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Y&R: Week of May 04, 2009

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Well, it's been a year and a half, so maybe it's time to stop beating that dead horse and admit that maybe MAB isn't the savior everyone was so quick to hail her as.

In fact, she seems more of a recycler than a writer...almost every storyline has a strange case of deja vu to it.

In addition to the Kevin storyline mentioned upthread:

Cheated on wife cuts up rival's clothing...is that Sharon/Phyllis or Dru/Carmen?

Gaslight haunting by someone from beyond the grave...Ashley/Sabrina or again Dru/Carmen?

Someone out for revenge gets plastic surgery and comes back to town and Paul starts to figure it out...Mary Jane or Sheila?

Phyllis gets arrested on an important occasion...Sharon having her arrested on her anniversary or Nikki having her arrested on her wedding day?

Now, you can say every show repeats storylines and there are only so many stories you can tell, and that's very true--but I've only been watching for a few years and I'm bored with the repetition.

MAB needs to hunker down and come up with something original, rather than changing the CEOs of all three major companies every few months and wondering what's going to be on the cover of Restless Style.

The Kay/Marge stuff proves she can do it when she wants to. It just seems like she isn't trying that hard.

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Benevenuto, cara mia!

Oh, man. Seeing Jill sashay in that gown and start purrrrrrrring at the governor! Jill is BACK, pussycats!

I had a hard time concentrating during the Lily/wedding dress/dogshit scenes because all I could think was: am I watching Lily or CK here? It was like the writers were delliberately thumbing their nose at CK's "vision" for Lily (as highlighted in her recent interview with Michael Fairman). And I'm not sure why a model would react like that on the job. After all, it's not like they asked her to pose naked while sitting on Cane's face. Restless Style -- The XXX Issue.

ITA with Ann SS about Adam. Man, I need to stop getting swayed by soap ass. Even when Pipsqueak was scrambling around with that needle, all I could think about was that chest and how hot he looked at the beginning of the episode.

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If people like Maria's work & you don't it doesn't mean they've christened her Y&R's savior.

Nobody in this thread said Maria OR Y&R is perfect.

What they HAVE said was they liked what Maria has done especially in comparison to LML.

Then stop watching.

Maria needs to just keep working instead of catering to the whims of impatient newbies.

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I think the first thing they should have done is undo Cane is Jill son then work their way back to Katherine & Jill issues.

I just like seeing CKLily getting hurt over Cane lie would do wonders for me.. I believe Cane lie is bigger then Daniels & Billy lies put together.

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It's more than a party, brimike. It's a hootenanny lol. I hope we won't be hungover for next week! But welcome cara mia!

ITA! All I kept thinking during that scene was, "Oh no you didn't, miss thang," from Mr. J's glossy lips on an America's Next Top Model shoot. "Do you wanna go home? Lily?" LOL.

Lily needs a taste of the real world. Where's the real world in Genoa City? People being pardoned by the governer. No one rotting in jail for their felonies. People going semi-crazy and being miracurously cured. Did MAB want to adapt Harry Potter to Y&R or something?

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It's clear, as I've said before, MAB isn't a storyteller or well equipped to handle the HW-ing duties (but not many in daytime right now can, so).

As I keep repeating, I wish she'd hand the show over to a real storyteller that has a great trackrecord, and keep her EP credit...

Just no second rate primetime writers like Lynn Marie Latham please. :rolleyes:

The thing with Maria is that she ignores her problems, which allows them to become bigger than they should have been, like the whole Winter's and Tyrant drama.

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I agree. Why watch if you don't enjoy it? With DVRs & Netflix & the net, there are zillions of things to watch.

One of the things I like best about MAB is that she brought the focus back to the Chancellors, Newmans, and Abbotts while scaling back the relatively new Fisher-Baldwins. LML showed no respect for the fans when she killed of John Abbott just to showcase Gloria, killed off Cassie just to put Nick & Phyllis together, turned Brad into George Kaplan when everyone knows he was supposed to be a white-trashy pool boy, etc.

One thing I don't like about MAB is that she doesn't know how to write well for Neil and the Winters. At this point, they may just need to risk the backlash and recast Dru.

Even if the gripe against MAB is true, and she is recycles, so what? Aren't there only seven or nine basic stories anyway? Part of the fun of turning Billy into a young Jack, is watching Jack deal with that.

Does anyone else think that characters are more important than plot? On paper, the strange chipmunk fantasy of Kevin's might be good. I just don't care that much about Kevin's family & friends because (except for Kay, Michael & Lauren), I remember their entrances and I never really fell for them in the first place. Kay's amnesia plot, which is very cliche, did interest me because Kay & Jill were already on canvas when I started watching and their relationship is legendary for a reason. Besides, the chemistry between Kay & Murphy is darling. They really are the best couple on the show.

Thanks for all the welcomes!!

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It's too bad they don't have "Magazine Wars" on Y&R, where RS is constantly doing battle with another, racier publication in town. At the very least, I'd feel like Nick, Sharon, Phyllis and Jack had something truly at stake.

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