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OLTL: Discussion for the week April 13

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Well I found Higley's run slow moviena dn repetitive to a fault, and insulting with recycles DAYS storylines and so much that made no sense. Even at Ron's worse I haven't found anything comparable--yeah Frons seems to approve or disapprove of the stories, but he still needs the HW to come up with the ideas and help execute them. OLTL has suffered a lot during Frons run but it definetly has "felt" diff under eah writer\

I do agree with you though that Ron deserves the accolades and the lack thereof and it's a bit frustrating to have eveyrtime one of us fans dislikes a story someone jump in and say "Well that's not fair it was obvious Frons forced it on them"

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I don't know if he has any on his back, lol. I just think his chest is positively furry and I don't have a problem with it or find it unattractive. I was just commenting that he clearly isn't forced to wax when others are and wondered why.

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I agree with your assessment of Higley. And I don't intentionally try to defray criticism of Ron. We all have our own ideas of how our jobs should be done, and we all have bosses who have different ideas and we get stuck doing it their way and we still have to make it work. HW are no different in my opinion. Regardless of what mandates RC has been given, I think he should have done a better job and I remain baffled at how Rex has become a prop to Stacy in his own paternity story.

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Despite everything, Tea and Todd were smokin' yesterday. That was undeniably hot at the very end.

I love Destiny. She's hilarious.. a great character to boot. I like how they made Shaun her brother too, but who the heck are they talking about?

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I love Destiny and Shawn. I'd watch the show just for them.

I still do not think that the stories on OLTL are bad. I see the bad performances as undercutting what should be very powerful scenes. I am more than willing to blame Frons for the very poor casting decisions and insisting that bad or bored actors continue to get major airtime.

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Ann nailed it. This high emotion storyline of Rex/Leukemia/Gigi/Stacey requires excellent acting. It is a standard disease tv movie of the week with Stacey as the twist, and you need damn good actors. Its not high concept or social issue storytelling by any means so it needs good, COMMITTED actors. Can you imagine Clint Ritchie and Erika Slezak in this storyline 15 years ago (as Rex and Gigi)? Its like night and day. And the actors are all around 25-28, and they are just too young in my opinion for this storyline too.

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Essentially RC has paralleled this story with that of Matthew's paralysis and he's generating a different response because of the actors involved. With the exception of some smoke and mirrors, you have two families who are facing a tragedy with an underage child as the victim. Clint and Nora are slowly falling apart while Bo and Nora are slowly growing closer. Rex and Gigi while much more contrived and forced are going through the same motions but the difference is that they introduced a villainess as an interloper.

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