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ATWT: May Discussion

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Oh, it was a long time ago. 2000-2002, I think? I didn't say it wasn't - just that Block and Conn were definitely played a lot together.

And I think Jean Passanante and Susan Dansby are the only ones still on the team who were writing during that period. (And Goutman, of course)

Even when they were in their own stories, they still managed to cross people in each other's paths back then, even in those early Sheffer/Goutman years. They may have done a lot of other damage, but they still managed to cris-cross family members into others' stories. And it didn't feel like three completely different shows depending on which episode you watched. It's a real shame they don't do it anymore. For "budgetary" reasons. (Whatever the hell that means)

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I've always thought ATWT should go back to basics. First, get rid of dead weight on the show. Characters...like Brad, Vienna, Henry, Noah etc...and make the show tighter. Have family shows....like I mentioned before with Katie. Let the audience know or get to know(fall in love with) all these vets all over again. The show seems so disconnected family wise. That is why the soaps in general have just lost so many viewers.

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Well, much to my chagrin, Carly married three men in 14 months. And when you add the back-written marriage to Winston, she's had five husbands herself.

I've just never found Katie interesting. And it really pisses me off that she gets away with all the crap she does do. I mean, c'mon....Katie [!@#$%^&*] Simon, then confesses to her husband. Does Mike throw her ass out?? Does the entire town treat her like the adulteress she is? Hell NO...Carly gets to bitch at her for a scene and a half, and Mike eventually apologizes to her and takes the blame. Sure, later he walks, but only after Katie spends a month and a half chasing Simon, supposedly for justice, but which we all know was out of jealousy.

And to top it off, before Mike's out of town a month, Katie's sniffing after Jack. Even today, she's married to the man she wanted to f uck to get back at his brother. On any other show, she'd be the town whore. Not the town sweetheart.

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Today was okay. I hate that Craig's got the moral high ground, but I guess I'll delight in these few hours he'll be inconvienced. It's all the punishment that [!@#$%^&*] will ever get.

I did like how Parker's concern for Carly sneaked through. I didn't understand why he was all panicky when Carly didn't answer him right away, but then I got it---he was afraid she'd been arrested. I like the Carly/Jack/Parker dynamic. I just wish they'd play it more, without Craig and Janet mucking up the scenes.

I honestly don't get what thef uck Meg thinks she's doing here.

Dusty/Lucy. *eyeroll*

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Really. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I just don't get it. I know that it's "love in the afternoon", but seriously. I thought I would lose my mind, when we had to deal with how boring and dull Gwen and Will got to be, during their heyday on the show, especially after they got married and Gwen became infected with "baby rabies", but we're referring to two gay male characters that always seem to have problems in communication between each other. Now, TIIC throw out this "proposal" crap?!

Are they even living together? Has their relationship lasted longer than 3 to 4 months, without something or someone causing them "issues"?

I know that the NUKE fanbase wants that couple to be treated like every other straight couple, but we're talking about two gay MALE characters. Luke isn't short for Lucinda, Jr. and Noah isn't short for Noanna.

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I'm sure it isn't legal for gays to marry in Oakdale, so please (pretty please) can we have lots of scenes of Luke protesting and getting signatures and lots of long monologues about how everyone has the right to get married?

And then, after that six-week arc, we can get into how difficult it is for gays to adopt children, I'm sure. Maybe they'll spend more time on that - like eight weeks.

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I'm down to about once a week now. I used to watch it every day from around the early-90's until about two years ago. Then it was two/three days a week. And then about a year ago, it went to a day a week. Now it's barely that. But if you and PJ and oakdalelover and Amity rave about an episode, I make sure to watch it streaming. Otherwise, I'll just go on the CableGuide and see which episode looks worth it.

It's also easier to catch up more now because I'm not really happy with OLTL. When One Life was more my speed last year, it was really tough to catch ATWT, and OLTL usually won out. But lately, 2 PM is a total dead zone to me. So I just watch the Teasers of ABC and CBS, and decide which punishment I can handle best while I do work around the apartment. LOL!

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No, it wasn't a proposal! :rolleyes:

They were apparently talking about the future and Luke had obviously said something about them still being together in twenty years and Noah jokingly asked if that was a proposal.

I have understood that Luke & Noah aren't popular on this board, but come on.....! :rolleyes:

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Same here. I watched OLTL pretty much on an everyday basis from about December 07 until the strike, and then from around May until July/August. I barely paid ATWT any mind during that time at all, even during the summer when I usually watched the soaps live. OLTL started to get too stupid so they're both back on the same level for me.

I don't read spoilers, so I only went by what the previews implied. Which is why I asked what the whole thing was about kthxbye Honestly, it wouldn't be the first time ATWT married off a couple that is extremely too young for marriage. Will and Gwen. Parker and Liberty.

As for today's show, Jack continues to be a total d.bag, and I have to wonder who in their right mind would allow him to be a part of that case. "Craig's lying because I said so. He's conning Parker because I said so." And Parker, Craig, and Carly look at him like he's a raving lunatic, and that's only because he is.

I still don't care about Lucy and Dusty, I don't care about who is smuggling what and doing this and doing that. This show is screwed.

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