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OLTL: Discussion for the week March 30

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I really don't like the Rex/Gigi/Stacy storyline either, and I think I hate it more since I keep reading all of the negative comments on these weekly discussion threads.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you don't have anything nice to say - maybe it's time to switch to Tyra or Maury or just turn the tv off.

I am giving up reading these threads - it's a drag and not like Madame Delphina. If I was a viewer thinking about watching OLTL, I would never turn it on based on all of the Debbie downer comments.

Ratings for the shows can never go up if there aren't a few more cheerleaders.

Cheers... :huh:

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Anyways, there I was being entertained by the show until the Skylar and Cole confrontation, and then I had to quickly change the channel bc Brandon Buddy's acting today literally made me cringe. I couldn' really gt back into the show after that.

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Normally, I would agree with you 100%.

However, much of this show is just awful right now. Here is a glimpse at some of the highlights from the March episode counts (which I will type up after I finish a casting report and my column)....Starr, Gigi, and Rex led the way by appearing in 19 of 22 episodes for the month. On the other end.....Marcie had 4, Antonio had 3, Clint had 2, and Charlie had 1. Also....Viki was in 6 episodes and Dorian in 12.

Much of what is wrong with OLTL right now can be summed up in that paragraph.

If I were BK, JvD, TS, or DF......I would be very worried right now about my job. I'll try to have the full counts up by tomorrow afternoon. :)

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And Bill, remember, when things are rockin' fans are quite loud about expressing their satisfaction. No one WANTS the show to be bad, soaps are an investment for the viewer, we just don't want to be insulted by bad writing... we WANT our stories to succeed! :D

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Instead of all the Stacy nonsense, I'd much rather see Roxy try to pass the bone marrow off as her own, and maneuver a donation to Shane without people discovering the real source. I think that would be infinitely more fun.

I don't mind Stacy, but I'd rather position her as the older, more experienced alternative to Starr, for Schuyler.

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With all due respect, I really kind of hate cheerleaders. I mean that sincerely. They serve one purpose . . . to be cheery. The team can be getting creamed and they'll be smiling and looking cheery and yelling, "Hold that Line" when they're on offense, because they don't have a clue what's even happening with the game. I'll never advocate cheerleading in soaps. I get enough of them in sports.

But I do try not to add too much to the negativity. So on a brighter note. I thought Kassie DePaiva was great today. And I was glad Jessica got her heart stepped on. Serves her right for encouraging Marty to go after Blair's man when she's fighting for custody of her kids, and she's hospitalized. Kick Her When She's Down! For the last couple of weeks Jess has been acting all sympathetic about Blair's condition. Could she be more two faced? And am I supposed to believe that Jess has any idea what the interworkings of John's heart are?

I'm kind of creeped out by whoever is spying on Marty and Todd, but I'm glad too, because I think that means there will be more Marty and Todd interaction coming.

On a side note: Ray and Dorian are mega hot! Dorian's lipstick was off, and she looked like she could barely think or stand up after that kiss.

And best of all . . . when ratings come out next week, nobody can blame Jared or Natalie.

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Y&R is full of cheerleaders. I stay the hell outta there now- I hate being negative ALL the time. lol. And they are all so happy with the show. I am glad that at least one show is pleasing most people. i don't "get" it, but to each his own.

That being said, I enjoyed the campiness of OLTL LAST week. THIS week? 3 days of boredom, bad performances. Even Nora and Hank is a snore.

Whatever. There are a couple of things to look forward to.

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Layla and Cristian suck together. Layla has always been obnoxious, but it's even worse now that she's actually got her own storyline. But, on the bright side, any time it's implied that David Fumero is going to be buck naked, I'm good.

And Fish...oh, Fish. I love you so much. Please stick around!

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