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OLTL: Discussion for the week April 27

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Seeing Powell always makes me hate Todd a little. Powell was the rapist that didn't want to do it, that looked like he was going to throw up the whole time, the one who felt remorse. But OLTL wanted Todd so through time they've just kept on piling it on with Powell - first a serial rapist (and Todd was that, he didn't just produce a gang rape on Marty), now a


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Wanda Wolek and Carlotta ground them up into burgers.

You're exactly right Angela. Everything powerful about the original story has been defiled over and over again. What a wonderful message we get with the constant reminders that Todd is the good rapist.

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I know...it's like they turned Todd into the reformed rapist, while Zach is the one with an ax to grind, and Powell is the crazy one.

Good point Angela...of the three, they always wanted to keep Todd. So in order to do so, they always made Zach and Powell look twice as bad as if to say, Todd was the better of three....even though all three committed the exact same crime.

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Ooh boy, is there only one classroom in all of Llanview High School? Pretty sure that it's the same as the biology classroom. LOL

I like the Powell/Marty scenes. Whether or not I agree with propping up Todd by bringing back the other rapists and making them seem crazier and more evil than they actually were, I LOVED the dialogue between Marty and Powell. He's SO putting her on, it's ridiculous.

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I dunno about the others, but Powell was always the crazy one.

Never trust the clean-shaven yuppie who was "pressured" to gang rape a girl. He creeped me out then and my suspicions of him were eventually vindicated.

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No they didn't. He was basically the good kid (follower) hanging out with the shallow follower (Zach) and the leader of the pack (Todd). During the rape and trial, he couldn't handle the guilt well. It wasn't psychoticness, just normal guilt for somebody who feels like scum for what they did and let happen but who doesn't have the balls to make it right. I remember Nora trying to pressure him to tell the truth after she realized the boys were lying and of course him later confessing everything and then wanting to kill himself until Marty talked him out of it. All 3 went to jail, but Powell is only brought out to show that Todd was the "good" rapist since - serial rapist framing poor Todd,

. Marty begged him to help her during the rape and he was just thisclose. During the rape, I felt his fear (and dude looked sick to his stomach) and everything was almost as palpable as Marty's. He was the rapist most would have chosen to continue to work with, easily redeemable.

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It would have been so interesting if the show had played Powell as this haunted guy trying to redeem himself for the rest of his life. He was already a Lord, and it could have been really pure, soapy drama to have his story always be about trying to atone for his past and making things better. He could have become a major character and had really interesting story to work through.

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