probably got a few details wrong. The story was terrible, for the reasons you mention, and also because they lacked any chemistry and Philece Sampler was so badly miscast. The only moment I remember enjoying was when at one point she tore into "Mother Hudson" and poor Clara keeled over. It was like something from Soap.

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100% - Anna Stuart fan and Donna Love fan!  Can still remember when she returned at the party in the room of mirrors.  I do think that PS made the transition from Ice Queen to Victim/Heroine which is what the writers were doing at that time.  I get how hard it is to keep a character involved in storylines and sometimes they go astray.  Donna was definately a character who for lack of better term "evolved" with almost every writer regime.  Sometmes they were unsure what to do with the character.  But anytime Anna/Donna walked into a scene it was magic.  

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And they sort of tested him with Frankie too, didn't they? 


David Forsyth was a good actor but I think Sharlene is what made him work as a character. That's probably one of the reasons so many fans were put off by the Felicia/John pairing. 



Donna is a character you could do anything with. It's a shame so many regimes seemed to dislike her or have no use for her - Anna saying she would have likely left AW if it had stayed on the air made me sad, although I can't blame her. It sucks that Donna had such a depressing ending.

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"Love yacht" didn't sound quite right to me -- I think it was a [house]boat that John was living on. And IIRC it wasn't so much that *they* stopped but that John nobly rejected her because he could not betray Michael or something.



I remember liking Forsyth on SFT and I never had a problem with his performance on AW as such, but John as a character wasn't appealing before Sharlene. The bitter war vet part was fine, but retroactively forcing him into the role of spoiler in Donna and Michael's past and waffling on whether he had been truly bad or if it was really all Donna's fault was typical clumsy DePriest and made the whole thing nasty.


Who was writing when John and Felicia started up? I think one normally blames JFP for the sins of that era and there is less discussion of the writer.

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