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OLTL: Discussion for the week March 30

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I loved today's episode. Call me crazy, but the intense drama between Rex/Gigi/Shane/Stacy is EXCITING! Not to mention, Jessica going to see Brody. Wow. Fireworks.

I think Dorian/Ray have great chemistry, great scenes today. Don't really understand why Tea asked Ray out, that was random.

I love John and Blair being married, I LOVE those two.. rooting for them all the way. John and Marty have no chemistry with Susan in the role. I liked John/Marty when Christina was Marty.

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Dorian and Ray are very promising. A Martinez's face looks very strange since he had work done.

Blair and John's marriage has come out of nowhere, but I like it. If only Michael Easton would try to emote so we could get some insight into John's mind.

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LMAO! :lol: Or eucalyptus as my old acting teacher would say. BTW, is she blonde now to help us believe that she and Stace are sisters? <_<

I know we all knew it was going to happen, but Stacey's dark side reveal happened way too quickly and it was written and acted with no finesse. We will never have a great Rachel Davis-like character again because writers are too sloppy and impatient. I had hopes for Stacey which was a surprise to me since I really didn't care for CH on GL. The whole "I wanted Rex first" thing was sooo cliche to begin with, but it could have actually been handled in a beautiful way had they given CH some real pain to play... and some time to play it. Whambam insta-villain who'd see her own nephew die for a man (!?), and in two years we're supposed to root for her like we're supposed to root for Natalie? Jigga please. Soap fans are like elephants, we never forget.

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Yeah I was atually glued tomy television from start to end with OLTL today. Enjoyed the surprise marriage, and how everyone is getting ready to profess their undying love for one another but we the viewer know that it's for nothing. I might not have enjoyed CH as Stacy at first, but she's so deliciously evil I can't help but to be entertained by the girl.

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For once you have posted a comment about OLTL that I can 100%, without a doubt, agree with. :)

You know, it's sad just how everyone (and I do mean everyone) proclaims on a near constant basis just how wonderful, great, and a stand up guy John McBain is. Blair, Addie, Tea, Starr, Dorian, Marty, Jessica, etc........ the list just goes on and on.

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Today was just stupid, but there were a few bright spots.

The John McBain propping was too much. And that judge was dumber than a box of rocks....anyone with a brain cell could tell that John married Blair to keep custody of the kids. It was nice to see Addie again, but they even had her propping John. Just makes me shake my head.

Marty....sorry but I couldn't care less about your unrequited John McBain love or your spaced out druggie son.

Jessica....Just tell Brody how you feel and be done with it.

Gigi.....just tell Rex and come up with a plan to deceive Stacy and be done with it. This is just beyond stupid. At least Shane's skull cap didn't almost come off again today. :lol:

Rex....what the hell happened to you? You didn't used to be this gullible.

Stacy....I hope a house falls on you soon, or that someone pours water on you.

Blair.......get over John. The guy ain't worth it.

Tea....get your backbone back.

Morgan Guthrie.....you could do better than defending Todd Manning, but I guess the pay is good.

Brody......trying to talk sense into Gigi isn't working, try just slapping her upside the head.

Todd.....Of course, he would swear revenge on Blair and John. That's all he does...he's like a little kid. When he doesn't get what he wants, he pouts and then gets even with them. It's the same every time.

Michael.....Chris Stack (and Kathy Brier as well) is so waited on this show. He only had like three or four lines today.

Shane....the kid is tolerable, but in small doses.

Addie....John McBain is not the greatest thing since sliced bread. And he's not 'it on a stick.'

Judge....dumber than a box of rocks.

Starr....thank God they didn't have her screeching about her dead baby, dope head ex-boyfriend, or creepy teacher crush today.

Unnamed background Diner Waitress....I like you most of all because you never really say anything. :P

Dorian and Ray.....good stuff. I actually liked their scenes, especially when Dorian was all flustered while on the phone with David. ;)

Overall, I would give today a C.

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Scotty, the word "stupid" is the exact one that comes to mind. This Gigi crap is just STUPID, who is writing this, a 13 year old girl with braces and a Care Bears sweatshirt?? How bout this, "Rex, my heartless sister is trying to blackmail me with her bone marrow to get into your pants. I know, sick right? Just play along, make out with her a little and try not to enjoy it, once Shane gets the bone marrow, dump her ass and we'll live happily ever after."

I did think it was very cute when Jessica told Brody "I like you", it actually gave me butterflies in my stomach and made me think of that special feeling when a girl you like says that to you. I know I know, corny...

I'm sure she's happy just to be working so often, but do you think Ilene Kristen enjoys playing Roxie as under Stacey's thumb? I bet she doesn't, Roxie is a tough broad even if she's a little scatterbrained. I bet she can hardly wait to crush Stacey.

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He was doing that "barking" thing today that people used to complain about calling him "dog boy" because he barks his lines. I had to guffaw when he tried to play tough guy and take Schykujgh%#ler by the collar.

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