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Oh wait, it turns out Quinn and Lily weren't related. Lily was the aunt of Quinn's adopted daughter, Thomasina.

Henrietta (the beautiful, whispery Michelle Shay) was married to Bob Morgan. Quinn had an affair with him, leading to some conflicts about how he was going away from his roots with a bougeious woman, etc. He died.

Henrietta met and married Morgan Freeman's character, and they left town. I think he briefly dated Quinn.

I think Quinn and Lily did have some interest in Grant Todd, but not sure if it was serious.

Quinn also dated dual roles played by Joe Morton, a doctor and his Vegas-style twin brother.

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Awww...it's strangely nostalgic to see this again. The show wasn't exactly good at this point, but it still seemed to have so much life in it. Within a year or so, that would be gone, IMO. A lot of the writing was so dopey (I think Rachel must have asked Iris about three times, "If you thought you were firing blanks, why did you aim at his heart?" and did she ever give a straight answer?) and even recent history was blatantly ignored (Jake and Paulina, who had just reunited, were horrified that Carl in his addled state had a thing for Iris after she shot him, and nobody seemed to think this was ironic).

I guess my teenage self was mostly just fascinated with Carmen Duncan's Iris and I wanted to see how she was going to get out of this predicament...I realize I may have been the only such teenager in America, but alas. Maybe I should have flipped the channel to ABC an hour earlier before GH, which I believe I was already watching at this point, to see OLTL's Dorian in much the same predicament, because she certainly got a much better resolution. Anyway, I actually remember Iris's "Where's Waldo?" outfit, as you put it but, at the time (again, early teens + '90s fashion), I thought it was fabulous, and somehow apropos as she was barging into a hospital room demanding that a guy on his deathbed admit what she wanted him to say and getting thrown into jail. And after all of these years, I still remembered that line of Rachel's when she visited Iris in jail, "I sometimes think it was that betrayal that killed Mac," and leaving Iris to stay there to think about what she'd done...so much potential for this dysfunctional family that was completely wasted.

The rest of the show was certainly a mixed bag. Angela, the mother of the baby Tomas was trying to get back from foster care, was just the worst. And what on earth was Donna doing in their scenes? I don't really remember that plot point (I may have fast-forwarded it to get to Iris's scenes), but Donna looked fabulous and was having the time of her life with young Matt. I forgot that the first "glimpse" of the Evan recast was from the back, shirtless, as he was doing weight training...I guess that was fitting. I'm probably in the minority but I really liked this Amanda. I was stunned, years later, that one of my favorite parts of the first round of AW reruns on SoapNet was SF's Amanda's early relationship with Sam, as I always assumed they were just a B-version of the '80s "supercouples" on the higher rated soaps, but other than that brief interlude when I liked SF's Amanda, CT's Amanda generally seemed to have at least 50 more IQ points. In hindsight, it's kind of silly that they brought back a recast Evan to pair with a newly recast Amanda, especially an Amanda who didn't seem like she would have ever fallen for his line. And I actually liked the Marshall character and his relationship with Felicia and remember being sorry that that was sacrificed, probably for racist reasons.

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I remember Eddie Drueding, talking about all the overhype for JFP's tenure, saying something like, "Were the last few years really that bad?" And you can see that here. It's really not that bad.

I think the show is lacking energy at this time, in part down to so many dynamic actresses leaving and being replaced by much more low-key, and at times downright snoozeworthy, actresses (Jensen Buchanan, Robin Christopher, etc.), but there was a way to revive the show without gutting it.

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